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    Symptoms and treatment of acute and chronic forms of myocardial ischemia

    Half of the older male population and a third of the female population are affected by heart disease. Myocardial ischemia is a disease, the danger of which is the appearance of a heart attack and death. At first, it manifests itself as an unpleasant pain in the region of the heart, which gradually increases. How does the disease proceed, what are the symptoms, and how to cure it?

    The value is myocardial ischemia, which proceeds without pain. It does not manifest itself for a long period, but causes a heart attack and death. This pathology affects up to 20% of healthy citizens.

    Causes and types of cardiac ischemia

    Ischemia of the heart

    The causes of the disease are varied, but the main ones are the age of the patient. Over the years, a person's metabolic processes in the body are disturbed, diseases develop, changes occur in the vessels.

    Main risk factors:
    • age;
    • male gender;
    • heredity;
    • bad habits;
    • accompanying pathology - diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity;
    • physical inactivity.

    Due to hormonal characteristics, women are less exposed to ischemia. Estrogens perform protective functions, but by the age of 70, with the onset of menopause, the incidence rate is equal to that of a man.

    Disturbed fat metabolism causes deposits on the arterial walls of formations that impede the outflow of blood and lead to oxygen starvation of the heart tissues. The increased pressure damages the inner arterial lining, causing a lack of blood flow.

    These factors cause the appearance of causes leading to a lack of oxygen in the heart. These are atherosclerosis, vasospasm, the formation of blood clots.

    CardiosclerosisThe international classification of diseases distinguishes such types of ischemia - angina pectoris, heart attack, abnormal heart rhythm, sudden death, cardiosclerosis (as a consequence of a heart attack), heart failure.

    Angina pectoris is a common form of cardiac ischemia, diagnosed in most of the elderly who have no complaints. A heart attack is a lack of oxygen leading to heart failure. High chance of death.

    What happens to the heart?

    The main symptom is pain that occurs in the chronic form of the disease and in its acute form. Due to the low oxygen content in the body, nerve receptors are irritated - the heart begins to work without interruption, in an accelerated mode, which leads to high oxygen consumption.

    Blood to the muscle rises through the coronary vessel, and the blood flow to the heart is limited - the myocardium suffers. Due to spasms and blood clots, blood flow is blocked. As a result, there is a shortage of blood in muscle cells, the appearance of pain. After the heart, the kidneys, brain, pancreas are affected.

    Development stages:
    1. Asymptomatic. A person feels well, cholesterol is deposited in the vessels, until it closes the lumen and does not interfere with the passage of blood.
    2. initial harbingers. Increases blood sugar and blood pressure. Cholesterol plaques grow, the vascular lumen closes. Changes begin in the structure of the myocardium.
    3. Growing manifestations. The rhythm of the heart is disturbed, breathing becomes uneven, a person is worried about chest pain. The ultrasound shows that the heart is enlarged.
    4. Final stage. There is a pumping of blood, the lower limbs swell, the pressure rises sharply.

    In the chronic stage of ischemia, the heart muscle receives less blood, fibers are formed, and cardiosclerosis occurs. When a nerve bundle is involved in the process, arrhythmia appears.

    In the last two stages, there is a high probability of a heart attack or instant cardiac arrest. Ischemia begins to progress.

    When the plaque ruptures, the movement of blood through the vessels stops completely. Ischemia turns into a heart attack. Changes are localized in the left side of the heart.

    How does the disease manifest itself?

    The clinical picture depends on the degree of damage to the artery and the course of the pathology. A common type of ischemia is angina pectoris, in which pain occurs during physical exertion.

    • pain in the heart and chest, radiating to the left arm and under the shoulder blades;
    • shortness of breath with rapid movement or with emotional overload.

    The symptoms last for half an hour. If complaints appear spontaneously, rest angina appears. If the pain syndrome worsens, resistance to stress decreases, angina pectoris progresses.

    myocardial infarctionA severe form of ischemia is a heart attack. A person is worried about severe burning pain behind the sternum. He has anxiety, shortness of breath, his skin turns blue, his heart beats intermittently. Sometimes there is pain in the abdomen.

    Against the background of attacks of these symptoms, instant death of the heart occurs. The person faints, the heart and breathing stop. The patient is resuscitated.

    In the last stages of cardiac ischemia, signs of insufficiency increase, first the limbs swell, then the fluid accumulates in the chest and abdominal cavity. The person is weakened, he has severe shortness of breath. In a half-sitting or reclining position, the patient feels better.


    Cardiac ischemia develops slowly or rapidly for many years. The manifestation of the disease depends on the form of pathology. An undulating disease - calm periods are replaced by exacerbation.
    • chest pain after exercise or stress;
    • choking after movement;
    • pain in the back;
    • cardiopalmus;
    • constant weakness;
    • nausea;
    • fleeting fainting spells;
    • dizziness;
    • limb edema.

