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    What are edema in heart failure

    Edema in heart failure - symptoms of the disease according to pathogenesis.

    In clinical practice, edema in heart failure is the first to let you know about problems with the most important muscular organ.

    For one reason or another, the heart begins to fail to cope with the load placed on it, which can increase day by day. The main function of the heart muscle is to pump blood, which carries valuable oxygen and nutrients to every cell of the human body. If the activity of the heart weakens, every organ begins to suffer.

    Etiology of the disease


    Many scientific works have determined the main position of heart failure: this pathology never occurs on its own. As a rule, the function of the heart suffers due to many systemic diseases, more often the lungs, liver, kidneys. Deficiency symptoms increase with age, which is characteristic of many chronic diseases.

    The pathogenesis of insufficient heart function is most often associated with such cardiovascular diseases:

    1. Heart defects, deformation of valves and partitions in the organ.
    2. Ischemic heart disease, atherosclerotic changes in the body.
    3. Arterial hypertension of any degree, cardiomyopathy.

    Each condition has a different amount of time for heart failure to develop. So, with increased pressure, it may take years to weaken the pumping function of the heart, while a heart attack provokes symptoms of the disease almost immediately. Irregularities in the functioning of the lungs can also aggravate the activity of the heart. Liver diseases, anemia and other metabolic pathologies also have a negative impact.

    Each such disease does not pass without a trace for the heart, but always predominantly one of the ventricles suffers: right or left. Therefore, heart failure is divided into two types.

    Main symptom complex

    The pathogenesis of heart failure determines the symptoms, from which a rather extensive list can be made.

    Puffiness of any anatomical region appears first and is a very reliable indicator of the disease.

    The weakening of the work of the heart leads to fluid retention. If the right ventricle suffers to a greater extent, the water component in excess enters the systemic circulation. Edema in connection with this initially appears at the ankles and gradually rises, but rarely reaches the face.

    In this moment:Fatigue

    • patients become passive;
    • feel fullness in the lungs and chest;
    • superficial veins in the neck may pulsate intensely.

    From their history, people note that the swelling evenly affects both legs. An increase in stop volumes begins in the evening and practically disappears after a night's sleep. Elevated legs position, as well as a fluid-restricted diet, help relieve swelling faster. Patients may change more than one pair of shoes, as they become out of size due to evening swelling. In emergency cases, patients are admitted to the hospital right in slippers.

    Such an important diagnostic criterion should alert the patient's relatives and himself, since drug treatment, diet and rest in this case are required immediately.

    In the absence of therapeutic correction, edema spreads over the legs and thighs and can reach the abdominal cavity. The accumulation of fluid in this anatomical region is called ascites or anasarca. The pathogenesis of this condition determines the need for the patient in a constant sitting or standing position, since when laying on his back or side, it is difficult for the patient to breathe. Excessive pressure is created for the lungs, which does not allow the patient to fully inhale.

    The structure of the liverOn the part of the liver, its increase is observed due to the expansion of the venous network. The liquid part of the blood overflows the detoxification organ, which causes heaviness and pain in the hypochondrium on the right side. It also causes a pigment protein, bilirubin, to accumulate in the liver, which stains the skin and mucous membranes in a yellowish tint, which often makes you see a doctor.

    Left ventricular failure from the side of the heart also has pronounced symptoms of swelling and fluid retention. The pulmonary circle of blood circulation suffers here, which reduces the oxygen supply of the body.

    The main symptom complex comes from the lungs:Dry cough

    • dyspnea,
    • feeling short of breath
    • cough with voluminous sputum.

    Patients are also apathetic and unable to perform their usual work. Severe chest pains are noted with intense physical exertion.

    Puffiness is not always the first manifestation of the disease.

    Any symptoms in each patient, their severity and severity vary greatly, which requires individual treatment, where the diet will be the main one. However, the left ventricle (as a more powerful one) “loses its positions” more slowly and declares its insufficiency. Right ventricular failure rather soon makes itself felt, which allows it to be corrected in a timely manner.

    Rational nutrition and edema

    Treatment of heart failure is always multicomponent and takes into account its pathogenesis.

    Diet is practically the main point of therapeutic action if the disease has not developed to the last decompensated stage.

    With the correct drug treatment, swelling can be quickly removed, but rational nutrition remains a preventive measure for some time.

    Scientific developments have made it possible to draw up a dietary treatment with such recommendations for the nutrition of patients with dysfunction of the heart muscle:Diet food

    1. The diet is based on eating in small portions 5-6 times a day. Bulk meals are strictly prohibited, as this aggravates the pathogenesis of insufficiency.
    2. An increase in the water component of the blood acidifies this biological environment, which requires the inclusion of alkaline products in the diet. Dietary treatment consists in the use of fermented milk products, milk itself, fresh vegetables, fruits, greens.
    3. For a comprehensive recovery of the heart, liver, lungs, cereal porridge is good. They can be used as a side dish for lean meats: chicken, beef, lean fish. Vegetable dressings from cabbage, carrots, zucchini will help diversify the menu.
    4. The pathogenesis of heart failure dictates a restriction in the diet of salt. The diet in this state allows five grams of sodium chloride per day, which normalizes the volume of fluid in the body.
    5. The congestion of fluid in the lungs in heart failure is somewhat reduced by restricting water in the diet. A liter of liquid recommended per day includes soups, teas, and compotes. There are also restrictions on mineral water.
    6. According to the recommendations of doctors, the diet should be enriched with potassium and magnesium, which tend to attract water. This will reinforce medical treatment to remove the fluid. Dried fruits are rich in potassium, nuts and seeds are rich in magnesium.
    7. For the organocomplex of the heart, lungs and liver, it will be useful to limit the consumption of sugary foods. The pathogenesis of edema formation is aggravated by the presence of a large amount of glucose in the blood.
    8. The diet also recommends avoiding saturated fats, which are found in vegetable oils, fatty meats, and fish. They are easy to replace with low-fat counterparts, which will not only improve the heart, but also improve the complexion.

    Experts say that adhering to such recommendations allows you to quickly eliminate swelling and no longer wait for their appearance.

     A balanced diet is often included in the lifestyle of patients, which raises the overall level of health.

    Other systemic diseases of the heart, lungs, and kidneys also go away. But any treatment should be strictly agreed with the doctor.

    Article author: Ekaterina Filatova
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    What are edema in heart failure