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    Signs of heart failure in men

    Heart failure in men does not show symptoms immediately. To maintain normal life, it is important to diagnose the disease in time.

    Heart failure in the stronger sex can cause pulmonary edema and cardiogenic shock. The inability of the heart to perform its pumping function leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the tissues. Without proper treatment, the prognosis for this pathology can be the most unfavorable.

    General characteristics of the pathology

    Heart failure is much more common in men than in women. This pathology is not independent.

    The presence of an ailment indicates a functional violation of the entire cardiovascular system.

    It is very important to diagnose this disease as early as possible, since the consequences can have an irreversible process.

    Heart pathologies are most often the cause of death in males.

    The insidiousness of such ailments lies in the fact that they do not appear immediately. Diseases can form for many years and do not declare themselves in any way. Very often, the patient learns about the existence of a problem only after a heart attack.

    Men, as a rule, ignore the first "calls" and go to the clinic when the disease has already acquired a complex form. The reason for this behavior is considered to be a psychological factor: “How can a strong man pay attention to minor ailments?”

    But it is the first symptoms that make it possible:

    • seek medical attention in time;
    • prevent serious complications.

    One of the consequences of heart failure is myocardial infarction. This complication more often than others causes the death of the stronger sex.

    Signs of the disease in men

    The following symptoms indicate the approach of a heart attack:

    Dyspnea. Suffocation, lack of air are manifested both during physical exertion and in a calm state. This symptom is due to heart and lung failure. The body is not able to supply enough oxygen to the tissues, which affects the state of the body and the well-being of the patient.

    Pain in the chest. Such unpleasant sensations can be of the most diverse nature: from slight discomfort to severe manifestations in the form of squeezing, pressure, burning. Pain can radiate to a number of areas. This:

    • left upper limb (in some cases, right);
    • scapula;
    • lower part of the face;
    • neck.

    Such a syndrome occurs periodically and is the main confirmation of the progression of the pathology.

    Dizziness, loss of balance. Often patients complain that "I was walking, suddenly my head was spinning, and I fell down." Men tend to attribute such a sign to banal fatigue. But with heart disease, this symptom appears due to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain. Therefore, in the presence of such manifestations, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Constant fatigue, fast fatigue. This symptom is also due to insufficient blood supply. The heart cannot deliver blood to all organs with the same strength, so the body's defense system focuses its work on maintaining the normal functioning of only vital ones. Peripheral blood channels are narrowed, resulting in a redistribution of the flow. This (primarily) affects the limbs. As a result, the patient feels weakness in the arms and legs, quickly gets tired.

    Edema. Insufficient outflow of fluid from the body is due to an increase in blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels and the retention of sodium by the kidneys. With an increase in pressure in the cavity of the capillaries, part of the fluid enters the tissues. Due to the decrease in the amount of circulating blood, the production of renin with angiotensin II increases significantly. As a result, there is an increased production of aldosterone, reabsorption of sodium and water by the kidneys. In heart failure, Na remains in the blood and interstitial fluid. This dysfunction leads to an effect on osmoreceptors and increased production of vasopressin, which contributes to the accumulation of fluid.

    Cough. This symptom appears due to hemodynamic disorders:

    • there is a stagnation of biological fluid in the pulmonary vessels and an increase in pressure in a small circle of hemodynamics;
    • blood oxygenation is disturbed;
    • hypoxia appears;
    • connective tissue is formed in the lumen of the channels of the microvasculature.

    Because of this, blood stops passing through the small arteries of the lungs, the amount of this fluid in the small circle decreases, and blood pressure rises. Such transformations cause a deterioration in the work of the myocardial muscle: it first hypertrophies, then becomes thinner, thereby reducing the contractility of the heart. Gradually, parts of the lung are replaced by fibrous tissue. Pneumosclerosis is formed, respiratory failure appears. Even with a slight physical exertion, the patient begins to cough.

    Loss of appetite, nausea. Such manifestations are possible due to the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, which interferes with digestion. It is also possible heaviness in the abdomen (even with a minimal amount eaten), pain, great sensitivity.

    Cyanosis. The cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes is due to the high concentration of reduced hemoglobin in the blood. This symptom appears as a result of a decrease in oxygen in the blood. This manifestation is most noticeable on thin areas of the skin:

    • face,
    • fingers,
    • nails,
    • lips.

    The severity of cyanosis directly depends on the amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells. In heart failure, peripheral cyanosis is usually observed. When blood flow slows down, reduced hemoglobin increases only in those capillaries where hemodynamics is significantly reduced.

    Nocturia. Nocturnal diuresis is a symptom that is the result of the release of fluid that has been accumulated by body tissues during the day. This happens because during rest, the heart experiences less stress. In the daytime, the increased work of the heart is accompanied by the main use of water. This creates arterial congestion, fluid is retained in the tissues (edema occurs). At night, the human body is in a horizontal position. This arrangement improves the outflow of blood from the legs, and the lack of physical activity greatly facilitates the functioning of the heart. As a result, renal blood circulation improves, the excretion of fluid from the body increases. Nocturia in this case is a compensatory reaction of the body due to insufficient daily diuresis. The result is the restoration of water balance.

    Tachycardia. This symptom occurs due to a decrease in the contractile function of the heart. The ventricles eject little blood, the pressure drops, there is a feeling of "flutter" in the chest or a fast, rapid heartbeat.

    Not all symptoms can be observed in heart failure in men.

    The appearance of certain signs depends on the side of the heart lesion. If pathological transformations occur in the left side of the organ, blood is pushed back into the pulmonary arteries, excess fluid enters the alveoli, breathing problems appear, weakness, excessive mucus formation are possible.

    In the case of a right-sided pathology, the outflow of blood from the right ventricle is difficult. The result is an increase in pressure, accumulation of fluid in the abdomen and legs. With such an ailment, significant edema and nocturnal diuresis are observed.

    But it is impossible to diagnose heart failure only by the above symptoms. Such signs are often found in other diseases.

    Only a qualified specialist can accurately determine the disease.

    Therefore, it is impossible to self-medicate based on possible signs. Be sure to seek the advice of a doctor.

    Article author: Ekaterina Filatova
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    Signs of heart failure in men