    DizzinessThe symptoms do not appear at the same time. Predominate certain symptoms in a particular form of the disease.

    Before the heart suddenly stops, the person feels pain in the chest of a paroxysmal nature. His mood changes, his breathing stops, his skin turns pale, and his pupils dilate.

    First aid includes resuscitation, the methodology of which should be known to everyone. The lethal outcome falls on this period.

    Ischemic heart disease progresses slowly, changing from one symptom to another. The form of the disease is changing.

    How to diagnose?

    After the onset of symptoms, visit a cardiologist. During the initial examination, the symptoms that disturb the patient are determined, the skin is examined, and the presence of edema is excluded. Further, a referral for examination is issued.
    Diagnostic methods:
    1. Echocardiogram. This is an ultrasound examination, the results of which determine the size of the heart and condition. Conducted after physical activity, so that the information is reliable.
    2. Functional test with load. Sensors are attached to the human body. He is offered to walk, run or jump. The method detects ischemia at the initial stage. It does not apply to those who, for health reasons, cannot exercise.
    3. ECG. Myocardial ischemia on the ECG revealed the work of the heart muscle. The device is installed on the belt or shoulder of the patient. Testimony is recorded in a diary. Every hour there is activity and well-being.
    4. Transesophageal ECG. A sensor is inserted into the esophagus to assess the state of the myocardium. The method is reliable, since there are no interferences - skin, adipose tissue and chest.
    5. Coronary angiography. The patient is injected with a reagent, assessing how impaired the patency of the artery. The method is used when deciding whether surgery is required.

    These are painless and effective methods for detecting coronary heart disease.

    Blood analysisIn addition to examination and research, a blood test is prescribed. In this way, the level of protein compounds, sugar and cholesterol is determined - to identify concomitant diseases.

    When interviewing a patient, the doctor must find out when the symptoms appeared, whether close relatives suffer from heart disease, whether the patient smokes, and so on.

    The examination includes 3 stages - interview, collection of complaints and physical examination. If during the initial examination there are suspicions of ischemia, a laboratory test is prescribed.

    How to treat?

    Treatment of cardiac ischemia is a long, difficult and consistent process. The patient is examined individually, and therapy is prescribed based on the results.

    To exclude damage to the heart and the development of pathologies, prescribe:
    • special diet;
    • physical exercise;
    • medications.

    With age, the likelihood that a person will need medication for cardiac ischemia increases.

    Successful treatment requires the normalization of blood flow and the removal of obstacles that prevent oxygen from reaching the heart. Taking medication, giving up bad habits, changing lifestyle and monitoring weight are the main therapy for the disease.

    The main drug is Nitroglycerin, which stops ischemic attacks. Medicines are selected and prescribed by a doctor.

    The diet is important. Limited intake of water and salt. Fried and smoked foods, butter and lard are excluded. High-calorie food is contraindicated.

    Folk methods of treatment

    Garlic and honeyAt the initial stage of the disease, alternative medicine is the main method of treating the symptoms of ischemia. For effective therapy, a doctor's consultation is required. A feature of taking drugs is their long-term use. They do not act immediately, but accumulate in the body, preventing the onset of symptoms.

    1. Heather garlic. Thanks to them, the vessels expand, the amplitude of contractions increases, cholesterol is excreted. To prepare the mixture, garlic is crushed, honey is added and infused for 7 days. Take daily (three times a day) 1 tbsp. l. in 30 min. before eating. A decoction is prepared from heather - 50 g of grass is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Add 50 ml of tincture to tea.
    2. Motherwort, hawthorn and chamomile. Equal proportions of grass are crushed, poured with boiling water (50 g of grass per 0.5 l of water), insisted for 3 hours. Drink before eating.
    3. Horseradish with honey. Horseradish rubbed on a grater, add 1 tsp. mixture to 1 tsp. honey. Eat three times a day on an empty stomach.
    4. Hawthorn tea. 1 st. l. fruit pour 250 ml of boiling water. Put in a warm place. Drink 1 tbsp. l. before every meal.

    Milk is added to the tincture. It contains B vitamins and magnesium, which have a positive effect on the nervous system. For long-term therapy, the drug is not suitable.

    It is impossible to choose a medicine on your own. The prescription is prescribed by a doctor.

    The duration of treatment with folk remedies is up to 10 days. The course is set by a cardiologist, depending on the stage of the disease and the state of health of the patient.

    Cardiac ischemia is a dangerous disease. With a prolonged course, necrosis develops. To prevent complications, timely consultation with a cardiologist and treatment is required.

    Article Author: V83asol
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    Symptoms and treatment of acute and chronic forms of myocardial ischemia