High blood pressure headache pills
Pills for headaches with hypertension are in high demand, since this kind of phenomenon occurs quite often. There are quite a few different drugs to normalize the condition, however, in order for the headache to go away, you need to know the cause of its occurrence, and, taking this into account, choose the right means for treatment.
That is why it is important to know the causes of pain in hypertension and the main drugs that are used to eliminate it.
Why do headaches occur with hypertension?
There are pain due to stretching of the veins and a significant narrowing of the lumen of the cerebral vessels. As a rule, pain is observed in people suffering from a significant increase in pressure. Severe pain is manifested when blood pressure is at the level of 200/100 units. Also very often this phenomenon is observed with a significant increase in diastolic pressure.
Pain is a very important symptom that signals the occurrence of any problems with the body.
Ignoring this phenomenon can lead to:
- Retinal hemorrhage.
- Stroke.
- Heart attack.
The mechanism of the development of headache with increased pressure is largely associated with a significant change in the tone of the vessels through which the arterial blood passes. A healthy body independently regulates the level of pressure by influencing the vascular networks. With an increase in the amount of blood, the lumen expands, and with a decrease, on the contrary, it narrows.
This helps to keep the pressure at a normal level. With hypertension, such a mechanism for regulating blood pressure is disturbed, which leads to the fact that the lumen of the vessels increases and contracts in an arbitrary manner, such a factor affects the nerve endings in the vascular region. It is their irritation that leads to the fact that the patient has significant headaches.
The nature and duration of pain with increased pressure is directly affected by the stage of development of the disease.
At the initial stages of the development of the disease, pain is changeable. As a rule, they manifest themselves with some external changes or malfunctions in the activity of the body. After the influence of these factors is eliminated, headaches disappear.
As the disease progresses, headaches acquire a pronounced vascular character. This type of sensation is a rather rapidly developing, throbbing pain. Most often they appear in the occipital region. The sensation can be greatly enhanced by changing head movements, changing weather, and exposure to physical activity.
In the last stages of the disease, with a significant increase in intracranial pressure, the nature of pain may change. They spread throughout the head and are accompanied by an increase in general weakness. Significant bruising usually appears on the face.
Types of pain
The origin of this kind of sensations at elevated pressure can be of a different nature.
It is on the basis of this criterion that experts distinguish the following types of pain:
- Typical.
Such sensations arise due to problems with the outflow of venous blood and intracerebral hypertension. Most often, they appear in the morning and go away on their own. This kind of condition is not always associated with high blood pressure.
- Liquor.
Pain of this nature is associated with a significant increase in pressure in the cranium. Quite intense pulsating sensations are characteristic of this type.
- Ischemic.
This type of sensation occurs due to the increased tone of the cerebral arteries, which occurs as a response to a significant increase in pressure with insufficient blood supply. The pains are bursting in nature, with pronounced neuralgic symptoms.
- Muscular.
This kind of sensation occurs with excessive overstrain of the muscles in the head area. As a rule, their occurrence is associated with significant psycho-emotional overstrain. Typical symptoms for this species are nausea and vomiting.
Headache tablets
If headaches are caused by high blood pressure, then the doctor may prescribe antihypertensive drugs to eliminate them. However, it should be taken into account that if the symptoms do not go away with the normalization of pressure, then only analgesics can be used to eliminate them.
All drugs that are prescribed for high blood pressure can be divided into several groups:
- Beta blockers.
The drugs of this group affect the heart muscle and reduce the speed and power of its strokes. New drugs do not have a negative effect on the bronchi, which was previously noted with the use of old samples.
- Calcium channel blockers.
These drugs are used for increased intracranial pressure and help to relax the muscles of the vessels. The mechanism of their action is to block the flow of calcium to the muscles. Quite often, such drugs are used for ischemia, they also increase the gaps in the vessels of the brain and reduce the frequency of heart beats. One of the main advantages of such drugs is the absence of side effects.
