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    Treatment of hypertension with drugs

    Pills for hypertension are presented in a wide range. There are hundreds of drugs used for hypertension.

    In each case, it is important to choose drugs that would help to maximize the patient's condition, not only relieve symptoms, but also prevent complications.

    Self-medication with this disease is extremely dangerous to engage in. Medicines for hypertension are prescribed by a doctor after collecting and analyzing information about the causes of development and the nature of the course of the disease. Illiterate selection of drugs can lead to the development of bradycardia, cardiac arrhythmias.

    Who is prescribed drugs to reduce blood pressure

    Therapy depends on the form, causes, neglect of the pathological process.

    Arterial hypertension can be:

    • primary, when the increase in pressure is not caused by external factors, but occurs as a result of a hereditary predisposition;
    • secondary, when it develops as a sign of diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular, nervous, urinary systems. In the second case, it is necessary to cure the underlying disease, then the pressure will drop.

    High blood pressure is a common problem of modern society, which must be dealt with immediately in order to prevent the development of hypertension. It is possible to talk about a pathological process in cases where the increase in pressure is already fixed, does not depend on the patient's condition and circumstances. In such situations, it is necessary to consult a doctor who prescribes antihypertensive drugs. You can not go to the pharmacy and buy medicines on your own, because this can lead to the development of side effects.

    Drug treatment of hypertension is aimed not so much at lowering blood pressure as at preventing complications that can be provoked by it. In some cases, arterial hypertension is the cause of a heart attack, stroke, coronary artery disease. During therapy, the doctor must measure the pressure, as well as determine the goal of treatment - what level should be achieved in order to reduce the risk of complications.

    When diagnosing and prescribing drugs for hypertension, the following indicators are taken into account:

    • blood pressure level;
    • the presence of diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
    • patient's age;
    • whether the patient smokes;
    • Lifestyle;
    • blood cholesterol level;
    • the presence of diabetes;
    • hereditary factor.

    The danger of hypertension is that in some cases, high blood pressure leads to death.

    Medicines for hypertension must be selected very competently, depending on the causes and course of the disease.

    Treating high blood pressure isn't just about drugs. The first action of the patient is to change the lifestyle, correct the diet, give up bad habits, and after that you can start taking drugs for hypertension.

    The risk of disease should not be underestimated. If the pressure does not bother you, but its level is significantly higher than normal, you should immediately be examined by a specialist. You should not try to reduce the indicators with the help of the "best" drugs, information about which you found on the Internet. Not everyone is suitable for vasodilators, combined drugs. A comprehensive examination to determine the cause of the development of hypertension and determine the therapy should be carried out if the fixed values ​​​​exceed 140/90 mm Hg. Art.

    Classification of drugs by groups

    It is advisable to start drug treatment of hypertension if blood pressure exceeds the norm, indicators are above 140/90 mm Hg. Art. In some cases, when the patient has only elevated heart pressure or hypertension occurs in the so-called mild form, one of the drugs of combined, prolonged action can be dispensed with. More often they resort to prescribing therapy, which involves taking drugs from two or more pharmacokinetic groups. Thus, it is possible to take tablets in a liquefied dose, minimizing the risk of developing bradycardia and other side effects.

    Usually prescribed:

    • Diuretics. Drugs against hypertension with a diuretic, vasodilating effect. As a result of their intake, the process of urine production is accelerated, this contributes to the removal of edema of the vessels and an increase in the lumen, respectively, a decrease in pressure. You need to take drugs in combination with drugs from other groups.
    • Beta blockers. These drugs also have a vasodilating effect by inhibiting the production of renin. The choice in favor of such drugs for hypertension is made if the patient is diagnosed with heart failure, which occurs in a chronic form. They are prescribed in combination therapy.
    • ACE inhibitors. Medicines for hypertension, the mechanism of action of which is to block the enzyme responsible for the conversion of angiotensin to renin. As a result of their intake, there is a decrease in the load on the heart.
    • Sartans contribute to a slow decrease in pressure indicators by relaxing the walls of blood vessels. They must be taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription, observing the dose and regimen. A month after the start of therapy, a fixed result can be achieved.
    • Calcium channel inhibitors are recommended for use in elderly patients in whom high blood pressure is accompanied by angina pectoris and arrhythmia. They can be taken by patients with cerebral atherosclerosis.

    It is necessary to treat hypertension at the initial stage of its development, otherwise the development of complications cannot be avoided.

