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    Diet for heart failure every day

    Products for heart failure play no less a role than drug treatment.

    A properly selected diet will enhance the effectiveness of medications and speed up recovery.

    Proper nutrition in heart failure is one of the main types of prevention of exacerbations of cardiovascular diseases. Comprehensive treatment, including, in addition to medical therapy, the possibilities of a natural pharmacy, a balanced diet and a mindset for recovery, demonstrate amazing results.

    How to properly organize nutrition with a weakened heart

    Even the ancient healers brought us a simple but important truth: food is medicine. Pure products of plant and animal origin improve blood biochemistry, tone up the cardiovascular system, normalize blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Raspberry, familiar from childhood, cleanses blood vessels. Pears can calm the heartbeat. Blackcurrant thins the blood, reduces atherosclerotic manifestations.

    The diet for heart failure consists of a number of fundamental principles, the unconditional observance of which helps to eliminate or significantly alleviate negative symptoms.

    Attention: any diet is coordinated with the attending physician!

    Limited water and salt intake

    Heart failure is accompanied (at least!) by deviations in blood pressure and edema, provoked by stagnation in the body of excess fluid. From this point of view, the control of the volume of consumption of water, drinks, liquid meals plays a paramount role. Getting into narrowed vessels, liquids increase pressure on their walls. Since the heart does not fully cope with the removal of excess, the limbs begin to swell. The provocative role of salt in this situation is obvious: it causes thirst and retains water.

    To reduce violations of water-salt metabolism, doctors recommend:

    • set for yourself a drinking schedule for every day - 1000 or 1200 ml of water, taking into account drinks and liquid nutrition;
    • remember that lack of water causes weakness, stool retention. Therefore, do not go to extremes;
    • brew tea weakly, better with fruit; coffee - light, with milk; reduce the concentration of juices by half; Mineral waters can be drunk up to half a liter;
    • do not exceed the norm in 5-6 gr. salt (preferably a low-sodium variety) per day, and if edema increases, abandon it completely;
    • to give appetizing salt-free dishes, add a little spicy herbs.

    Normalization of potassium-magnesium balance

    The lack of potassium and magnesium depresses the cardiovascular tone, since these trace elements constitute the main content of the cells.

    When potassium deficiency is replenished, fluid outflow improves. Magnesium in the right concentration has a beneficial effect on blood pressure and peripheral blood flow.

    A high percentage of potassium contain:

    • dried fruits - dried apricots, prunes;
    • fresh apricots, peaches, bananas, oranges, grapefruits;
    • currant, gooseberry, cranberry, cloudberry, cherry, raspberry;
    • rose hips, nuts;
    • buckwheat, oats, rice;
    • potatoes, bell peppers.

    The following foods are rich in magnesium:

    • cereals, baked goods;
    • nuts, seeds;
    • seaweed;
    • watermelons.

    Fractional nutrition

    Improper nutrition in heart failure, a full stomach - all this creates an extra load on the heart muscle. Breaking down into 5 or 6 servings a day will keep you from getting too hungry. Knowing that after a short period of time it will be possible to snack again, it is psychologically easier to limit yourself to a small amount of food. With slow, long chewing, a feeling of satiety will come just in time for the end of a modest meal. After 19.00 - only a glass of kefir at night.

    Products that reduce the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract

    One of the disorders in the weakened activity of the heart center is an increase in acidity.

    To adjust the acid-base balance will help the products used every day:

    • fresh milk and sour dairy products;
    • vegetables - beets, carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, cauliflower, potatoes, greens, leafy salads;
    • fruits - pears, apples;
    • berries.

    Often, a weakened body reacts to fresh plant products with flatulence. The "problem" group includes white cabbage, peas, beans, onions, garlic, radishes. Drinks saturated with gas are undesirable.

    All varieties of tomatoes and cucumbers, leaf lettuce, carrots are well absorbed. The rest of the allowed vegetable products are prepared by stewing and baking.

    Less sweet

    Sugar, like salt, is a plentiful drink accumulated in the body. The concept of "sugar" includes confectionery, sweet pastries, fruit preparations (jam), honey.

