Treatment of shortness of breath in heart failure folk remedies
One of the symptoms of diseases of the cardiovascular system is shortness of breath. Treatment with folk remedies helps to get rid of this symptom.
But at the initial stage, few people pay attention to this manifestation. Most often, such a symptom is treated as a temporary phenomenon that occurs as a result of physical activity and disappears when a person has a rest.
This symptom should be taken seriously. The sooner the patient seeks medical help, the more chances to get rid of the disease that gave rise to this symptom, completely. After all, at the initial stage, any ailment can be treated better than when the pathology becomes irreversible.
Folk remedies for shortness of breath
At an early stage of heart failure, breathing problems occur infrequently, the patient does not attach importance to them, but as the pathology progresses, severe shortness of breath torments more and more.
And one day there is an understanding that the route, which was overcome in a few minutes at a quick pace, has become much longer due to breathing difficulties. And with a decrease in the pace, shortness of breath does not disappear. There is a need to stop along the way in order to catch your breath. Traditional medicine did not bypass this symptom of heart failure. There are many time-tested recipes that help deal with the problem of shortness of breath.
But such treatment can be effective only when the patient gives up bad habits and pays more attention to a healthy lifestyle.
Some traditional medicine recipes
This is for example:
- Birch leaves. Freshly picked leaves should be crushed. Then two tablespoons of this product are poured into one glass of hot boiled water and infused for thirty minutes. Next, the resulting infusion should be filtered and add half a teaspoon of soda. This remedy should be divided into several portions and drunk throughout the day. For treatment, you need to prepare a fresh drug every day.
- Walnut partitions. To prepare a tincture from this component, pour a glass with a slide of cleaned partitions into a container (preferably glass) and pour vodka over it. The vessel is well sealed (so that the alcohol does not erode) and placed in a dark, cool place for three weeks. It needs to be shaken up from time to time. Used for heart failure 1 tbsp. l. once a day with water.
- Astragalus. A decoction is made from the plant for shortness of breath. To do this, pour 30 grams of dry or fresh product with a glass of clean water, bring to a boil and leave to infuse for two hours. Then the product must be filtered, add honey and mix well. For treatment, it is recommended to take 50 grams before meals three times a day.
- Wormwood seeds. It is necessary to pour the grains of the plant with unrefined vegetable oil in a ratio of 1: 4, that is, four parts of oil for one part of the seeds. Every morning on an empty stomach, this remedy should be used in this way: three drops of buttermilk solution should be dropped on a piece of refined sugar, a sweet cube should be put in the mouth and sucked like candy.
- Lemon and garlic. For treatment, you need to squeeze the juice of twenty lemons and grind 300 grams of garlic. Both components should be placed in a container and mixed well. It is better to use glassware, but in no case aluminum. The resulting mixture can not be closed tightly, insist for one day. Consume one tablespoon daily at bedtime. Stir the mixture before each use. Treatment with this remedy for heart failure should be carried out for half a month, after a while repeat.
- Celandine. One st. l. this plant (crushed) must be combined with 50 grams of liquid honey and add half a liter of white wine (natural). Mix everything well, put in a water bath. Cook until only a quarter of the mixture remains. The finished product must be divided into two equal portions. One to eat in the morning, on an empty stomach, the second - in the evening. Treatment is recommended for a month. Every day you need to prepare a fresh portion.
- Medicinal teas. Well help to cope with shortness of breath in particular and heart failure in general, teas from young stalks of nettle and blackberry. Drinks are prepared from these plants, like ordinary tea: raw materials are poured with boiling water and infused for several minutes. A similar remedy can also be prepared from a special collection, which includes cudweed, thyme, woodruff, chopped blackberry leaves, motherwort. These plants must be mixed, pour one spoonful of water and leave to infuse the drink. This treatment is delicious and enjoyable. To make the tea even healthier, you can add honey.
- Healing juices. With an attack of shortness of breath, a vegetable drink will help to cope. You will need to mix 1 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed carrot juice, 70 grams of red beet juice and liquid honey, 60 grams of celery juice, 500 grams of onion chopped with a blender. Mix everything well, put in a water bath and simmer for three hours. Use for acute asthma attacks.
- Sagebrush. You will need to make a decoction. To do this, 50 grams of leaves should be poured with 500 grams of pure water, put on a small fire, boil for 15 minutes, leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Apply for heart failure, 50 grams three times a day before meals.
- Spring adonis. It is necessary to pour one tablespoon of chopped grass with half a liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for about an hour. Strain the mixture. Treatment consists of taking one spoonful every two hours.
- Grape. This berry helps to relieve an attack of shortness of breath. You should eat 100 grams of such a product, but after that you can’t eat anything for two hours.
- Aloe. From the leaves of this plant, you need to make an alcohol infusion, close the container tightly and put it in a dark, cold place for ten days. It is recommended to use with heart failure by mixing a teaspoon of the mixture with a tablespoon of honey. After a few minutes, you can drink tea or water.
- Melissa. This herb can be used as an infusion or decoction. Drinks are prepared in a ratio of 1:10. That is, one part of the crushed plant is poured with ten parts of water. You should drink 30 grams four times a day.
- Hawthorn. It is a teaspoon of flowers and leaves of a plant, poured with 100 grams of vodka, infused in a dark, cold place, twenty drops are consumed with water three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is a month.
Healing properties of products
Traditional medicine recommends not depleting your diet of healthy foods:
- Onions must be consumed daily. It stimulates the work of the cardiac and vascular systems.
- Cottage cheese strengthens the walls of arteries and muscles.
- Cucumbers produce a good diuretic effect.
- The value of apricots in the diet is due to the presence of iron and potassium.
- Nuts, dry grapes, dried apricots, hard cheese strengthen the heart, relieve fatigue, eliminate headaches.
- We must not forget about such a dish as millet porridge. Today it is rarely found on the menu, but millet has a positive effect on the entire cardiovascular system.
- It is mandatory to add flower honey to tea. It is especially useful to stir a spoonful of this sweet product in a glass of water and drink on an empty stomach daily.
Shortness of breath can indicate not only heart failure. It can be a symptom of many other pathologies.
Therefore, you can not self-medicate with heart failure.
Before turning to traditional medicine for help, you should undergo an examination at the clinic and consult a doctor.