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    Do they give disability with heart disease and how to apply for it

    Cardiovascular diseases are the most acute problem facing modern medicine. Worldwide, heart and vascular diseases are the most common cause of death. Both adults and children suffer from these diseases. Heart disease disability is a severe, often incurable disease. Symptoms that signal the presence of a disease such as heart disease cannot be ignored. It is important to diagnose the disease in time and start treatment as early as possible.

    What is called heart disease

    Heart disease is called pathological disorders in the structure and work of the heart, which lead to heart failure.

    The heart is a vital organ that performs the main function in the circulatory system, ensuring the movement of blood through the vessels due to its rhythmic contractions.

    When pathological defects are observed in the state of the heart, first of all, the body experiences insufficient blood supply. If the degree of circulatory disorders is high enough, then a person is given a disability.

    Heart defects are divided into:
    1. Congenital. Violations in the structure of the heart organ occurs even before a person is born.
    2. Acquired. Heart pathology develops during a person's life, for example, in case of complications after an illness.

    Heart defects are chronic diseases, gradually progressing. Various therapeutic methods alleviate the condition of patients, but do not bring complete recovery. Therapy does not eliminate the cause of the disease. Achieving complete recovery is possible only by surgery.

    The consequence of the development of such a serious disease as heart disease is a gradual violation of the functions of other human organs to one degree or another. To maintain health and exclude the development of more severe complications, correct knowledge about the dangers of heart disease is necessary.

    Modern medicine has such a high level of development that even in the most difficult cases of an organ disease, it can, if not completely cure, then provide a person with a decent life.

    congenital heart defects

    Congenital pathologies of the cardiovascular system are caused by various reasons.

     The main reasons include:
    • heredity or genetic predisposition;
    • existing deviations in genetic development, for example, Down syndrome;
    • an infectious disease suffered by a woman during pregnancy;
    • the effect of drugs, as well as harmful chemicals in the early stages of pregnancy, when the formation of the cardiovascular system occurs;
    • excessive use of alcohol by a woman during pregnancy, as well as the use of drugs.

    More than a hundred heart diseases that are congenital are described in medical reference books.

    The survival rate of children with congenital pathologies of the development of the heart depends on how severe the violations are. Unfortunately, even a modern ultrasound examination does not always help to detect the appearance of heart pathologies at the stage of pregnancy. This is the danger of congenital malformations.

    Congenital heart defects are not always diagnosed at birth. Often the symptoms of the disease appear during life.

    Many different factors affect the functioning of the heart. A great responsibility in shaping the health of the unborn child lies with the mother who bears him. The more a woman worries about her health, the more likely she is to have a healthy baby, and the less likely the baby is to have birth defects.

    Of every thousand newborn babies, 6-8 children are born with heart defects. Congenital heart defects are in the first place among the causes of infant mortality in the first year of a child's life.

    Disability due to congenital heart disease

     There is a specific list of diseases for which disability is given.

    The most common diseases among congenital heart anomalies are:
    1. Mitral heart defects caused by abnormalities in the formation of the valvular system of the heart. These include mitral stenosis and mitral valve insufficiency.
    2. Defects with a violation of the normal functioning of the arterial valve - aortic stenosis.
    3. Tetralogy of Fallot is the most common cyanotic defect. It is also considered very complex, since it has four anomalies at once.

    Depending on the diagnosis of the disease, a decision is made on the appointment of treatment. In the case of the birth of a child with the defect Tetralogy of Fallot, only surgical intervention is necessary, which, however, does not give a 100% guarantee of cure.

    Children with heart disease, especially after surgery, require intensive care, they need proper high-calorie nutrition. The child must be protected from infections. Parents need to know that proper care - adherence to the daily routine, strengthening immunity, mandatory stay in the fresh air - is the key to the future health of the child.

    An urgent issue for parents who have children with cardiovascular diseases is the question of what heart defects give disability to children.

    With an established diagnosis of heart disease, disability is prescribed for children, taking into account the consequences of the disease and the severity of the violation of the basic vital functions of the body.

