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    hypertension and death

    Nowadays, such a disease as arterial hypertension is one of the most famous for a person. Arterial hypertension increases the pressure to a high level, which subsequently leads to various complications. That is why it is very important to determine the development of the disease in time and begin its treatment.

    Regularly elevated blood pressure is observed in people who experience spasmodic symptoms in the blood vessels. According to experienced doctors specializing in the field of diseases associated with human vessels, arterial hypertension often appears due to circulatory disorders. Disrupted heart function is also a cause that contributes to the development of the disease, which can subsequently lead to serious complications, or death.

    Why does the disease occur and its symptoms

    A disease such as arterial hypertension often affects the human vessels, which after a certain period of time of its development are severely damaged. Due to the strong flow of blood, which the walls of the vessels are not always able to withstand, their rupture occurs, and as a result, a phenomenon such as hemorrhage appears. Most often, the vessels can burst where their elasticity is low, which leads to negative consequences.

    The most common symptom of the disease is headache, in the occipital and temporal part. This symptom is caused by narrowing of the vessels of the human brain.

    In addition, other symptoms of hypertension are observed:

    • Increased heart rate.
    • Cloudiness and blurring in the eyes.
    • Strong dizziness.
    • Malaise and weakness in the limbs.
    • Bad dream.

    In the case of more serious complications of the disease, partial loss of vision is possible, as well as damage to the blood vessels of the brain caused by high blood pressure. These symptoms can lead to diseases such as stroke, paralysis, sclerosis. They can be provoked by hemorrhage of blood vessels or thrombosis in them.

    Moreover, in many patients with arterial hypertension, the following symptoms may appear:

    • Nausea and vomiting.
    • Insomnia.
    • A sharp decrease in memory.
    • Bleeding from the nose.
    • Rapid depletion of energy.
    • Disturbed heartbeat.
    • Swelling of extremities (mainly legs).

    The main causes of occurrence

    The cause for the occurrence of such an ailment as hypertension can be many different factors. One of these factors is constant stress. In addition, work can also be the cause, in which a person has a poor psycho-emotional state. Also, the cause of the disease can be a traumatic brain injury, which was received relatively recently, as a rule, before the onset of symptoms of hypertension. Additionally, the development of the disease contributes to the use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs.

    Also, the main reasons include genetic predisposition. That is, if one of the close relatives suffers from arterial hypertension, then there is a possibility of transmission of this disease by inheritance. In addition, one of the main reasons for its development may be the defeat of the so-called "target organs" (kidneys, heart, brain), which, due to impaired functionality, can cause high blood pressure in the body.

    In addition to these factors, hypodynamia can serve as a cause. It usually occurs in people of mature and old age. This factor provokes the appearance of atherosclerosis. Arterial hypertension is considered very dangerous, as it greatly contributes to vasoconstriction and prevents normal blood flow to the kidneys and heart, which subsequently leads to serious complications.

    Stages of the disease

    The development of hypertension involves the passage of several specific stages.

    As a rule, it is customary to distinguish 3 main stages:

    • The pressure level is within 140/90 units. Periodically, stabilization of blood pressure is observed, after which its growth occurs. As a rule, at the initial stage of the development of the disease, the patient does not notice any special changes. All body systems function normally, however, quite often there is a significant increase in pressure, which gradually returns to normal. This form of the disease is diagnosed mainly by chance. To establish the diagnosis, constant monitoring of the dynamics of blood pressure is necessary. As a rule, to determine the disease, the specialist recommends keeping a special diary with measurements, on which he relies when making a diagnosis.
    • At this stage of the disease, the pressure level can be in the range of 160/100 units. An increase in pressure is observed quite often, in addition, it rarely returns to normal. At this stage of the development of the disease, quite often the patient feels severe pain in the head. In addition, symptoms such as lethargy and weakness appear. The increase in pressure is observed for a long time. BP does not stabilize on its own.
    • This is the most severe stage of the disease. At this stage, the pressure level can rise to 180/110 units. BP is almost constantly kept in the region of these indicators. A sudden drop in pressure can mean heart problems. With an independent decrease in blood pressure at this stage, experts begin to suspect serious malfunctions in the heart. That is why with such a phenomenon it is necessary to urgently visit a cardiologist. In addition, at this stage, the main signs of hypertension are quite clearly expressed in patients. The appearance of these signs largely determines the appeal of patients to a specialist. This stage of the disease is quite difficult to treat, and the process of its elimination is quite lengthy. Most often, experts recommend undergoing treatment in a hospital. As a rule, the impact involves taking special medicines in combination with physiotherapy.
    • Quite often, at this stage of the development of the disease, a phenomenon such as hypertensive crises is observed.