    Consumption of sugar and products containing it - no more than 100 g / day. You can still afford a choice of 4-5 sweets, 5-6 tsp. sugar, honey, jam, jam, preserves.

    Reduced fat intake

    Fatty foods bring unhealthy cholesterol. Plaques occupy the inner surfaces of blood vessels, blood flow decreases, the liver works at its limit. "Bunches" of fat hang on the heart and accumulate under the skin.

    The diet carries out the primary task - to lose weight and ease the load, primarily on the heart.

    The following products will come to the rescue:

    • in cooking - the priority of vegetable oils (butter reduce to 1 tsp per day);
    • meat, fish - only low-fat (beef, chicken, turkey, pollock, hake, cod, perch, blue whiting);
    • garnishing cabbage, potato, squash, carrot;
    • first courses on the water;
    • milk soups;
    • low-fat, sweetish cheeses (1 slice per day);
    • low-fat cottage cheese, milk, sour dairy products;
    • coarse bread (grain, bran, dark varieties) - 2 or 3 pieces a day.

    What should not be on the menu: 

    • saturated broths;
    • fried/smoked meat products, fish;
    • hot spices;
    • chocolate.

    Fasting days

    Diet for heart failure, especially with excess weight, provides for periodic fasting. Its reasonable organization will give a good long-term result and improve well-being.

    Important! Cardiological patients can arrange fasting days only with the permission of the doctor.

    The number of "unloadings" can range from 1 to 3 per week. In the "post" organs, including the heart, can rest and repair themselves, and the body as a whole can be cleansed a little.

    It is important to set the right psychological attitude: unloading nutrition leads to recovery, and, therefore, to good health and an optimistic mood!

    There are several classic options: kefir / cottage cheese, kefir / apples, apples / apple juice, rice / compotes.

    Recommended selection of products and dishes for a typical day

    1st reception:

    a) 6-8 Art. l. cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal) or 100-150 gr. cottage cheese (cheesecakes, casseroles);

    b) 100 ml of milk or 1 slice of bread with butter and a glass of weak tea (you can use milk).

    2nd reception:

    1 juicy apple / pear (can be baked) or 1 banana (can be baked) or 5-6 pcs. high-quality dried apricots (dim, but not completely dried out).

    3rd reception:

    a) vegetarian soup, it will be tastier with a spoonful of low-fat sour cream;

    b) boiled meat/fish; garnish of your choice - mashed boiled carrots (beets), stewed cabbage (possible with sour cream), tomatoes with cucumbers, sweet peppers and herbs in a salad flavored with sunflower oil;

    c) 200 ml of uzvar or the same amount of fruit juice.

    4th reception:

    Your choice - 1 apple / pear, 6-8 pcs. dried apricots, 200 ml rosehip broth, pumpkin juice with 1 tsp. honey.

    5th meal (19:00):

    Choice of a piece of boiled fish with 1-2 small potatoes, boiled in their skins, baked (potassium is preserved); 6-8 Art. l. porridge + a slice of cheese; 150 gr. cottage cheese; 150 gr. casseroles carrot/apple.

    6th reception (before going to bed):

    200 ml of kefir, curdled milk, unsweetened yogurt.

    Selection of products for fasting days

    It could be:

    1. Kefir / cottage cheese. Liter of kefir, 400 gr. low-fat cottage cheese.
    2. Apples. 1.5 kg of whole, pureed, baked or stewed apples eat with peel. It is better to choose home-made products, imported ones are coated with wax for safety. The unloading diet can be supplemented with 1 glass of light coffee (possible with milk) or apple juice.
    3. Cottage cheese / apples. Cottage cheese - 300 gr.; apples - 0.5 kg; milk (kefir) - 400 ml; potatoes - 200 gr.
    4. Rice / compote. 8 art. l. boiled unseasoned rice divided into 2 doses. Compote without sugar - 6 times a day, 200 ml.

    During the period of natural (non-greenhouse) fruiting, cardiopatients need to saturate their diet with green vegetables, fruits, and berries as much as possible.

    Products are preferable to local ones, on which more than one generation has grown up and to which the body is tuned. They are necessary as a source of vitamins, trace elements, antioxidants, which have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, immunity and overall quality of life.

    Article author: Ekaterina Filatova
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    Diet for heart failure every day