    In a separate category include antihypertensive drugs of central action. This, for example, Clonidine. It has not been used in therapy for a long time, but older patients prefer to take it out of habit.

    In any case, the choice of the treatment algorithm and drugs for hypertension is up to the doctor, but if the patient knows what he is prescribed, he can be calm about the effectiveness of therapy.


    Medicines against hypertension with a diuretic effect are divided into two large groups:

    • thiazides;
    • sulfonamides.

    Both those and others activate the process of urine production in the body and stimulate its excretion. Due to this, edema and tension of the walls of blood vessels are removed, their patency improves, and a gradual decrease in pressure occurs.

    The list of diuretics is quite wide, in each individual case it is important to choose the optimal remedy.

    Drugs from the group of thiazide diuretics prevent the absorption of sodium and chloride ions, have a vasodilating effect. These elements are removed, and with them the excess fluid. Taking pills does not lead to the development of bradycardia. The pressure drops already 1.5 hours after ingestion and lasts up to 12 hours.

    Do not take thiazide diuretics in such cases:

    • the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    • violation of the normal functioning of the kidneys and liver;
    • diabetes;
    • Addison's disease;
    • anuria and electrolyte disturbances.

    It is better to take diuretic drugs against hypertension in the morning. With monotherapy, they drink them at a dosage of 25 to 50 mg, with combined therapy, the dose is half as much.

    Sulfonamides are advisable to take with advanced hypertension. The action of these drugs for hypertension is to remove excess fluid, due to which a vasodilating effect is achieved. Active ingredients are excreted from the body quickly and easily. The best drugs in this category are Tenoric, Arifon, Indal, Oxodoline, Acripamide. Indapamide tablets can be taken by patients with diabetes.

    Beta blockers

    Often, when prescribing drugs for hypertension, doctors opt for beta-blockers. They have a vasodilating effect, significantly reduce the risk of developing complex cardiovascular diseases. The active components of these tablets inhibit the secretion of angiotensin 2 and renin. Hypertension can only be treated with beta-blockers for no longer than four weeks, then they should be taken in combination with diuretics and calcium channel blockers to prevent the development of bradycardia and side effects.

    There are two active ingredients:

    • Carvedilol is an alpha and beta blocker. The medicine against hypertension, which includes this active ingredient, should not be prescribed to patients with diagnoses of bradycardia, bronchial asthma, heart failure, rhythm disturbance, liver disease. The list of drugs for hypertension based on carvedilol includes Cariol, Carvedilol, Acridilol, Carvenal, Carvidil.
    • Bisoprolol is an active ingredient in medicines used to treat hypertension. Tablets can be used in mild hypertension at reduced doses. Preparations based on bisoprolol - Aritel, Coronal, Biol, Bisoprolol, Concor, Niperten.

    Taking vasodilator drugs for hypertension can be carried out only after consultation with your doctor. The disease should be treated under the close supervision of a specialist, otherwise complications cannot be avoided.

    As a result of an illiterate approach to the choice of drugs, patients experience unforeseen consequences: angina pectoris, arrhythmia, bradycardia, side effects from the gastrointestinal tract, and the nervous system.


    This group of drugs is relatively new; sartans have been used to treat arterial hypertension since the 1990s. They have proven their effectiveness, have a number of advantages over other drugs.

    Features of angiotensin receptor blockers are as follows:

    • reduce pressure gradually;
    • very rarely cause cough;
    • normal blood pressure levels last up to 48 hours;
    • withdrawal syndrome does not occur;
    • already 4 or 6 weeks after the start of the course, a stable therapeutic effect can be achieved;
    • minimal list of contraindications.

    The most popular medicine for hypertension is Losartan. You need to take 50 mg tablets once a day. If it is difficult to achieve a therapeutic effect, the dosage is doubled. The active component of the drug does not affect the rhythm of the pulse, that is, the development of bradycardia is excluded. Losartan is contraindicated for use in women during pregnancy, nursing mothers and children, as well as in case of hyperkalemia, dehydration.

    Calcium channel blockers

    Taking these drugs for hypertension is carried out if the patient has angina pectoris or bradycardia against the background of high blood pressure. You can take medicines for patients with a diagnosis of cerebral atherosclerosis. They are prescribed to the elderly in combination with ACE inhibitors, this helps to avoid the use of diuretics.

    List of the most popular tablets for hypertension, the action of which is to block calcium channels:

    • Cardil;
    • Verapamil;
    • Cordaflex;
    • Isoptin;
    • Norvask;
    • Tenox.