      Such exacerbations are characterized by a sharp, significant increase in blood pressure, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

      • Nausea.
      • Pain in the head.
      • Pain in the region of the heart.
      • Visual disturbances.
      • Noise in ears.

      The duration of such an exacerbation in each case is individual, however, such a phenomenon is quite dangerous for the body, so patients with its development need emergency help.

      Factors that exacerbate hypertension

      There are many different factors that aggravate the disease.

      The most important ones are:

      • Excess weight. Excess fat mass puts a heavy burden on the body and, in particular, on the heart muscle, resulting in significant problems with the organ, which, in turn, provokes the occurrence of hypertension. Excess weight usually appears due to excessive food intake, a sedentary lifestyle, as well as metabolic disorders and hormonal failure.
      • Regular stress and poor psycho-emotional state. These factors can also cause hypertension. Due to constant unrest and stress, the load on the heart increases. Due to this effect, it increases the heart rate, resulting in high blood pressure. The cause of a bad emotional state and stress can be many different factors (a state of depression, various kinds of problems, etc.).
      • Traumatic brain injury. When injured, there is a possibility of brain damage, which, in turn, will develop into pathology. This pathology can act as a source of hypertension.
      • Improper nutrition. With regular consumption of large amounts of fatty foods, coffee, salt, pressure can increase significantly due to the negative effect on blood vessels.
      • Genetic predisposition. This feature is passed from parent to child. As a rule, the first symptoms of hypertension can be observed at a young age.
      • High cholesterol levels. As you know, cholesterol sticks to the walls of blood vessels, forming so-called plaques that interfere with normal blood circulation. These "plaques" are dangerous because they can develop into a full-fledged blood clot, which can cause a heart attack or stroke, which subsequently, possibly, will lead to death.

      Factors Causing Mortality in Hypertension

      If hypertension is not treated in a timely manner, then complications can become more serious over time and reach the point that they cause death.

      As a rule, death can be caused by diseases such as: ischemic stroke, left ventricular failure, kidney damage, or myocardial infarction.

      Complicated arterial hypertension most often can cause a stroke. It occurs due to arteriosclerosis, excessive smoking or alcohol consumption, and also due to excess cholesterol in the blood vessels.

      According to statistics, the survival rate of patients with arterial hypertension without proper treatment is less than 10%. And with swelling of the optic nerves, the chances of survival for more than one year is about 4%. Among treated patients, the most common cause of death is coronary heart disease. However, if you turn to specialists in time for help, then complications with the progression of hypertension can be avoided.

      Hypertensive crisis

      Arterial crisis is one of the branches of this disease.

      The hypertensive crisis is due to the fact that with an increase in blood pressure, the following symptoms occur:

      • Vomit.
      • Increased perspiration.
      • Severe loss of vision.

      This state can last for a certain time from one minute to several hours. In this case, the crisis is accompanied by an increased heart rate, as well as a depressed psycho-emotional state.

      In the case of such a hypertensive attack, the appearance of red spots on the cheeks and increased blood pressure are recorded, in rare cases, copious excretion of urine, as well as fecal masses, can be observed. Crises of this kind usually occur in the female, in the menopause stage, mainly in the evening.