- Antispasmodics.
The mechanism of action of these drugs is significantly similar to the use of the means of the previous group. These substances are also responsible for blocking the effect of calcium. Mostly funds from this group are used in the treatment of the initial stage of the disease.
- ACE inhibitors.
Drugs of this kind contribute to the expansion of blood vessels and are characterized by a mild effect.
- Diuretics.
These drugs are mainly used to eliminate excess fluid from the body. The peculiarity of their impact lies in the fact that by reducing the level of fluid, the volume of blood in the body decreases.
- Nitrates.
Such drugs are used to eliminate headaches quite carefully. This is due to the fact that they dramatically reduce pressure, and also lead to a significant expansion of the venous lumens.
- Alpha blockers.
Such drugs, as well as the drugs of the previous group, can significantly reduce pressure and get rid of vasospasm. However, it should be taken into account that they cannot be used for pathologies of the heart muscle and glaucoma.
- Sartans.
These drugs significantly reduce blood pressure levels, while not having a significant effect on the heart. Most often, these drugs are used in the treatment of ischemia.
- Analgesics.
This group of drugs is used under the condition that headaches are observed even with a normal level of blood pressure. But you should definitely take into account that you need to take such funds on the recommendation of a doctor. Mono-drugs can not be used for more than 15 days, and combined drugs for more than 10. With uncontrolled intake of such drugs, depression of the brain pain centers may be observed.
Features of treatment
One of the main roles in eliminating such a symptom is played by a balanced daily routine and the optimal combination of work and rest. In most cases, the specialist prescribes a special diet, which is mainly aimed at normalizing metabolism and reducing body fat. In addition, experts recommend significantly reducing salt intake or completely abandoning it. Also, a very significant role in hypertension is played by the rejection of bad habits.
Such a symptom in hypertension should be eliminated, taking into account the basic recommendations of a specialist. Without a doctor's prescription, you should not resort to treatment with any drugs that affect the level of pressure. This is especially true for the elimination of sensations in the initial stages of the development of the disease. For such stages of the disease, mainly sedatives are used, which not only stabilize the pressure, but also help reduce psycho-emotional stress.
Also, to normalize the patient's condition, the following measures can be applied:
- Hot foot baths.
- Compresses in the back of the head.
- The use of tincture of valerian.
- Walks in the open air.
Another very effective measure of influence is self-massage. The massage technique is extremely simple. The main movements that help eliminate this phenomenon are kneading and stroking the damaged areas.
This effect is performed with the help of fingers. The best massage is in the morning. The duration of this kind of exposure is from 5 to 10 minutes.
As a rule, massage is performed in the area:
- Neck.
- heads.
- Shoulder areas.
However, it is necessary to resort to such exposure only as directed by a doctor. This is due to the fact that with certain forms of hypertension, massage is contraindicated.
It is worth refraining from using massage when:
- Hypertension 3 degrees.
- Brain crises.
- Attacks of angina pectoris.
Such a measure of influence is effective only with regular implementation, while gradually the impact should increase. Additionally, massage can be combined with a complex of therapeutic exercises, which can be performed with hypertension. The necessary physical exercises should be selected by the doctor. As a rule, after such exposure, pain disappears rather quickly, and well-being improves significantly. Regular exercise will not only help reduce blood pressure, but also stabilize its level.
In general, the scheme and methods of treatment of this disease should be prescribed by a specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the organism and the individual condition of the patient. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe the use of antihypertensive drugs to eliminate discomfort.
This is due to the fact that in most cases the disease needs complex treatment. With the normalization of the pressure level, headaches go away by themselves.
There are quite a few different ways to eliminate headaches with high blood pressure. However, it should be taken into account that headache pills for high blood pressure and any measures of influence must be discussed with the doctor. Most often, folk remedies, physical effects or special medicines are used to eliminate pain. The right measure of influence will allow you to get rid of pain and significantly improve the quality of life.