Degrees of arterial hypertension
Indicators of the level of upper and lower blood pressure determine the stages, as well as the degree of arterial hypertension. Each of them has its own symptoms, causes and methods of treatment.
Hypertension is a pathology of the cardiovascular system, based on a steady increase in pressure, with a value of at least 140/90 mm Hg. Art. It is included in the list of chronic diseases of the adult population in the age category of 25 years and above. In women, different degrees and stages of GB are diagnosed most often. Due to the modern lifestyle, poor quality of food, and environmental degradation, hypertension has become a common occurrence in children and adolescents.
Varieties of pathology
Cardiologists distinguish between primary and secondary hypertension. When diagnosing the first type of disease, which has a characteristic independent development, it is not possible to establish the factors that led to the appearance of the disease. Secondary hypertension is a complication of various types of pathologies, including atherosclerosis, endocrine problems, pyelonephritis, kidney failure, obesity, and dysfunction of other organs. When diagnosing, it is possible to determine the factors that caused the development, and prescribe a comprehensive treatment aimed at normalizing pressure and eliminating comorbidities.
In medicine, there are three stages and three degrees of hypertension. Each of them differs in symptoms, indicators of blood pressure in the large arteries of a person, and methods for eliminating the problem.
The disease is also classified according to the places of target localization of pathological factors.
Among its common types are:
- pulmonary hypertensive pathology, which is an extremely dangerous disease that develops as a result of increased resistance of the pulmonary vessels;
- malignant hypertension, in which a high blood pressure value of 220/130 mm Hg is noted. st, a radical change in the fundus, swelling of the optic nerve head;
- renovascular or vasorenal hypertensive pathology, the main cause of which is a violation of the renal blood supply;
- labile arterial hypertension, the distinguishing characteristic of which is the variable values of the level of blood pressure against the background of its periodic normalization.
Power gradation of arterial hypertension
The classification of hypertensive pathology includes three degrees of hypertension, which differ in different levels of systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
These include:
- I degree of hypertension, for which the values of blood pressure are 135-160/89-100 mm Hg. st;
- II degree of hypertension, for which the values of blood pressure are 161-179 / 101-109 mm Hg. st;
- III degree of hypertension, for which the values of systolic blood pressure start from 180 mm Hg. Art., and diastolic blood pressure - from 110 mm Hg. Art.
The third stage of the pathology of the cardiovascular system is the last and leads to many negative consequences, as well as serious problems with human health, including the risk of developing cerebral strokes. The normal level of pressure is 120/75-80 mm Hg. Art.
The correct measurement of blood pressure involves its alternate determination on different hands and taking the highest indicator as a basis. The deviation of the obtained results from the normal level serves as a signal for immediate seeking help from a family doctor or cardiologist.
Timely elimination of the causes of the development of the pathology of the cardiovascular system eliminates serious complications, irreparable consequences, and death.
Features of hypertension I degree
Hypertension I degree is considered a mild form of pathology. Violations in the functioning of the heart muscle are spasmodic in nature, and attacks most often pass without any special consequences. Cases of exacerbation alternate with the picture of the complete disappearance of the symptoms of the pathology, and during remission, the blood pressure in patients has a normal level. Diagnosis of GB I degree is based on the measurement of blood pressure using conventional, semi-automatic or automatic blood pressure monitors. Three times the procedure in a calm environment allows you to get the right results.
Patients need to remember that the treatment of the disease at an early stage of its development is guaranteed to exclude complications, as well as further deterioration in health and well-being. Symptoms of mild GB begin to appear with increased physical exertion.
Signs of pathology include:
- headaches, aggravated by increased stress;
- the appearance of dizziness, nausea, fainting;
- pain in the left side of the chest;
- the appearance of tinnitus and black floating dots before the eyes;
- sleep problems;
- increased heart rate.
The mild form of hypertension is characterized by the fact that during periods of pressure stabilization, patients notice an improvement in well-being. The basis for solving the problem of the first stage of the development of the disease is the normalization of the form of life of patients, the organization of a balanced nutritious diet and the rejection of bad habits. A visit to a psychologist, the passage of phyto- and reflexology, physiotherapy procedures also bring positive results. And only in their absence, drug therapy is prescribed.
