Beet juice and pomegranate juice for hypertension
Numerous studies at the international level have repeatedly confirmed and substantiated the various healing properties of beets. Experts have found that, due to the content of betaine and betanine in this root crop, when it is eaten, protein absorption improves. In addition, the fiber contained in beets has a beneficial effect on the digestive function, in particular, enhances intestinal motility.
This vegetable is rich in pectins, which are detrimental to bacteria involved in putrefactive processes. Beets contain substances that have a positive effect on the formation of red blood cells - blood cells. The vegetable perfectly increases the level of hemoglobin, which means that it effectively fights anemia. The root crop activates the liver, acts as a diuretic, has a mild laxative effect, and also lowers blood pressure. That is why it is prescribed for hypertension.
What juices are good for the body and how they work with hypertension
Blood pressure and beet juice is a phrase that can be heard more often than others at medical conferences dedicated to the problems of cardiovascular disease.
An interesting fact: this remedy lowers blood pressure in men much faster than in women.
Beetroot juice, if you drink it regularly, perfectly cleanses the body. It removes a large amount of harmful toxins, eliminates toxins, helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body, as well as get rid of cholesterol deposits and reduce excess body weight.
Studies have shown that regular consumption of beetroot juice reduces blood pressure by 6-12 points. At the same time, the effect lasts all day, which allows a person to be active and do what he usually does when he is not bothered by headaches.
Often people suffering from hypertension ask the question: "What juice, other than beetroot, has a similar effect?"
We answer: "Pomegranate juice has a similar effect." Scientists from Israel found that if you drink 60-100 ml of a natural drink daily for a long period (the study was conducted for a year), elevated blood pressure is reduced by 5 to 20%. It has also been proven that pomegranate drink strengthens the walls of blood vessels and normalizes blood flow. In the best way, this healing agent acts on the heart rhythm - it lowers the pulse, and as a result, tachycardia disappears. Among other things, pomegranate increases the level of hemoglobin, and in this it has almost no equal. With hypertension, this remedy is used much less frequently than beetroot, however, it is one of the best.
With hypertension, you can try different juices - pomegranate or beetroot, as well as fruit and vegetable mixtures.
A pomegranate medicinal drink should be diluted before use, because concentrated pomegranate juice destroys tooth enamel and is not recommended to be drunk undiluted, so as not to harm the gastric mucosa.
But with low blood pressure, drinking a pomegranate drink is not recommended. Although many people have adapted to use a diluted pomegranate product (combining it with different ingredients) and this normalizes blood flow. So, if you add a little cognac to pomegranate juice, then such a remedy will first gently expand the vessels, and then narrow them, which ultimately stabilizes the pressure.
How to prepare beet medicine
The juice squeezed from the beets is left for a while (2 hours or a little more) in an uncovered container. During this time, toxic substances have time to evaporate. Further, it is mixed with juices, mainly carrot, cucumber or celery juice - one part beetroot plus 10 parts of another component, or water is added. Every day you should increase the amount of beet ingredient. A healing cocktail is consumed before meals in a dosage equal to a quarter of a glass.
We suggest that you familiarize yourself with recipes that have proven themselves well in the treatment of hypertension:
- Beetroot juice and honey must be taken in the same volume and mixed. Insist medicinal drink for 3 hours. Drink daily 100 ml. This recipe is recommended for people who have arterial hypertension (permanently high blood pressure).
- Mix clean water, you can distilled, with juice. The proportions must be kept the same. Take 100 ml 3 times a day before sitting down to eat.
- Raw root vegetable salad, eaten for breakfast, will not only relieve high blood pressure, but also supplement the diet with useful and nutritious substances.
- For the treatment of hypertension, tinctures are used, which include vegetable juice and honey, as well as crushed swamp cudweed. Honey and juice are taken in the same proportion, and herbs need 100 grams. Everything is mixed, filled in a dark glass container and tightly sealed. The composition is infused for ten days, then it is filtered and taken 2 medium spoons three times a day before breakfast, lunch and dinner. The composition is stored in the cold.
- Medicinal tincture can be prepared differently. It is necessary to take juices made from carrots and beets in the same amount. Add lemon and cranberry juice to taste. Mix everything, add 100 alcohol and a glass of liquid honey. Three days will insist in a place where the sun's rays do not penetrate. You need to drink the composition in a dessert spoon before each meal.
- Kvass from a raw root crop is very popular with hypertension in patients. To prepare kvass, one medium-sized vegetable is used, which is washed well, carefully cut into thin rings and placed in a glass jar, and poured with water on top. The amount of water should be equal to the volume of the cut product. For the fermentation process to take place, you need to put a small loaf of black bread in a jar and pour one spoonful of granulated sugar. Beet kvass for fermentation should be placed in a warm place without light. After a while, air bubbles will appear on the surface. This foam will need to be removed periodically. When the taste of the raw product disappears from kvass, and the liquid turns burgundy in color, the drink can be transferred to a cold place and you can start drinking half a glass on an empty stomach. This drug lowers blood pressure, and hemoglobin, on the contrary, increases.
What drinks to drink if the pressure is high, and how to combine them, each person decides for himself. The main thing is to choose the drink that will suit each person individually. It is important to remember that before starting juice therapy, it is necessary to consult with a therapist. After all, it is not known what results the use of juice, seemingly harmless for a healthy person, will bring to hypertensive patients.
It is very important to know which juices lower and which ones increase blood pressure so as not to harm the body.