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Headache and high pulse, tachycardia, causes of tachycardia, causes of headache, symptoms of tachycardia, diagnosis, headache in other diseases, self-medication, nervous tension, methods of treating headache.
When symptoms appear that indicate possible deviations in the work of the heart, it is important to find out in time how atrial fibrillation is manifested and diagnosed, it is also atrial fibrillation of the ECG - the first and main method in identifying this pathology.
Troponin, its types, protein norm in the human body. Why is a troponin test necessary for myocardial infarction, when should it be performed. Features of qualitative and quantitative analysis, whether the test gives a guarantee.
Transposition of the great vessels: description of the pathology, classification, causes, symptoms and complications, diagnosis and treatment, prognostic assessment.
Stages of myocardial infarction: characteristics of the pathological condition, causes, persons at risk, classification, diagnostic procedures, stages of development, symptoms, possible consequences.
Remedy for VSD, principles of therapy for VVD, antidepressants and sedatives, tranquilizers, antipsychotics, nootropic drugs, tablets for VVD, treatment at an early age, herbal medicine and homeopathy, prevention.
Clinical picture, causes of development and symptoms of the gastrocardiac syndrome, known as Remheld's syndrome; diagnostic methods, methods of treatment and prevention of the syndrome; the use of traditional medicine in therapy.
Cardiopulmonary insufficiency: classification of the disease; causes of cardiopulmonary insufficiency; symptoms, treatment and diagnosis of various forms of the course of the disease.
Why does a scar appear on the heart and is it possible to fight it? The features of the development of the process in various diseases are considered, the main methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention are given.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: features of the disease, classification and existing forms of HC, causes and main symptoms, popular diagnostic methods, types of treatment and preventive activities.