Features of GB II degree
Solving the problem of hypertension of the II degree, indicating the lack of timely seeking the help of specialists, is associated with certain difficulties. In the second stage of the pathology, there is a risk of developing complications in the form of narrowing of arterioles, changes in the veins of the fundus, left ventricular hypertrophy, and vascular insufficiency. The list of symptoms is expanding. High blood pressure leads to swelling, memory problems, chronic fatigue, sweating, finger numbness, and hypertensive crises. Diagnosis of grade II GB indicates the immediate appointment by the attending physician or cardiologist of drug therapy based on the use of diuretics, antihypertensive drugs, drugs that reduce blood viscosity, cholesterol levels.
Consultations with a psychologist, physiotherapist, weight correction, quitting smoking and alcohol, as well as other bad habits, a balanced nutritious diet perfectly complement the treatment with medications and increase the effect of taking them.
Serious complications of the disease include:
- atherosclerosis and angina pectoris;
- encephalopathy and cerebral thrombosis;
- aortic aneurysm.
High levels of blood pressure lead to damage to internal organs, including the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, brain, and eyes. In the absence of proper treatment, neglect of the recommendations and prescriptions of doctors, pathology at the second stage of development leads to an increase in the number of target organs. Returning excellent health becomes almost impossible. Patients with II degree GB are under constant dispensary registration and undergo periodic examination. They are prescribed daily measurement of blood pressure, regular ECG, as well as a number of additional diagnostic procedures in the form of ultrasound of the heart, vascular Doppler, blood and urine tests.
In cases of persistent dysfunction of the body, frequent manifestations of hypertensive crises, patients are sent for examination in order to obtain an expert opinion from the medical and social commission for assigning them a disability group.
Features of GB III degree
With grade III hypertension, which is a chronic severe form of the disease, the irreversibility of pathological changes in the organs of the human body is fixed. Increased pressure over 180/110 mm Hg. Art. can never fall back to its normal level. The attending physicians strictly monitor the clinical picture of the development of grade III GB. With this form of pathology, dysfunction of target organs is diagnosed and associated conditions are determined. Along with the standard symptoms, patients also show severe signs of the disease.
These include:
- persistent visual impairment and damage to the retina;
- high risk of myocardial infarction;
- damage to the central nervous system, kidneys;
- problems with coordination of movement and a noticeable change in gait;
- paralysis and hemoptysis;
- prolonged hypertensive crises;
- sharp pain in the region of the heart;
- limitation of the ability to communicate independently, move and care for oneself.
The severe physical condition of patients leads to exhaustion, damage to new body systems, and the development of serious complications. In such cases, it is difficult for patients to do without outside help and special care. Untimely treatment of grade III hypertension and concomitant pathologies of other internal organs often causes death.
An integrated approach to solving the problem of this type of arterial hypertension excludes irreparable consequences and death of patients. It is based on the appointment of drug therapy under the strict supervision of a family doctor or cardiologist, the normalization of lifestyle, maintaining a balance between stress and rest, and a dietary diet. If there is no positive dynamics of improvement in the patient's condition, then surgical intervention is prescribed. A severe form of the disease is the basis for assigning the first group of disability.
Stages of pathology of the cardiovascular system
In cardiology, there are three stages of arterial hypertension. Each of them has its own characteristic features. When diagnosing the first of them, there are no objective signs of the pathological state of the organs of the human body. At the second stage of hypertension, cardiomyopathy, narrowing of the retinal arteries, microalbuminuria, an increase in the amount of creatine and cholesterol in the blood, the presence of atherosclerotic plaques, and damage to the carotid arteries are determined. At the third stage of HD, there are signs of a violation of the functionality of many organs.
The symptoms of the disease include:
- heart failure stage III. and necrosis of a section of the heart muscle;
- vascular dementia, stroke, acute hypertensive encephalopathy;
- hemorrhages in the retina;
- proteinuria;
- aortic dissection, occlusive lesion of the peripheral arteries.
The third stage of arterial hypertension is considered the most dangerous and intractable form of pathology development.