Vegetative vascular dystonia of hypertensive type
IRR of the hypertensive type is not uncommon. The condition is characterized by a sudden increase in systolic blood pressure and can lead to serious complications.
IRR of the hypertonic type is one of the signs of autonomic innervation dysfunction. It develops due to dysfunction of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. It is characterized by a regular increase in pressure (during the systolic period). With advanced dystonia, hypertension may develop.
General characteristics of the VSD
ANS (vegetative nervous system) controls the normal functioning of internal organs, all important physiological processes (digestive, respiratory). In the case of consistency of sympathetic and parasympathetic regulation, blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels and body temperature remain normal.
But the influence of many factors can upset the balance of neurohumoral control, resulting in the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
Causes of pathology
The following factors can provoke the development of pathology:
- genetic predisposition;
- hormonal changes;
- obesity;
- medicinal preparations;
- pathology of the endocrine system;
- cervical osteochondrosis;
- damage to the nervous system;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- infections;
- restless character;
- constant stress;
- hormonal contraceptive drugs;
- frequent use of energy drinks;
- nicotine addiction, alcoholism.
Symptoms of the disease
The main symptom of hypertensive VVD is a regular increase in systolic blood pressure parameters. It rises periodically: the intensity of such attacks is constant and always remains at the same level.
Often, such symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia can be removed if you just relax or take sedative medications.
Also, with VVD, in addition to high pressure, the following can be observed:
- neck pain;
- fatigue;
- dizziness;
- insomnia;
- noise in ears;
- anxiety;
- flies before the eyes;
- causeless panic;
- tremor of the limbs;
- cold hands and feet;
- unnatural heartbeat;
- lack of air;
- excessive sweating;
- lack of coordination;
- lack of concentration.
A common occurrence in the hypertensive form of vegetative-vascular dystonia is sympathoadrenal crises. Their form is not always the same. The duration and intensity depend on the severity. A mild form of an attack can be distinguished by a duration (about fifteen minutes), the symptoms appear slightly, the remission time is long, and performance does not decrease during this period. With moderate severity of vegetovascular dystonia, the attack lasts about thirty minutes, the symptoms are pronounced, panic attacks are observed. A severe crisis can be distinguished by a significant duration (more than an hour), the upper pressure at this time increases significantly, and performance decreases sharply.
Sympathoadrenal crisis is the result of a sudden release of the hormone adrenaline.
It starts unexpectedly. A person has symptoms such as a severe headache, unpleasant burning sensations in the chest area, the face turns red, the heart rate increases, blood pressure rises sharply, panic fear, chills occur.
The crisis passes as suddenly as it appears. After an attack, the patient feels completely exhausted, at this time the blood pressure can drop significantly.
Diagnosis and treatment
It is difficult to diagnose VSD according to the hypertensive type, since many of the symptoms are similar to other ailments of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
To distinguish vegetovascular dystonia from other pathologies, it is necessary to visit several doctors and pass a lot of tests, as it will be necessary to exclude somatic, endocrine and neurological pathologies.
To make a diagnosis, the doctor:
- collect anamnesis;
- make an inspection;
- appoint an ECG, rheovasography, electroencephalography of the brain;
- conduct functional and pharmacological tests to assess the activity of the vegetative system.
After confirming the diagnosis of "VVD by hypertensive type", appropriate treatment is prescribed. Drugs are not the only therapy. Treatment of this disease should be based on an integrated approach. Depending on the symptoms and the degree of their manifestation, pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods can be used.
So, the doctor may recommend:
- rest, elimination of stress;
- adjust the daily regimen, prevent overwork, monitor the diet, give up tonic, strong drinks, cigarettes;
- treatment of chronic ailments (if any);
- psychotherapy;
- physical therapy, massage, acupuncture;
- physiotherapy procedures.
Antidepressants, sedatives, nootropics, antihypertensives (to relieve high blood pressure in VVD), tranquilizers, β-blockers, and drugs to restore normal cerebral circulation can be prescribed as medical treatment for vegetovascular dystonia. The dose of each drug is calculated individually by the attending physician. Treatment can last from 10 days to six months.
Often, to eliminate the manifestations of vegetovascular dystonia, medicinal herbs with a sedative effect are used.
These plants include:
- valerian;
- hawthorn;
- motherwort;
- lemon balm;
- mint;
- St. John's wort.
Decoctions of these herbs perfectly relieve the manifestations of the disease. But such treatment is effective only if mild vegetovascular dystonia. In the case of a complex form of the disease, herbal preparations can serve as an addition to traditional methods of treatment.
Prognosis and prevention of the disease
Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia according to the hypertensive type should be started as early as possible. Otherwise, the progression of the disease can cause serious consequences. Very often, dystonia leads to hypertensive, ischemic pathologies, angina pectoris. The result can be a stroke or heart attack. Also, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (atony), disorders in the functioning of the nervous system, urinary incontinence, early menopause, erectile dysfunction are often observed.
As necessary preventive measures, doctors recommend:
- change lifestyle;
- follow a healthy diet;
- rest fully.
Such measures will prevent the development of pathology, relieve symptoms, and improve the quality of life.
Vegetovascular dystonia is considered a disease of the nerves that appears against the background of overwork (if it is not caused by genetic heredity). Therefore, in order to avoid the appearance of this pathology, and even more so to prevent serious complications, you should take care of your health. If there are symptoms of this disease, it is strictly forbidden to use medications at your own discretion.