      There is also another type of hypertensive attack, which is more serious than the crisis described above. The development of this crisis occurs gradually, and lasts quite a long time (up to 5-6 hours). This attack occurs mainly in elderly people with high blood pressure. The crisis is accompanied by symptoms such as severe heart pain, limb failure, impaired conversational speech.

      Diagnosis of arterial hypertension

      Before calling the diagnosis of the disease to a patient who has symptoms of arterial hypertension, the attending physician must conduct a series of examinations, prescribe and take tests (blood, urine, etc.), as well as a thorough diagnosis using special equipment.

      Diagnosis of this disease implies a whole range of various kinds of diagnostic measures that help to identify the main signs of arterial hypertension. The main goal of diagnosis is to determine the form and severity of the disease, from which the specialist repels when choosing the most correct treatment.

      Quite often, due to the fact that the initial stages of the disease proceed without any special symptoms, quite advanced forms of the disease are diagnosed. As a rule, untimely diagnosis of the disease leads to the fact that its treatment is quite complicated, which is why it is important to determine the development of the disease as early as possible.

      One of the most important and affordable diagnostic methods at home is the regular determination of blood pressure levels. Normal pressure readings should be within 120/80 units.

      However, it should be taken into account that the following factors can influence the level of pressure:

      • Time of day.
      • Weather.
      • Stress.
      • Exercise stress.

      As a rule, these factors contribute to an increase in pressure by about 5-10 units. Gradually, the pressure caused by these factors stabilizes. However, if this kind of jumps are observed quite often, it is urgent to consult a doctor.

      Features of treatment

      Such an ailment as hypertension is very insidious. He may not declare himself for quite a long time, therefore, his treatment in each individual case must be approached on an individual basis.

      Most often, to eliminate this disease, specialists use the following groups of drugs:

      • Diuretics. This group of drugs includes those drugs, the effect of which is aimed at removing excess fluid from the body. Due to this effect, the level of blood decreases, and, as a result, pressure also decreases.
      • Angiotensin blockers. These drugs belong to the new generation of medicines. They are quite effective in helping to reduce blood pressure and keep it within normal limits for 24 hours after ingestion.
      • calcium antagonists. Such medications are used to normalize cardiac activity, which can be caused by hypertension. Also, quite often, these drugs are prescribed if an increase in pressure provokes artherosclerosis.
      • Vasodilator drugs. These medicines affect the expansion of the vascular lumen, which helps prevent the development of spasms and normalize the functioning of the heart muscle.
      • Beta blockers. Responsible for the normalization of the heart. Very often used in the presence of problems with the heart rhythm.
      • Alpha blockers. Such drugs have a vasodilating effect and contribute to an increase in the lumen of not only the main, but also peripheral vessels.

      However, most experts note that it is necessary to approach the treatment of hypertension in a complex manner. First of all, it is necessary to reduce the amount of stress and emotional overload. In addition, you should lead an active lifestyle and walk regularly.

      One of the main measures that helps stabilize blood pressure is to follow a special diet that will help remove salts and excess fluid from the body.

      Features of nutrition in hypertension

      One of the most important treatment measures that must be strictly observed by patients with arterial hypertension is a special diet. First of all, such a nutrition system implies the exclusion from the daily diet of foods containing cholesterol.

      As a rule, experts insist on the exclusion from the diet of the following products:

      • Fatty meat.
      • Fried meals.
      • Smoked meats.
      • Pickles.

      It is also worth abandoning the excessive consumption of bakery products.

      The daily diet of patients with hypertension should include foods rich in various kinds of vitamins and minerals that prevent the development of vascular and heart diseases.

      The diet should include:

      • Vegetables.
      • Kashi.
      • Dairy products.

      Hypertension is a rather insidious disease that may not manifest itself for a long time. It has an extremely negative effect on the body and, if not properly and timely treated, can cause death. That is why it is necessary to diagnose the disease as early as possible and seek help from a specialist in the early stages of its development.

    Article author: Kristina Borisova
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    hypertension and death