    Doctors often recommend taking amlodipine. It is not only effective, but also affordable medicine against hypertension. Its price ranges from 40 to 160 rubles. The daily dose is 5 mg, if there is no effect, it can be increased to 10 mg. You can not take pills for pregnant and lactating women, with acute myocardial infarction and liver failure. Do not use the drug to treat the disease in elderly patients.

    ACE inhibitors

    Only the attending physician can choose a complex of drugs for hypertension, it is better not to self-medicate. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors also belong to vasodilators. As a result of taking the pills, the substance responsible for the conversion of angiotensin to renin is blocked, respectively, the vessels expand, and blood pressure decreases. Medicines from this group help relieve stress from the heart by reducing blood flow to it, normalize the state of the heart muscle, preventing its hypertrophy.

    Vasodilator ACE inhibitors fall into two categories.

    • with a sulfhydryl group (Capoten, Captopril, Zocardis, Lotensin);
    • with a carboxyl group (Edith, Enap, Quadropril, Diroton, Lisinopril, Renitek).

    The best vasodilating antihypertensive agent from the group of ACE inhibitors is Captopril. It is prescribed in most cases not only to treat hypertension, but also to relieve a hypertensive crisis. You can not take pills for a long time in elderly patients diagnosed with atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain. Prolonged use can lead to the development of hypotension, bradycardia, loss of consciousness.

    Captopril is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, in patients who have received a kidney transplant. With caution, the drug is prescribed to the elderly, with coronary heart disease and diabetes mellitus. As a result of taking the drug, side effects may occur: impaired stool, cough, anemia, lowering blood pressure below normal, stomatitis, drowsiness. Due to prolonged use of the drug, kidney function may be impaired.

    The effectiveness of the use of rauwolfia

    At one time, attempts were made to treat arterial hypertension with the help of rauwolfium preparations. Their positive impact on the patient's body is completely offset by the abundance of side effects. To date, there are a lot of safer medicines, but Raunatin, Reserpine and the like have not yet been taken off the market, moreover, they are prescribed by doctors and bought by patients.

    To begin with, what are the positive properties of rauwolfia:

    • persistent decrease in pressure (although only in 25% of cases);
    • slow hypotensive action;
    • very low cost.

    As you can see, there are not so many positive aspects, but the penny price decides a lot. Patients, especially the elderly, are trying to save money by treating hypertension with these drugs, unaware that this can be not only ineffective, but also unsafe.

    It has been proven that when taking drugs from this group, the risk of developing breast and pancreatic cancer increases three times. In a number of European countries, this has become a reason to ban drugs from the reserpine group. But that is not all. Tablets cause the development of arrhythmias, bradycardia, impotence, cause sleep disturbances, and lead to depression. Today, doctors no longer prescribe rauwolfia, they rarely recommend treating hypertension with centrally acting drugs, because the pharmaceutical market offers safer and more effective means to reduce pressure and protect organs from its destructive effects.

    How to choose medicines

    Arterial hypertension is a dangerous disease, ignoring which can lead to the development of complex consequences, up to death. Heart attack, stroke, heart failure and other pathologies are a consequence of constantly elevated blood pressure. That is why it is necessary to react to the disease in time and start fighting it. Today there are many drugs for hypertension. Some can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription, others - only on prescription.

    There are many reasons for the development of the disease, as well as drugs and treatment techniques. Only the attending physician can determine the algorithm after collecting complete information about the course of the pathological process.

    To do this, you will need to undergo a series of diagnostic studies:

    • blood test: general, sugar level, cholesterol, hemoglobin;
    • analysis of urine, uric acid;
    • TSH, T3 free, T4 free;
    • ALT, AST;
    • dopplerography of the vessels of the neck;
    • SMAD;
    • SCAD;
    • echocardiography.

    The results of these research methods are needed in order to determine the cause of the development of hypertension, after which it is possible to prescribe which drugs to use to treat it.

    The treatment algorithm will differ in different cases, but the goal of therapy is the same - to reduce blood pressure to normal levels (below 140/90 or below 130/80 in patients with diabetes). If the pressure is not too high (150/100), you can start with taking centrally acting drugs (Moxonidine, Andipal).

    Special attention is required when patients develop a hypertensive crisis.

    For its relief, Kapoten, Nifedipine tablets are used, or magnesia is administered intramuscularly.

    Article author: Ekaterina Filatova
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    Treatment of hypertension with drugs