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    Modern remedies for hypertension

    In the modern world, there is a steady trend towards an increase in the number of patients with hypertension. Any person can face the problem of high blood pressure, regardless of age, gender, field of activity. Hypertension is called a “gentle killer”, since its symptoms may not make themselves felt for a long time, but destroy the structure and functionality of the whole organism. The compensatory activity of human organs is such that it masks this serious disease. Over time, a heart attack or stroke can develop from high blood pressure, which threatens the life of those suffering from hypertension. As an alternative to death, conditions may occur that reduce the quality of life of patients.

    A silent killer

    For a long time, blood pressure may have elevated numbers, but the person will not be aware of it. Headaches, irritability, and the appearance of inattention are often attributed to fatigue and lack of sleep. Ischemic damage to the vessels of the heart or brain can be the first and most dangerous symptom of hypertension.

    The level of pressure after 40 years should be constantly monitored. Attention should also be paid to this parameter to persons in whose families there is a burdened heredity, and almost everyone falls ill with hypertension. Drug correction of the disease will help eliminate the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes, as well as the development of other serious complications from the heart and kidneys.

    The diagnosis of hypertension is made on the basis of several pressure measurements using a tonometer.

    Rules for measuring blood pressure:

    1. The person should be in a sitting position, do not cross arms and legs.
    2. The cuff of the tonometer should be placed strictly on the upper arm, parallel to the suspected area of ​​the heart.
    3. From the moment of physical or emotional stress, at least half an hour should pass.
    4. The measurement must be carried out repeatedly: if high blood pressure persists three times, the diagnosis of hypertension is confirmed.

    Do not ignore the symptoms that become companions of high blood pressure:

    • The disease can begin with constant fatigue.
    • Gradually added headaches, tinnitus and flickering midges.
    • Pulsation of large vessels after physical exertion and emotional stress.
    • The heart may also hurt, and the patient may feel interruptions in his work.

    Advertised products in modern society play almost a key role. We blindly believe in advertising and buy the shampoo that we see on the TV screen, use the vaunted powder and believe in the wonderful taste and aroma of seasonings and spices. Often, information about the best medicines comes off the screens. Many potential patients of a cardiologist do not even think about what to buy from pressure if it has risen sharply.

    Indeed, on the screen, some grandmother begins to dance after a miraculous pill for hypertension. Undoubtedly, there are many effective fast-acting agents in the pharmacological field. But they should be prescribed only by a qualified doctor who relies on his knowledge and experience. In our body, there are many mechanisms for regulating pressure, but each person has even more individual characteristics. Not always an effective remedy for one patient copes with the hypertensive symptoms of another.

    In any therapy, it is important:

    • medication dosage,
    • application mode,
    • combination with other drugs.

    And only a doctor of a therapeutic or cardiological orientation can understand this.

    Self-administration of medications can not only not cause the desired effect, but also harm. The presence of concomitant diseases has an unforeseen effect on the pharmacodynamics of any tablet in the human body. The moment of its action is difficult to predict, since many factors of the internal environment of the body have a direct effect on the drug that has entered it.

    It is also dangerous to ignore drug therapy. Reckless refusal of treatment does not reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. The compensatory forces of the body tend to end, which leads to vascular accidents. Unfortunately, damaged and worn-out vessels are not able to recover on their own.

    Drugs of choice

    The most effective medicine for hypertension can only be chosen by a doctor. It is in his competence to correlate the effectiveness of the drug and the individuality of the patient. In this matter, it is important to take into account everything both from the side of the medicine and from the side of the patient.

    The drug for high blood pressure should have:

    • minimal side effects
    • convenient dosage,
    • affordable price.

    The patient is checked for tolerability of the drug, the presence of comorbidity.

    Important to consider:

    • gender and age of the patient,
    • his professional activities
    • harmfulness of production
    • Lifestyle,
    • having bad habits.

    In accordance with this, the risk of developing a heart attack and stroke is established. Thus, a high risk requires regular combination therapy. If the pressure can be corrected, the dose of drugs can be reduced, as well as their frequency of administration.

    Late visit to the doctor, self-medication or ignoring the symptoms often develops hypertension to the last stage. In such cases, therapy consists of several drugs, which most often will have to be taken for life.

    Means for hypertension are presented in a wide range and are aimed at strengthening the vascular wall, optimizing the work of the heart, restoring hormonal and immunological balance.

    Modern drugs are such that they are not addictive, do not interfere with the energy metabolism of the body, do not affect the nervous conduction and excitability of the autonomic system. Each drug has clear indications according to its mechanism of action.

    Antihypertensive drugs have the following classification:

    • Diuretics or diuretics. Their action is aimed at removing excess fluid from the vascular bed, which reduces the specific gravity of the blood and vascular resistance. Their distribution is due to excellent tolerance, favorable and simple effects on the cardiovascular system, and optimal cost. However, together with the water component of the blood, even modern diuretics remove important ions. As a result, dangerous hypokalemia develops. As a side effect, impotence or dyslipidemia can also develop. Most often in medical practice, furosemide, indapamide, triamterene are prescribed.
    • Alpha class adrenoblockers affect the vessels and the prostate gland. They are effective for lowering pressure, with prostatic hypertrophy. A significant disadvantage of their long-term use is the failure of carbohydrate and fat metabolism. An example of this series is prazosin.
    • Beta-blockers are the drugs of choice for cardiovascular disease, including hypertension. Myocardial infarction and angina pectoris are also stopped by drugs of this series. An excellent effect on blood vessels and the heart may be accompanied by a constrictive effect on the bronchi, which is regarded as a side effect. Metoprolol, concor, anaprilin as representatives of this series are used most often.
    • Antagonists block the entry and exit channels of these ions. So these modern medicines do not allow vasospasm to occur. They are effective in the antihypertensive therapy of the elderly with sufficiently worn vessels. Calcium blockers are reliable prevention of heart attacks and strokes. Amlodipine and diazem also fight peripheral vascular disease and eliminate AV blockade.

