High blood pressure first aid, high blood pressure pills
Cases of a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure are extremely dangerous to health. However, hypertension can lead to much more catastrophes in the human body. Even a one-of-a-kind increase in vascular tone should alert and serve as a reason for immediate medical attention. Usually, people with an established diagnosis carry pills with them to immediately eliminate fraught symptoms. An unprepared potential patient of a cardiologist may not know what to do with the onset of a hypertensive crisis.
Symptoms of a crisis
The state of high blood pressure can be recognized by external signs. Usually a person turns pale, dark circles form under the eyes, he sweats excessively. Patients may feel dizzy, from sudden movements they lose their orientation. Fever and shivering are usually accompanied by vomiting at any meal. In such cases, you should not independently select a remedy for hypertension and take all the pills in turn, waiting for the effect of any of them.
Patients with the first case of high blood pressure should call an ambulance, until the time of arrival of which you can use improvised means.
In the home first aid kit, there will certainly be mustard plasters that can be applied to the shins and calves, which will cause blood flow from the head to the legs. Mustard plasters can be replaced with a foot bath. An alternative would be to apply a tourniquet on the limbs with the condition that vascular pulsation should be felt below the site of compression. The tourniquet is applied alternately on each surface, but not more than half an hour. A slow decrease in pressure occurs due to some stagnation in the veins and unloading of the heart.
With high vascular tone, pain in the heart can occur. If the pain is excruciating and makes the patient rush about and have a fever, it is necessary to use validol and nitroglycerin, which dissolve under the tongue. While the ambulance is on the way, you can take any other sedative, for example, drops of validol diluted in a glass of water or dripped onto refined sugar.
Drug therapy
In the medical arsenal there is a list of remedies that eliminate high blood pressure quickly and effectively. Doctors recommend that some pills be carried by people with high risk factors.
Capoten, furosemide, clonidine effectively and, most importantly, quickly reduce pressure. In this case, capoten is recognized as the most optimal drug - the first representative of the class of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors.
Capoten tablets have become preferred by patients due to their characteristics. Most of the drugs of its class and related drugs according to the mechanism of action require a lot of time to achieve an antihypertensive effect. Blood pressure naturally drops, but not so quickly as to prevent consequences for the heart muscle and brain.
With the intake of capoten, pressure indicators fall after fifteen minutes. Its hypotensive effect reaches its peak after an hour, but the rapid therapeutic effect buys time to avoid vascular disorders. The result of taking one tablet of capoten is always predictable, and increasing the dose is also manageable and does not cause side effects.
What else to do
Usually, blood pressure readings do not rush up for no reason. Nervous strain or chronic stress most often cause pressure to jump. Help in eliminating the dangerous symptoms of hypertension of this etiology can be provided by glycine or sedatives: fenozepam or elenium.
The experience of the common population describes such outstanding ways to lower pressure without the participation of medicines:
- Cold will provide the necessary assistance with increased pressure when applying compresses. You can use a towel dampened with water, or frozen food wrapped in a cloth.
- The hypotensive effect is seen in geraniums. It is enough to tie a leaf of the plant to the wrist, and its unique composition normalizes vascular tone like a fast-acting pill.
- A raspberry bush in a summer cottage is also useful in the fight against crises. The leaves of the shrub are good to brew as tea, however, it is better to use it infused for half an hour.
- Viburnum berries help with pressure in its natural form. It is enough to chew the fruits and antihypertensive substances will enter the bloodstream through the oral cavity.
- In a state of crisis, patients may be seized by panic fear, so it is important not to escalate the situation to others and to behave calmly. The pressure must be reduced gradually so that it does not fall by more than 20 mm Hg. Art. in one hour.
The advantage of calling an ambulance lies in their ability to administer antihypertensive drugs intravenously, which will act as quickly as possible. If the crisis has not caused complications, usually patients are not hospitalized, but they are strongly recommended to be examined in the laboratory.
There are times when hypertension can be managed through lifestyle changes without the need for ongoing and sometimes costly treatment. Healthy nutrition, dosed physical activity, the fight against bad habits will not allow high blood pressure to arise even against the background of aggravated heredity.