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    What is septal myocardial infarction of indeterminate age

    Septal myocardial infarction of indeterminate age is one of the most dangerous heart diseases requiring preventive measures and immediate treatment. The disease is formed as a result of a certain lifestyle, so a terrible disease can be prevented. The main cause of the disease is a sedentary lifestyle and malnutrition. The result of seizures is often fatal, so you need to know as much as possible about the disease.

    What is myocardial infarction

    Myocardial infarction refers to ischemic heart disease. Many people suffer from attacks of the disease every day, for the most part they are elderly members of society and people who have problems with being overweight.

    To have a complete picture of the disease, you need to understand how the heart works. Everyone knows that the heart is the main muscle of the human body responsible for blood circulation.

    The body wall consists of three layers:

    1. The outer layer is called the epicardium.
    2. Myocardium, or muscle layer.
    3. Inner layer (endocardium).

    Many arteries depart from the heart, supplying the vital muscle with blood and oxygen. In certain situations, when a person is worried, the heart begins to beat with violent force. If the body is healthy, the work of the myocardium is normal even in a stressful situation, as the arteries expand, thereby increasing blood flow to the myocardium.

    Myocardial infarction means the death of one of the parts of the heart. In this case, the left ventricle is at greater risk.

    If, for some reason, expansion does not occur, the muscular layer of the heart absorbs everything it needs to the maximum extent. This condition is called ischemia. Due to the fact that the myocardium takes everything it needs, the heart does not receive the necessary substances, coronary heart disease develops. Myocardial infarction means the death of one of the parts of the heart.

    Septal myocardial infarction of indeterminate age

    Anteroposterior myocardial infarction, or deep septal infarction, is quite rare. In the course of the disease, the posterior and anterior ventricular septa are simultaneously damaged, as well as the areas of the myocardium of the walls of the left ventricle located next to them.

    A dangerous ailment has not become widespread, and there is a reason for this. The fact is that blood comes to the anterior wall of the interventricular septum from the left coronary artery, and the posterior wall is supplied with the help of the right coronary artery. Concomitant symptoms of the disease may be blockade of the bundle of the legs of His.

     Signs of a deep septal infarction of indefinite prescription can be noticed by a cardiologist in the following areas:
    • II, III, Avf leads;
    • abduction Dorsalis;
    • very rare in V7-V9;
    • leads V1-V4;
    • abduction of the Anterior in the Sky.

     Sometimes necrosis extends to the septa and the posterior wall, namely to the basal regions.

    The root causes of septal myocardial infarction

    Often the disease develops due to pathologies or chronic diseases. The main external and internal sign of the disease is a decrease in blood flow to the muscle. As mentioned above, during the spread of coronary heart disease, part of the muscle tissue dies. A healthy wall is covered with scars and forever stops functioning normally.

    There are several causes of circulatory disorders, among which are:
    1. Excessive myocardial oxygen demand. The coronary arteries have a reserve that allows them to expand during times of high arousal and adrenaline rush. However, if this ability is impaired, the myocardium does not receive enough blood. This dissonance leads to a heart attack.
    2. The process of narrowing of the arteries. Narrowing, the arteries block the abundant blood flow to the myocardium, contributing to the development of ischemia, which manifests itself in the form of angina pectoris. The elasticity of the artery and the necessary clearance returns if the violation was caused by a spasm. In the worst situation, a thickening of the vessel wall is formed, after which the narrowing becomes progressive.
    3. Thrombosis. Often, a decrease in blood flow to the myocardium occurs due to the formation of a blood clot in the vessels. The blood carries the thrombus or embolus, moving it towards the heart. Even a healthy artery can suffer from this. After that, the muscle tissue of one of the most important organs will begin to rapidly die off.
    These three mechanisms are the root causes of deep septal infarction. The changes caused by the above violations will soon lead to serious pathology.

    The main source of blood for the walls of the heart muscle are the coronary arteries. Violations in them will very soon lead to sad consequences.

    Pathological disorders of the cardiovascular system

    Thrombosis and narrowing of the arteries is the root cause of pathological changes.

    These experts include the following processes:
    • inflammation of the arteries;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • open injuries of the chest;
    • too high blood clotting;
    • embolism;
    • discrepancy between myocardial blood demand and the capabilities of the arteries;
    • negative consequences of heart surgery;
    • arterial anomaly.

    Atherosclerosis is considered to be the main cause of myocardial infarction. This disease affects a large part of the population. In the modern world, with the advent of fast food chains, the problem of obesity has become especially acute. Other causes of atherosclerosis are smoking and a sedentary lifestyle.

     What is atherosclerosis? This disease is characterized by the filling of arteries with atherosclerotic plaques. Accumulating in the vessels, plaques contribute to the narrowing of the channel through which blood flows to the myocardium, which ultimately leads to a heart attack. With timely detection, the problem is easily eliminated surgically. One of the causes of atherosclerosis, the deposition of fat cells, also leads to thickening of the arterial walls.

    Genetic predisposition plays a special role in the development of heart disease. Anomalies, a tendency to form blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques can be inherited.

