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    Prevention of high blood pressure

    Around the globe, there are an incredible number of people suffering from high blood pressure, and most of them are not even aware of the presence of pathology. But not knowing about it means letting the disease take its course, which sometimes leads to catastrophic consequences for the body. Heart attack or stroke, heart failure or kidney failure are the result of uncompensated high blood pressure.

    Main causes of hypertension

    Blood pressure is an important diagnostic criterion for a doctor of any specialty.

    It is regulated by several mechanisms in the human body, so there can be an unlimited number of causes of high blood pressure pathologies.

    The most frequent among them are:

    • Poor biochemical blood test with high levels of cholesterol and lipoproteins. Their presence in the blood causes the formation of rather heavy plaques that migrate in the bloodstream and settle. For their transportation, the heart expends quite a lot of energy, and the lumen of the vessels narrows when they are fixed. All this causes a tendency to increase pressure.
    • The biochemical reflection of a large amount of protein in the blood is also a factor in hypertension. Protein compounds, as elements of undigested food, penetrate the blood and thicken it, which causes tension in the heart and blood vessels.
    • The release of adrenaline during constant stress directly worsens the condition of the vessels. They become less elastic and brittle, it is difficult for them to compensate for changes in blood pressure. Yes, and adrenaline itself causes vasospasm, which forms a load on the entire body.
    • Some pharmacological agents increase blood pressure, which is their side effect. Receptors that are susceptible to certain drugs may be in the vascular wall and heart, which will affect them. Usually there is vasoconstriction, which disappears to no avail when the medication is discontinued.

    Somatic causes of pathology

    Some factors in the development of hypertension are caused by acquired pathologies and diseases:

    • Any pathology of the kidneys invariably affects the pressure indicators. A kind of filter in our body counts the amount of incoming and outflowing blood. Together with the adrenal glands, they respond with the production of funds for vasodilatation with a small amount of blood, vasospasm - when the volume is exceeded. When the kidney vessels are constricted by an infection, the detoxification organ sees this as a vascular problem and raises the pressure incorrectly.
    • Any hormonal imbalance usually affects the state of the blood in the form of its thinning or thickening, which determines the load on the vessels and the heart.
    • Higher nerve centers can be damaged by trauma or infection, which can also cause atypical pressure.

    • Excess weight adds additional numbers to the level of blood pressure. Each kilogram gained requires its own blood circulation, which loads the heart, which may not be able to cope with it. So the cardiovascular system is in constant tension, which invariably leads to crises.
    • Ignoring a healthy lifestyle and initiating bad habits are risk factors for high blood pressure. Excess salt in food, physical inactivity leads to atherosclerotic vascular damage, and nicotine is regarded by the body as a stress mediator. Their constant presence in a person's life kills blood vessels and the heart.
    This list of etiological causes can be continued. Each case of high blood pressure is strictly individual and requires treatment according to its own rational scheme.

    How to prevent hypertension

    Caring about your health and implementing preventive measures can prevent high blood pressure. Even the slightest deviation from the norm of blood pressure indicators should serve as a reason for seeking medical help. A comprehensive examination, including laboratory and instrumental examinations, taking an anamnesis and identifying symptoms of hypertension, will help the doctor form a picture of the disease. With a timely appeal for help, complex multi-stage therapy may not be needed. All treatment can be reduced to a simple change in lifestyle, reconsideration of one's habits and foundations.

    Anyone who is faced with the first signs of hypertension, or has a burdened heredity, can protect themselves from high blood pressure with a number of simple preventive measures:

    1. First of all, you should review your diet. The daily menu of the majority of the population is satiated with sweet, salty fatty foods, fast food, carbonated drinks, lots of coffee. Dietary treatment should include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants to help counter the harmful environment.
    2. Not only diet will help control weight, but also familiarization with sports and any physical activity. In the course of classes, the blood circulation of all organs suffering from hypoxia is restored, excess energy of fatty acids is expended, spasmodic vessels are relaxed.
    3. Effective treatment of hypertension and its prevention lies in the refusal of alcohol and smoking. Dependence can be severe, which can be solved by psychological training with a specialist.
    A set of preventive measures can effectively remove the symptoms of high blood pressure.

    However, their introduction into life is advisable in the early stages of the development of pathology, when the vessels have not changed much and have not lost their elasticity. In this case, medication treatment may not even be required, since a healthy lifestyle will protect the heart, blood vessels and the body as a whole.

    Article author: Kristina Borisova
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    Prevention of high blood pressure