Recardio - a drug for hypertension
Recardio is a blood pressure lowering drug. The drug is not only an "ambulance" with an increase in pressure, but also fights the cause of the pathology. Acts quickly. Already after 10-15 minutes after administration, the effect is noticeable.
The composition of the drug is natural, which allows it to be used by almost all people. But there are also contraindications for use. You can buy the drug at a pharmacy without a prescription. Before use, you should read the reviews, the instructions for use must be studied.
The instruction says that the composition includes the following components:
- Bark and resin of larch. Contains beneficial bioflavonoids. These substances take part in tissue respiration, normalize redox reactions, have antioxidant properties, reduce capillary permeability, have a positive effect on the endocrine glands, and reduce high blood pressure. Flavonoids perfectly bind and remove toxic substances from the body, neutralize carcinogens.
- Extract of white willow and larch. These extracts improve blood circulation, remove harmful cholesterol from the body. They prevent the development of thrombosis, strengthen and make blood vessels elastic. Actively participate in hematopoiesis. Benefits include lowering blood sugar levels.
- St. John's wort and chestnut extracts. They have a sedative effect. Prevent the development of stress, which can cause an increase in pressure. Able to eliminate insomnia, anxiety.
- Ginkgo biloba extract. Reduces excess weight, helps the liver break down fats and toxins. Removes toxic components from the body. Helps cleanse the blood of harmful substances. Under the influence of this component, the work of the renal and circulatory system improves. The component included in the composition is actively involved in metabolic processes, normalizes them.
- Bee venom, antler concentrate. Increase the overall tone, performance. Under the influence of these substances, sleep and appetite improve, arteries and capillaries expand, blood flow to diseased organs increases, and pain decreases. The components contribute to an increase in hemoglobin, a decrease in blood viscosity. Under the action of the components, the heart muscle is stimulated, high blood pressure (BP) decreases, and metabolism is normalized. The amount of cholesterol in the blood is significantly reduced, the development of atherosclerosis is prevented.
What effect does it have on the body
You should also buy Recardio because it has the following advantages over analogues:
- under the action of the drug, blood pressure is normalized;
- the drug is absolutely safe;
- is a complex remedy for the treatment of hypertension;
- reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes, thrombophlebitis;
- already after the first course of treatment, flexibility and vascular tone are restored;
- there are no pressure drops;
- can be used at any stage of pathology and at any age;
- headaches disappear, as narrowing, spasm of cerebral vessels is eliminated;
- there is no noise in the ears, “flies” and a veil before the eyes;
- a person is not bothered by weakness, sleep disturbances, dizziness, heaviness in the head, tachycardia;
- no nosebleeds, vomiting, severe pressure on the eyes;
- memory improves;
- puffiness is removed.
The instruction contains information that, against the background of regular intake, the causes of hypertension are eliminated:
- overweight or obesity;
- dysfunction of the thyroid gland, kidneys;
- magnesium deficiency;
- intoxication with toxic substances;
- neuropsychic stress.
Hypertension is a rather dangerous pathology. Complications - blockage of blood vessels, thrombosis, stroke, heart attack. If you buy Recardio, then all these consequences can be prevented.
The medicine can also be used for preventive purposes after 35 years.
Especially if people are at risk - they drink alcohol, smoke, lead a sedentary lifestyle, experience everyday stress, and eat improperly.
Be sure to try and buy a tool for overweight people.
Despite its high efficiency and ability to eliminate the causes of hypertension, you should consult your doctor before use. Because the drug has contraindications. These include individual intolerance to the components that make up the composition; children's age up to 12 years; the period of gestation and breastfeeding; hypotension. One of the advantages of the drug Recardio is the price, it is affordable for all people.
In the future, take only if the condition worsens. Can be taken as a preventive measure. In this case, the dosage will be reduced.
Reviews about the drug
What people write about the drug.
Valery, 61 years old, Moscow.
I have been on high blood pressure medication for over 25 years. They are valid only during the reception period.
The doctor advised me to buy Recardio. He said that the tool is new and very effective. Indeed, after 2-3 days I began to feel normal. Moreover, headaches and bleeding disappeared. I had them all the time. The pressure is normal. Has passed or has taken place two courses of treatment. I haven't felt any pressure for six months now.
Valentina, 65 years old, Moscow.
I've smoked all my adult life, plus I'm overweight. When the doctors diagnosed hypertension, I was not even very surprised. She took various drugs. But always the same result. The pressure decreases and after a few days the jumps again. Visiting the hospital again, I heard about Recardio in the queue. I decided to try, although to be honest, I did not hope for a result. I thought it was another divorce.
I read the reviews before buying. Basically, I didn't see anything wrong. After the course of treatment, I was pleasantly surprised. For eight months, the pressure did not make itself felt at all. I am much calmer and sleep well. Now again the pressure began to rise, because I was nervous (my friend died). I bought the drug, I will drink and recover.
Eugene, 67 years old, Khabarovsk.
This pressure just wore me out. Most often, because of the jumps, I lie on the couch. My son found information somewhere on the Internet that Recardio has already helped many people. Honestly, I am skeptical about advertising, especially drugs, on the Internet.
When the instructions for use, the composition caught my eye, I realized that if the pills did not help, then they would not harm. By the end of the first week after taking it, my condition had improved a lot. I want to dance. The pressure is normal, no dizziness, flies, tinnitus. Although before that, such symptoms accompanied me all the time. I recommend the capsules to anyone who suffers from hypertension.
Oksana Sergeevna, cardiologist of the highest category, Moscow.
Bioflavonoids are the main substances that fight hypertension. These components are part of multiple drugs for hypertension. But their number is minimal, so the effect must be expected for many months. Recardio contains a large amount of flavonoids. In addition, other components also have a positive effect on the body. Having studied the formula and composition of the drug, the contraindications that the instructions contain, I can say with confidence that this is a really effective remedy. Now, as a doctor, I recommend it to all my patients.