    • The most effective in the treatment of high blood pressure at the moment are ACE inhibitors. The mechanism of their action is aimed at one of the main schemes of pressure regulation located in the kidneys. They are well tolerated at any age, with the exception of pregnant women. They are contraindicated in somatic and infectious lesions of the kidneys. The absence of side effects and the rapid decrease in pressure make these drugs common and in demand. Enam, Renitek, Captopril have many more analogues, different in terms of price qualification.
    Quite rarely, drug monotherapy is used in the clinical practice of pressure correction. Usually only a combination of several means reduces the pressure to the optimum level. The impact on several mechanisms of pressure regulation allows you to remove the painful symptoms of hypertension and the possibility of its life-threatening complications.

    How to find the best medicine

    Health site statistics show that many users are looking for the best remedy for pressure. Obviously, ignorance of the etiology of the disease gives rise to a desire to find such a unique medicine.

    High blood pressure does not occur from scratch in an absolutely healthy person.

    The following causes lead to hypertension:

    • Burdened heredity. In a family where almost all family members and representatives of the past generation suffer from hypertension, other relatives also tend to have high blood pressure.
    • The presence of pathology of the heart and kidneys mediate problems with pressure. When the heart can't handle its load, it pumps out disproportionate volumes of blood, which creates increased vascular resistance as a factor in high blood pressure.
    • Bad habits and ignoring a healthy lifestyle also play an important role in the development of hypertension. Naturally, smoking most of all provokes vasospasm and a tendency to increase pressure, but the contribution of unhealthy nutrition is also important. In particular, the predominance of high-carbohydrate and fatty foods in food provokes the progression of the atherosclerotic process, which narrows the lumen of the vessels.

    If heredity is hard enough to influence, then the second and especially the third point can be corrected or not allowed at all. And all the search for the best remedy for hypertension can be reduced to lifestyle changes and the elimination of bad habits.

    People of the past generation, who lived in the conditions of the virtual absence of the Internet and the media, can still be understood. They firmly believed in the miraculous power of traditional medicine and antihypertensive drugs that were rare at that time. Modern therapy is reluctantly accepted by the older generation, as are recommendations for lifestyle changes. However, young people have wide access to information and should understand the importance of preventing any disease.

    In addition, one should accept the fact that there is no most effective and best remedy for hypertension:

    1. Among modern drugs, there are no safest means.
    2. Any substance of a chemical nature in the human body, in addition to the main action, causes a number of reactions that are not always favorable.
    3. Drugs are absorbed, converted in the body and excreted from it in different ways.
    4. The normal functioning of other organs also plays an important role in this.
    5. Taking multiple drugs is even more unpredictable and increases the chance of adverse reactions.

    Modern medicine thoroughly studies these interactions, but the imprint of individual characteristics is too large. Doctors, with their great desire, are sometimes unable to help.

    A person can help himself. Everyday life forces you to work actively and not notice the growing symptoms of somatic pathologies. An artificially created algorithm of the life of a modern person sometimes does not leave time for rest, and even more so for illness. It is important to introduce healthy habits into this uninterrupted rhythm.

    After all, it is not difficult to start the day with a healthy portion of porridge, supplemented with fresh fruit. Morning tension in anticipation of the orders of the authorities, many begin with a cigarette and coffee. Such a complex undoubtedly entails vasospasm. A kind of "breakfast", becoming a habit, every day will wear out the vessels. An increase in the number of cigarettes and exposure to constant stress exacerbate the situation.

    Lunch in the concept of a modern person is a quick snack, most often fast food or hastily prepared semi-finished products. Such food is saturated with complex carbohydrates and fats - provocateurs of the atherosclerotic process. Cholesterol plaques, settling on the vessels, narrow their lumen, which leads to an increase in pressure.

    There are a huge number of alternatives for a healthy lunch:

    1. Healthy food is also available today, as is common fast food.
    2. Fresh salads and mashed soups, hot lunches can be ordered in most cafes and restaurants, as well as cooked by yourself.
    3. Modernized containers keep the temperature of the products for a long time.

    Particularly difficult days, many employees try to drown out alcoholic drinks and a hearty dinner. The seeming relaxation from drinking weakens blood vessels, and overeating at night does not allow the body to rest during sleep. Such an “unhealthy” end of the day can be replaced with very useful activities. A long working day allows you to go in for sports only in the late afternoon, when your strength is almost exhausted. However, this is a matter of training. Lessons of low intensity can be increased over time due to the pace.

    Apply relaxing:

    • yoga action,
    • jogging,
    • Hiking, which does not particularly require special physical effort.

    Two hours after an active workout, you can afford a light dinner of fresh vegetables, cereals, fish, cottage cheese products.

    Such a balanced diet, combined with active recreation and sports, will help each person become more stress-resistant. Adrenaline and other hormones will be produced during training, so there will be no place for aggression in life.

    Thus, the most effective drug for hypertension simply does not exist. However, a balanced diet, lack of physical inactivity and bad habits will be the best prevention of high blood pressure, even with aggravated heredity. Do not surf the Internet in search of simple, cheap and effective medicines. Healthy life principles will save each person from pathologies and diseases.

    Article author: roman
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    Modern remedies for hypertension