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    Medicines for hypertension without side effects

    Hypertension is one of the most common diseases of the 21st century. The frantic pace of life, constant stress and other factors contribute to the fact that the problem is increasingly common in young people. The danger of pathology is that, if left untreated, it causes a heart attack or stroke, and can lead to visual impairment.

    Therapy of hypertension consists in the use of various drugs to normalize blood pressure and strengthen blood vessels. Treatment of hypertension is also aimed at preventing hypertensive crises, preventing damage to organs that suffer most from pressure surges. These organs include the heart, kidneys and brain.

    What drugs are used

    Medicines for hypertension help to cope with the disease, but have a number of side effects and contraindications.

    To normalize blood pressure use such drugs.

    diuretics and sulfonamides. Such drugs stimulate the excretion of excess fluid from the body, thereby facilitating the work of blood vessels and lowering pressure. Sulfonamides are used in severe forms of hypertension in combination with other drugs. They reduce the risk of heart and vascular complications. In the body, these drugs do not accumulate and are soon excreted by the kidneys. Side effects include dry cough, nausea, vomiting, pharyngitis, rhinitis, depression, nervousness and irritability, insomnia or drowsiness. But such conditions from diuretics rarely occur. This usually occurs when the patient is taking pills such as furosemide and is not controlled by the doctor.

    To avoid side effects, patients are usually prescribed potassium supplements.

    • Diuretic potassium-sparing drugs are safer. They do not flush out potassium from the body and are much easier to tolerate by patients.
    • For the treatment of hypertension, diuretics are very effective. They remove sodium from the body, which can significantly lower blood pressure. For some people, only diuretics are enough to normalize blood pressure.

    Beta blockers. Drugs reduce the risk of complications for the cardiovascular system. They are prescribed to prevent the occurrence of stress, which provokes an increase in pressure.

    • Medicines reduce the heart rate and the force of contractions of the heart muscle. They are also used to prevent heart rhythm disturbances.
    • Among the side effects of drugs in this group, dry mouth, cough, headache, vomiting, loss of consciousness, runny nose, shortness of breath can be observed.
    • The main side effect is bronchospasm, which causes coughing. This can significantly worsen the condition of people suffering from asthma or bronchitis. Therefore, beta-blockers are contraindicated for them.
    • Also, these pills can be addictive. Long-term treatment leads to the fact that the body adapts to their action and the effect of the drug weakens. Therefore, it is impossible to stop using these drugs abruptly. This can lead to a sudden increase in pressure. To enhance the effectiveness of the remedy, doctors gradually increase the dosage.
    • The effectiveness of beta-blockers lies in their antiarrhythmic action. Most often, such drugs are prescribed to people who have had a myocardial infarction or with severe heart failure.

    angiotensin inhibitors. Medicines block the production of an enzyme that is responsible for vasoconstriction. Such funds reduce blood flow to the heart, thereby reducing the load on it, restore the heart muscle after hypertrophy.

    • These drugs have made a breakthrough in the treatment of hypertension. They significantly improve the quality of life and its duration in patients after myocardial infarction. Among the side effects are dry cough, otitis media, dry mouth, dizziness, stool disturbance. These complications are rare. Most often there is a cough. It develops in 10% of patients using the drug. For the cough to go away, you need to stop the drug.
    • Such tablets are quite affordable and go well with other antihypertensive drugs. They are well tolerated by most patients, and are especially effective for people with heart failure.

    Angiotensin receptor antagonists. They act similarly to angiotensin inhibitors, but they act much more slowly. You can achieve the desired effect only after a few weeks of regular use of the drug. Drugs in very rare cases cause a cough. Therefore, if this side effect was caused by angiotensin inhibitors, it is better to switch to angiotensin inhibitors. They don't make you cough.

    Calcium channel blockers. They are used to speed up the heart rate and dilate blood vessels. They effectively reduce blood pressure and retain their effect for another day after use. Some tablets of this group are used once to eliminate the hypertensive crisis.

    • Such drugs are also used for angina pectoris. They relieve spasms from blood vessels. The main side effect is redness of the face and swelling of the ankles. In rare cases, it can cause skin pigmentation, eye pain, nosebleeds. Usually, like other drugs, they cause dry mouth, dizziness, and nausea.

    Alpha blockers. When they are used, urinary incontinence most often occurs. Therefore, they are usually prescribed to people with prostate adenoma. This allows you to simultaneously get rid of the symptoms of hypertension and makes the process of urination not so difficult. Rarely cause cough.

    Antihypertensive drugs. Such drugs have a strong effect, therefore, when using them, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage. Improper intake can cause sudden pressure surges, which will have a very bad effect on the general condition of the body.

    The presence of many side effects complicates the treatment a bit. In addition, the number of hypertensive patients is constantly growing. Therefore, in pharmacology, research and development of new drugs with less pronounced side effects are constantly underway. .

    Recently, it is popular to use drugs that cause a combo effect. Such medicines contain two or more useful substances to reduce pressure. For example, diuretics may be combined with angiotensin inhibitors or beta-blockers.