    The grounds for recognizing a child as a disabled person with congenital heart disease are the following factors:
    • significant impairment of the functioning of the body;
    • limitation of vital activity - violations during movement, communication, orientation, self-service;
    • the need for social protection.

    What group of disability is given for congenital heart disease is a question that depends on the degree of disruption of the circulatory organs and the degree of limitation of a person's ability to live.

    To assign a disability group for congenital heart disease in adulthood, it is necessary to undergo a complete clinical examination. This is done in order to determine how much the existing pathologies of the organ interfere with the normal existence of the patient, how negatively the disease affects the general state of human health.

    Depending on the severity of the disease, the patient is assigned 1, 2 or 3 disability groups. The 1st group is given to the most severe patients, the 3rd group - to patients with minor limitations of life.

     Acquired heart defects

    Acquired heart defects are diseases characterized by a violation of the activity of the heart due to changes in one or more heart valves.

    The resulting defects are the result of past diseases. The most common cause of pathological valve defects is called rheumatism.

    Other causes of acquired heart disease include:
    • blood poisoning;
    • chest trauma;
    • atherosclerotic processes in a progressive form;
    • organic heart disease of syphilitic origin.

    Secretly flowing heart defects are called compensated. With decompensated defects, patients experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, increased fatigue, pronounced palpitations, and fainting is possible.

    The number of heart diseases is increasing every year. We should not forget that the work of the cardiovascular system is negatively affected by various stresses, poor ecology, unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits, malnutrition. Timely action can help avoid serious health consequences.

     The treatment prescribed for acquired defects can be conservative and surgical. Conservative treatment includes the prevention of complications, the occurrence of relapses of the underlying disease that caused the acquired defect, and the correction of the heart. If the ongoing therapeutic treatment does not bring the desired result, the patient is shown a consultation with a cardiac surgeon for timely surgical treatment.

    Acquired heart defects are dangerous for the development of progressive heart failure, lead to disability, and can often be fatal.

    Registration of disability

    Whether disability is due to heart disease is decided by the medical and social expert commission, abbreviated as ITU. The commission consists of several experts. Their task is to study the documents provided by the patient, assess the patient's health and make a decision on disability.

    To register a disability, the patient must inform the attending cardiologist about his decision to receive a disability group. The attending physician makes his own assessment of the patient's condition and sends it to other specialists, who also make appropriate entries in the patient's card.

    Often a complete examination of the patient with all the necessary laboratory tests is carried out in a hospital.

    After passing a complete diagnosis, the patient must collect a package of all necessary documents to submit them to the ITU for a final conclusion.

    The list of documents that must be prepared for obtaining a disability:

    • referral from the attending physician to the ITU;
    • original and copy of the passport;
    • a notarized copy of the work book;
    • outpatient card of the patient with a complete medical history;
    • extracts from the hospital where the patient was treated;
    • an application on behalf of a person applying for a disability for examination;
    • characteristics of the patient from the place of work or study.

    After the commission makes a decision to assign a disability group to the patient, the person receives a certificate of disability and a personal rehabilitation program. On the basis of the documents received, pensions and benefits are issued, the necessary rehabilitation or other medical devices, such as blood pressure monitors, are issued.

    If the patient is a recipient of an old-age pension, disability is assigned indefinitely. In other cases, the disability is temporary. People with the first disability group must undergo a re-examination twice a year, for people with 2 and 3 disability groups - once a year.

    Re-examination of children with disabilities for its extension is prescribed depending on the degree of anomaly in the development of the heart.

    When extending or changing the disability group, factors such as the course of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment, the presence of complications, crises, general health, degree of working capacity, and the result of ongoing rehabilitation measures are taken into account.

    With heart defects, it is very important for the patient to pay attention to his health, the correct implementation of medical prescriptions, and the rejection of bad habits. The quality of life of a person with heart disease directly depends on his behavior.

    In case of heart disease, moderate physical activity is not excluded, preferably after consultation with the attending physician, physiotherapy exercises are indicated. Rest in sanatoriums that specialize in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases is recommended.

    Remember - your health is in your hands.

    Article author: galchonok_-07
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    Do they give disability with heart disease and how to apply for it