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    Herbs to lower high blood pressure

    Hypertension, as you know, is an insidious disease and the smallest troubles from high blood pressure are headache, nausea, fatigue, and so on. But more dangerous is that this disease can cause stroke and heart attack. Therefore, arterial hypertension should not be neglected, blood pressure levels should be properly monitored and measures taken in a timely manner. Treatment with medications can be combined with phytotherapy - herbal treatment. And what plants help fight hypertension and how to properly prepare medicinal decoctions will be discussed further.

    Rules for the use of herbal remedies and contraindications

    Two-thirds of patients suffering from hypertension prefer to use folk remedies in the fight against high blood pressure.

    However, not all people know herbs that are useful for hypertension. At the same time, they do not think about the fact that a herbal medicine can have many contraindications.

    To avoid undesirable consequences, before starting herbal medicine, it is necessary to consult with the attending therapist. The doctor will help you choose folk remedies that will not harm the body and will not aggravate the patient's condition.

    If a number of side diseases occur against the background of hypertension, herbs that reduce blood pressure indicators should not be taken either.

    Among other things, you should know that there are many poisonous plants in nature and their use, especially in dosages exceeding the recommended ones, can lead to poisoning. Herbs are always chosen that are suitable for hypertension.

    Firstly, the choice depends on the pressure indicators that are inherent in this particular person, that is, what numbers on the tonometer screen he often goes beyond what is permitted - upper or lower, and secondly, one must always take into account the individual intolerance of certain plant components so as not to cause additional harm to the body.

    Doctors recommend taking sedative decoctions of herbs that have an effect on heart rate with high upper pressure, and using diuretics of plant origin with a vasodilating effect for high lower pressure.

    Plants widely used in arterial hypertension

    Treatment of hypertension with herbal decoctions and infusions is a long-term occupation. But if you correctly combine plants and prepare medicinal formulations, the result will certainly be positive.

    For a lasting effect, it is imperative to adhere to a certain treatment regimen, while alternative therapy should be discussed with your doctor. It is also important to know that for a lasting result, herbal preparations must be consumed for at least 60 days, then they usually take a short break - a week, and then pick up other medicinal preparations and continue treatment.

    Mordovnik round-headed, astragalus, peppermint, birch leaves and buds, knotweed, rose hips, horsetail, lingonberry leaves and lingonberry berries - this is not the whole list of plants used in the treatment of hypertension.

    Let's move on to the description of herbs and plants that reduce blood pressure, which have long been used in folk medicine.

    For the convenience of the reader, the variety of plant materials, its action and several recipes will be presented in the form of a list:

    • Valerian is an herb that has a sedative effect. Valerian is able to best influence the functioning of the heart and vascular system, improve blood circulation, relieve emotional stress, adjust bowel function, and also enhance the process of bile secretion. To achieve a certain effect in the treatment of hypertension, you should drink home-made and pharmacy products from this plant for a long period.

    Recipes use the roots of the plant. Dry valerian rhizomes are usually crushed, poured with boiling water, 250 ml in volume, allowed to stand for two hours, filtered. Course - 2 months, dosage - 1 tbsp. l. before every meal. You can prepare a powder of their dried roots and then take it up to four times a day, 1-2 grams, washed down with water.

    There is another interesting way to get rid of arterial hypertension - before going to bed, you need to inhale the smell of valerian tincture, while you should first pinch one nostril and inhale for 2 minutes through the other, and then do the same, changing sides. It is noted that if the course of treatment with valerian is carried out for a certain time, then blood pressure will begin to gradually decrease.

    • Toad grass, or as it is also called marsh cudweed, is indicated for hypertension of the middle and severe stages, because this plant is able to bring the numbers on the tonometer screen back to normal quickly enough. Decoctions are used quite often in complex therapy, and besides, these drugs are allowed for diabetes mellitus, because they reduce blood sugar levels.

    Herbal infusion of cudweed: you need to take 2 tbsp. l. plants, brew, let it brew. Drink the remedy for 14 days, 100 ml before breakfast, lunch and dinner. Contraindications - severe arterial hypertension and varicose veins.

    • Calendula, the second name of the marigold. The inflorescences of this medicinal plant are used as a sedative, bactericidal, cardiological agent.

    Infusions and decoctions of calendula are able to disinfect, so they are used as a wound healing agent. In addition, calendula is used to lower blood pressure and as a means of normalizing liver function.

    Tincture of calendula inflorescences on alcohol is drunk four times a day, 15 drops each. For decoction take 2 tbsp. l. dry vegetable raw materials, brew 400 ml of boiling water and after the remedy is infused, they drink it before meals, 100 ml each.

    • Periwinkle. As a therapeutic agent, an alcohol tincture prepared from all parts of the periwinkle is used. To do this, take 350 g of the plant component, put it in a glass container with a volume of 1000 ml, fill it with vodka or home-made moonshine, insist 10 days in a place where the sun's rays do not penetrate. After the specified time, the tincture is filtered and taken after waking up in the morning and at bedtime, 7 drops each. In no case should the indicated dosage be exceeded - the plant is poisonous!
    • The evergreen plant, which is called white mistletoe, is a healing agent with a pronounced parasitic effect. To reduce pressure, it is taken as an infusion. Recipe: 1 tsp. raw materials are brewed like tea, and after half an hour of infusion they drink in the morning before breakfast and in the evening, 2 dessert spoons. It is not recommended to exceed the dosage, because mistletoe also belongs to the group of poisonous plants.
    • Hawthorn. It is a shrub, and its fruits are known as a cure for heart diseases. In addition, the fruits and inflorescences of hawthorn have a calming effect, lower blood pressure and affect the heart rate - reduce them. The decoction is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l. hawthorn fruits are pre-crushed, brewed. Drink 150-200 ml in the morning and evening.
    • Motherwort or, less commonly called, dog nettle. This herbal remedy stabilizes blood pressure, can regulate the menstrual cycle, helps reduce headaches and has a mild hypnotic effect. Pharmacy alcohol tincture of motherwort is taken from 30 to 50 drops three times a day. For a decoction, you need 1 tbsp. l. powdered motherwort pour 250 ml of water, but not boiling water, but cold, let it brew all night, and start taking in the morning and drink the whole amount in small portions before dinner.

    • Shepherd's handbag or more common name shepherd's bag. This herb is known as a means of reducing pressure, so hypertensive patients speak respectfully of it. Even doctors consider this folk remedy effective and always do not mind that it is part of a comprehensive treatment. The infusion is prepared in the usual way. Drink in small portions twice a day.
    • Dill inflorescences can also be used as a remedy for mild to moderate hypertension, as well as a heart remedy, in particular, for angina pectoris.
    • Red clover is known as an herb that is used for coughs, atherosclerosis, colds, rheumatism. This plant perfectly fights edema of cardiac and renal origin. The infusion is prepared as tea and drunk at least 3 times a day, 100 ml each. The course of treatment is a month.
    • Now it's time to talk about lemon balm, which is very rarely called catnip. Everyone knows this remedy as a sedative, but, probably, not many people know that at the same time it is able to influence the high numbers indicated on the tonometer and bring their level to normal levels. You can achieve a lasting result and a positive effect by taking a warm decoction (1 glass) of lemon balm before going to bed.

    Collections from healing herbs have a positive therapeutic effect, among other things, different plants increase the therapeutic effect when used simultaneously.

    Herbal therapy should be continued for several months and should always be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

    Article author: Kristina Borisova
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    Herbs to lower high blood pressure