    Separately, it must be said about open injuries that lead to direct damage to the rapidly dying tissues of the muscular organ. However, closed wounds can also be dangerous: they can cause contusion of the muscular wall of the heart, as a result of which blood temporarily leaves the vessels adjacent to the organ.

    Risk group

    There are certain factors that increase the risk of a septal infarction of indeterminate age. It is possible to single out a circle of people who have the greatest tendency to ischemia.

    The risk group includes:
    1. People who have reached the age of 45. During life, the body accumulates substances harmful to the body. Carrying useful cholesterol, the blood also captures part of the cholesterol, which negatively affects the walls of blood vessels. Over time, the walls of the arteries become progressively thinner and clogged with plaque.
    2. Women who are more prone to myocardial infarction than the stronger sex. The risk of ischemia increases after menopause. However, men are more difficult to tolerate the disease.
    3. Overweight population. At the same time, a person does not go in for sports, which leads to a catastrophically slow metabolism, and then to the development of atherosclerosis.
    4. People who have already had a myocardial infarction. In this case, the type of heart attack does not matter, since the heart is damaged in any case.
    5. Patients suffering from diabetes.
    6. Heavy smokers. Nicotine constricts blood vessels.
    7. Hypertension. High blood pressure forces the heart to expend large volumes of oxygen.

    A healthy lifestyle virtually eliminates the risk of septal myocardial infarction. A person who regularly resorts to light physical activity and carefully monitors his diet has healthy blood vessels. In his body, there are no changes at the cellular level that the consumption of fatty heavy foods entails.

    You can reduce the likelihood of an attack by giving up bad habits. Smoking shortens a person's life by attacking the body from different sides.

    Signs of the disease

    Not always discomfort in the chest area speaks of coronary heart disease.

    You should immediately think about the problem if a person has at least one of the following signs:
    • severe attacks of vomiting and nausea, dizziness;
    • pain lasts more than 30 minutes;
    • the attack does not stop after taking drugs and a long rest;
    • a person feels pain not only during sports training, but also during sleep and rest;
    • the pain spreads over the left side of the body.
    Having found one or more signs of septal myocardial infarction, the patient should immediately consult a doctor. In the case of heart disease, every second is precious, because severe attacks very often lead to death.

     These signs indicate that necrosis is already spreading through the tissues of the heart. Calling an ambulance, you need to say about the need for the arrival of cardiologists.

    First aid for myocardial infarction

    As soon as the first signs of an approaching heart attack appear, you should immediately call specialists, pointing out the need for a cardiology team. However, do not act. First of all, the patient needs to ensure complete rest.

    Next, perform the following steps:
    • the patient is laid in bed, putting a pillow under his head;
    • provide an influx of fresh air into the room by opening the windows;
    • the patient's tight clothing should also be loosened;
    • a nitroglycerin tablet is placed under the patient's tongue.

    First aid does not eliminate the problem, but only stops the process of spreading necrosis. However, neglecting minimal assistance can lead to sudden death.

     Feeling the approach of a dangerous attack, you need to calm down as much as possible and allow loved ones to provide all possible assistance. Do not get lost and panic, it can aggravate the situation.

    Professional care for septal myocardial infarction of indefinite prescription

    The ambulance team that arrived at the scene must fulfill its main task, namely, to restore the capacity of the coronary arteries.

    To do this, doctors do the following:
    • the patient is prescribed drugs that prevent the formation of blood clots;
    • put the patient on a dropper that helps thin the blood;
    • if there are no contraindications, the physician begins therapeutic procedures already on the way to the hospital.
    To restore the capacity of blood vessels, two common operations are used: stenting and coronary artery bypass grafting. The stent is inserted into the clogged vessel, and shunting involves the creation of an artificial blood flow to the myocardium.

    Surgical operations are carried out exclusively in a hospital setting. The task of an ambulance is to transport the patient to the hospital and relieve symptoms.

    Consequences of septal myocardial infarction

    Heart disease has a huge impact on the human body.

    Myocardial infarction entails a number of negative consequences:
    1. The overall health of the body suffers.
    2. The scarred tissue of the myocardium permanently loses its ability to function normally.
    3. Arrhythmia and tachycardia.

    To reduce the risk of a second attack and make the consequences of a heart attack less noticeable, you need to reconsider your lifestyle. An attack is a consequence of malnutrition and bad habits.

    It is worth forgetting forever about cigarettes, visiting fast food chains and unhealthy snacks. Family holidays, implying an abundance of tasty, but fatty and heavy food, should become more modest. Regular exercise should be a healthy habit. It is not necessary to be exhausted and spend long hours in the gym. Sometimes a long evening walk with the dog is enough.

    Unfortunately, the occurrence of the disease does not always depend on the person. Often myocardial infarction is the result of a genetic predisposition. People with diabetes and hypertension often suffer from seizures. In this case, the risk of a heart attack is doubly increased, so nutritional control is vital.

    If a person is at risk of developing heart disease, he should be more attentive to his own health. The heart is one of the most important organs of the human body that needs to be protected. If preventive measures did not help and the attack nevertheless came, you should immediately seek help from specialists.

    Article author: galchonok_-07
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    What is septal myocardial infarction of indeterminate age