    Modern drugs for the treatment of AD

    People diagnosed with hypertension are very interested in whether there are absolutely safe drugs. It is worth noting that today such drugs are only being developed. But this is very difficult, since it is difficult to create an effective drug that would not have any side effects.

    But, if we compare modern drugs with those that treated hypertension several decades ago, then a number of advantages cannot be overlooked:

    1. Thanks to new technologies, it is possible to choose safer ingredients that cause fewer side effects.
    2. It is possible to gradually reduce the dose of the drug, so that the likelihood of severe harm to the body is significantly reduced.
    3. New generation drugs give good results in the treatment of hypertension.
    4. Complex preparations have appeared. They combine all the main functions of drugs for hypertension and bring a minimum of harm to the body.

    A minimum of side effects are provided by drugs such as calcium channel blockers. They eliminate the symptoms of hypertension and fight the causes of the disease. These drugs eliminate the processes that lead to increased pressure.

    For the treatment of hypertension, the following drugs of the calcium channel blocker group are used:

    1. Amlodipine;
    2. Riodipine;
    3. Nimodipine;
    4. Nicardipine.

    For the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, analogues of these drugs can also be used.

    Calcium antagonists have the following advantages:

    • Most patients tolerate these drugs well.
    • Proper use leads to an improvement in the quality of life of people suffering from hypertension.
    • They lead to a decrease in left ventricular hypertrophy, due to which, in many cases, pressure surges occur.
    • There are no depression or mental disorders among the side effects.
    • They do not cause erectile dysfunction like most drugs against hypertension.
    • They do not increase bronchial tone, and the patient does not develop a dry cough.
    • Stimulate the work of the kidneys.
    • Improve metabolic processes in the body.

    Among modern drugs, drugs in this group are considered by most experts to be the most harmless and effective for the treatment of hypertension.

    Angiotensin receptor blockers have proven themselves well. They were created relatively recently, but among the drugs for hypertension, they managed to take a leading position.

    The most commonly prescribed drugs of this group are:

    • Telmisartan;
    • Eprosartan;
    • Valsartan;

    These medicines are no worse than others to help fight the problem of high blood pressure. They cause minimal side effects and protect the brain, kidneys and heart from the negative effects of high blood pressure.

    Amino acid blockers fight well with high blood pressure. They are often recommended to be included in the complex treatment of hypertension.

    Previously, magnesia was administered intramuscularly to provide first aid for a hypertensive crisis. But at the moment, such a tool has been abandoned. Now they use Nifedipine or Kapoten tablets. They need to dissolve under the tongue.

    Clonidine was also removed from the standards for the treatment of hypertension. It was used to prevent the brain from sending signals to constrict blood vessels. This remedy is extremely effective in reducing blood pressure quickly, but has many side effects. Among which are a feeling of weakness, drowsiness, decreased performance.

    Using clonidine to reduce pressure, you need to lie down for a few hours. The remedy gives the effect when the body assumes a horizontal position. This drug should not be combined with alcohol, since alcohol enhances its effect several times. Due to the large number of side effects, the use of clonidine was almost completely abandoned. It is prescribed in very rare cases.

    Cancellation of drug treatment

    When diagnosed with hypertension, doctors inform patients that with this disease they will have to take pills throughout their lives. Many patients at the same time refused to use them without the knowledge of the doctor. For some, this is quite dangerous, but for others, there really is no need to take drugs anymore.

    According to several studies by scientists, in people who themselves refused medication, the level of blood pressure did not go beyond the norm for a year or more.

    Therefore, many experts are no longer of the opinion that people with hypertension will have to take medication all their lives. It is believed that if the pressure is kept at a normal level throughout the year, then the dosage should be gradually reduced until the treatment is completely canceled.


    Medicines for hypertension may not be suitable for everyone.

    Such treatment is contraindicated:

    1. Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
    2. With obstruction of the biliary tract.
    3. With severe diseases of the liver and kidneys.

    Based on some of the limitations of drugs, you need to use them or not, the doctor should decide. Together with the treatment, it is necessary to observe preventive measures. This can reduce the influence of factors that reduce the effectiveness of drugs.

    To strengthen the body you need:

    1. Do physical exercises. The load should be moderate. This improves the performance of a person. To prevent the pressure from rising, the load must be increased gradually.
    2. It is important to eat right. It is especially recommended to limit the use of salt, as it retains fluid in the body and overloads the blood vessels, which contributes to an increase in blood pressure.
    3. The main cause of hypertension is stress. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to avoid stressful situations. To do this, people use different methods: meditation, yoga, visit psychologists. A person who is constantly in a state of stress has no chance to solve problems with pressure. Therefore, this must be fought.
    4. Do not forget to rest. Sleep should be full, at least eight hours a day.

    In addition to these activities, to improve the body with hypertension, special massages, acupuncture, the use of special vitamins and nutritional supplements, and strengthening the body with the help of herbal preparations are recommended.

    Only if the correct daily routine and lifestyle are observed, one can count on the fact that drug therapy will relieve pressure surges.

    Article author: roman
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    Medicines for hypertension without side effects