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    Folk remedy for hypertension 5 tinctures

    High blood pressure is a fairly common problem for modern people. If earlier hypertension was a disease of the elderly, now young people suffer from it.

    Lack of timely treatment increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks. But many are confused by the cost and side effects of modern drugs, so people are increasingly turning to medicinal herbs and infusions from them.

    Comprehensive attack on blood pressure

    Among the many herbal medicines, five of the most effective are distinguished.

    These are tinctures:

    • Valerian.
    • Motherwort.
    • Peony.
    • Peppermint.
    • Calendula.

    Each of these plants is useful in its own way, and their combination greatly enhances the effectiveness of treatment. In order to prepare an effective folk remedy for high blood pressure at home, you will need peppermint in the amount of 25 grams and 100 grams of other tinctures. Mix these ingredients and add cloves to them.

    The medicine should be placed in a glass dish and kept in the dark for two weeks. Then strain and drink every day fifteen minutes before eating a dessert spoon. The course of treatment lasts a month, after which you need to rest for ten days and repeat if necessary.

    This medicine is used for nervous disorders, depression.

    The ingredients for the remedy can be bought at a pharmacy at a fairly low price or made independently. It is better, of course, to cook them at home, then you can be completely sure of their quality and naturalness.

    Properties of tinctures

    Each plant in the composition of tinctures has a number of useful properties:

    • Valerian. It has been used for centuries to relieve the symptoms of various diseases. It has sedative and antispasmodic properties, which can successfully reduce blood pressure. After all, stressful situations, nervous overstrain contribute to the development of hypertension. And valerian calms the nervous system. A tincture of this plant is often recommended for the prevention of angina pectoris, liver disorders and stomach cramps. It has a good effect on the cardiovascular system in combination with other sedative drugs.

    • Motherwort bears some resemblance to valerian. It can also be used for calming, normalizing the heartbeat, relieving spasms in blood vessels, and lowering blood pressure. The medicine acts very gently and gradually, so you should not be afraid of sudden pressure surges. The plant is contraindicated only if a person suffers from a slowdown in cardiac activity.
    • Peony has a positive effect on the state of the autonomic nervous system. It is this system that is responsible for the normal state of blood vessels and their response to stimuli. Combined with the calming properties of other tinctures, peony can be used to treat hypertension.
    • With the help of calendula, both low and high blood pressure can be successfully and safely treated. This tool has no side effects and has only a positive effect on human health.
    • Peppermint is made up of allantoin. This substance perfectly helps to cope with inflammatory processes and edema, accelerates the restoration of cartilage and bone tissue.

    How the medicine works

    A mixture of tinctures is used in folk medicine as a remedy for many diseases, including hypertension. The medicine contains ingredients that have a positive effect on human health.

    Five folk tinctures for hypertension have such an effect on the body:

    1. They affect the entire body. They help not only normalize blood pressure, but also eliminate diseases of the nervous system, relieve sleep problems and stress.
    2. Each component of the drug affects health in its own way. Valerian and motherwort have a calming effect, normalize the state of the central nervous system. Fight insomnia and other sleep disorders. The remaining ingredients normalize blood circulation, stabilize blood pressure, improve heart function.

    Another great advantage of the drug can be considered that it is easy to prepare at home.

    Medicinal plants contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. They have been successfully used to treat hypertension. But the effectiveness of therapy depends on the correct use of drugs. Some plants may have contraindications, so before using it is necessary to consult a therapist or cardiologist.

    Article author: roman
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    Folk remedy for hypertension 5 tinctures