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    Prevention of hypertension with folk remedies

    High blood pressure is a fairly common problem, so the prevention of hypertension is an important task for every person, because the disease is much easier to prevent than to cure.

    Prevention of hypertension is especially relevant for those people who have a hereditary predisposition to this disease or constantly fluctuating blood pressure.

    The danger of this disease is that it can cause a heart attack, stroke, kidney or heart failure, and other dangerous pathologies.

    How to prevent the development of hypertension

    The treatment of hypertension is a rather long and laborious process. Most often, the disease becomes chronic, and no matter what pills you drink, it will not recede forever anyway. You will have to use antihypertensive drugs for the rest of your life. Therefore, in order not to start treatment, it is necessary to try by all means to prevent the development of the disease.

    Men need to be especially careful.

    After all, this pathology affects women much less frequently than the representatives of the stronger sex.

    More attention should be paid to this issue:

    • men aged 30 to 50;
    • women during menopause and after it;
    • women who take oral contraceptives with a high content of estrogen;
    • people who are constantly under stress;
    • suffering from pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
    • lovers of cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.

    Primary preventive measures

    Prevention of hypertension is primary and secondary:

    • primary avoids the development of the disease;
    • the secondary prevents the development of complications when the diagnosis has already been made.

    The issue of prevention has recently become very acute, as more and more people suffer from high blood pressure.

    Every year, cases of manifestation of the disease occur in younger people.

    A sedentary lifestyle contributes to the development of the disease. According to research, modern people move little. Control panels, wireless communication and other technological marvels have greatly simplified a person's life, but also significantly increased the risk of developing serious diseases.

    Hypodynamia is one of the causes of high blood pressure. To avoid this, you do not need to subject yourself to grueling workouts. Just walking is enough.

    Hypertension is often caused by stress, so it is necessary to strengthen the nervous system. For this, auto-training, meditation, self-hypnosis are used.

    The simplest and most effective way to strengthen the body is to go in for sports. Cardio training, running, swimming, walking, breathing exercises can improve well-being. It will also help you lose weight, which is one of the causes of high blood pressure.

    The measures of primary prevention of hypertension include timely treatment of diseases of the heart, kidneys, endocrine system. It is also very important to create the correct daily routine. You need to rest at least eight hours a day. It is advisable to go to bed and wake up at the same time.

    Rejection of bad habits

    Prevention of high blood pressure begins with getting rid of bad habits. Cigarettes, alcohol and drugs, even in small doses, have a destructive effect on the body.

    A small amount of alcohol can clear the vessels of plaques, but if taken occasionally. The abuse of alcoholic beverages leads not only to increased pressure, but also causes many other problems.

    Smoking provokes a chronic spasmodic state of blood vessels. This leads to the fact that the walls of the vessels become less elastic, the blood cannot circulate normally, which increases the pressure.

    Such properties of cigarettes lead to the development of hypertension and atherosclerosis. It is advisable to give up this addiction before the development of the disease.

    It is possible to list all the consequences for the body from drug use for a long time. High blood pressure is far from the worst complication of this addiction.

    Nutrition rules

    Diet plays an important role in the development of hypertension.

    Proper diet is the key to health.

    Doctors consider table salt to be the main enemy of the health of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is desirable to reduce its amount in the diet.

    You also need to follow these rules of nutrition:

    1. Drink a glass or two of warm water on an empty stomach. This will start metabolic processes and normalize blood pressure.
    2. Animal fats, fried and spicy foods should be avoided.
    3. The diet should be dominated by fruits, vegetables and dairy products. Such nutrition will saturate the body with useful components.
    4. Sweet foods and pastries are not directly related to hypertension, but can cause weight gain, which will lead to an increase in pressure.

    Prevention of complications

    With constantly elevated pressure, a person should not forget about the prevention of complications. If the diagnosis has already been made, then special recommendations must be followed.

    Be sure to also take medications:

    • lowering the level of blood pressure;
    • reducing the risk of developing a hypertensive crisis and lesions of internal organs.
    To avoid the serious consequences of hypertension, special drugs are prescribed and appropriate dietary and lifestyle restrictions are developed for the patient.

    To non-drug methods add:

    1. Physiotherapy. The list of procedures can be quite large, all of them are aimed at improving the patient's well-being.
    2. Special medical gymnastics.
    3. Visiting cardiological sanatoriums.
    4. Psychotherapy and autotraining.

    Various medications are used to prevent and treat hypertension. At the initial stages of the development of the disease, sedative tablets or drops are prescribed. At a later date, the help of antihypertensive drugs may be needed. What drugs to prescribe, the doctor must decide.

    The following drugs are mainly prescribed:

    1. Sedatives. Most often, these are plant-based medicines (for example, valerian, motherwort).
    2. Beta blockers. They affect the nerve receptors of the cardiovascular system.
    3. Diuretics that speed up recovery. They remove excess fluid from the body, due to this, blood volume decreases, and pressure decreases.

    Diuretics for hypertension have been taken for more than a decade. They help the body remove excess salt and fluid, so they are useful for high blood pressure. They are prescribed very often, as they relieve the burden on the heart, facilitate the work of the kidneys and liver.

    Some drugs can dilate blood vessels, which can minimize the complications of hypertension.

    Treatment of hypertension is carried out with diuretics of various groups.

    The list of drugs is rather big, but the most common are the following pills:

    1. thiazide drugs. They are most effective in reducing pressure. Therefore, they top the list of diuretics for hypertension. Tablets prevent the excretion of calcium from the body.
    2. Potassium-sparing. These drugs are prescribed in combination with other diuretic drugs. They improve kidney function and speed up the process of removing fluid and salt from the body. They are stronger than previous pills, so they have more side effects. Which is better to use, the doctor decides, but the drugs of this group are best used in critical situations.
    3. natural diuretics. Folk diuretics for hypertension have been used for a very long time. They are much healthier than pills and more affordable. Treatment with such means does not require special schemes, it is enough just to eat a certain list of foods. To achieve a diuretic effect in the diet, it is necessary to increase the amount of cranberries, pumpkins, watermelons, parsley, celery, asparagus and oats. Diuretic effect gives cucumber juice.

    Diuretic tablets and products with prolonged use can lead to a lack of potassium in the body. This can contribute to a deterioration in well-being and a violation of the heart rhythm. To replenish the reserves of this substance, you need to eat more potatoes, dried fruits and drink milk.

    Diuretics for hypertension, like other pills, should be prescribed only by a specialist. He knows which drugs are suitable in a particular case.

    The list of drugs is prescribed based on the state of health, the stage and form of the development of the disease. A consultation with a doctor is required!

    Article author: Ekaterina Filatova
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    Prevention of hypertension with folk remedies