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    Open oval window in the heart in an adult and a child

    An open oval window in the heart is diagnosed by a cardiologist - a doctor who specializes in the treatment and elimination of pathological changes in the cardiovascular system. A very important role is played by the timely determination of the disease, regardless of the age category, gender, and the appointment of appropriate therapy. This feature in the structure of the heart muscle carries a certain danger.

    What is an LLC

    The fact that a person has an oval window in the heart, patients learn mostly by chance, most often during a physical examination. The fact is that people can live peacefully for many years, not experiencing any special changes in well-being.

    The oval window in the heart is nothing more than an open-type fissure, which has as its location the area between the atria.

    The presence of this gap is considered normal when the fetus is in the embryonic stage:

    1. From the left atrium, the window is covered with a small valve.
    2. During the birth of a child, when the lungs open, the pressure in the left atrium increases and the LLC is covered by a valve.
    3. After some time, it attaches to the partition wall, which leads to the closure of this hole. After about a year, the hole closes up.
    The closure process in most cases occurs before the age of one, although in some children the valve grows later: as a rule, the process ends by the age of five.

    However, there are exceptions to these rules: if the valve is underdeveloped and small, then the gap remains not completely closed and the atria are not isolated. This state of affairs is nothing more than a small anomaly of the heart muscle, which is an open window. In certain cases, cardiologists consider this a structural feature of the heart muscle.

    The window allows blood to pass during contractions, and it can be thrown from one atrium to another. In adults, the presence of this anomaly is observed in approximately 35% of cases.

    Causes of pathology

    Like any other pathology, the formation of an oval window has its own reasons. The most common of these is heredity, and in most cases the disease is transmitted through the mother.

    However, non-growth of the gap can be triggered by a number of other factors:

    • prematurity of the fetus;
    • the presence of concomitant pathology - dysplasia;
    • heart defect.

    Maternal lifestyle during pregnancy can also play a role. For example, if a woman drank or smoked during this period. The same can be said about drug or toxic poisoning.

    In addition, in the most negative way, the health of the unborn child can be affected by:

    • stressful situations if a woman in a position was exposed to them;
    • improper catering;
    • bad ecology.
    An open lumen - an open oval window - is detected more often with other cardiac anomalies, for example, if the aortic duct is open or there are congenital valvular defects.

    In addition, other reasons often contribute to the formation of a gap: increased physical activity, arterial thromboembolism of the lungs with thrombophlebitis of the legs and small pelvis.

    Signs of the formation of an oval window

    In many cases, an open oval window does not manifest itself in any way, although sometimes minor symptoms still occur. In children at an early age with a similar pathology, pallor of the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nasolabial triangle is noted, more often with stress - screaming, sneezing or coughing, as well as during bathing. If no measures are taken, then during the life of such people there may be an increased tendency to colds and to gradually gain excess weight.

    Older children with a similar pathology can hardly tolerate physical activity. This is manifested by the occurrence of arrhythmia and shortness of breath.

    As for teenagers and pregnant women, their bodies undergo hormonal changes.

    As a result, the load on the heart increases significantly, the presence of an oval window may be indicated by factors such as:

    • dizziness;
    • pain;
    • fatigue;
    • cardiac arrhythmias.

    This symptomatology is most pronounced after physical labor. Sometimes this pathology leads to a short-term loss of consciousness. If the oval window has not grown up to 5 years, then the anomaly (along with all the consequences) will disturb the person for the rest of his life.

    LLC treatment

    An open oval window (including in the heart of an adult) in some cases requires the adoption of certain measures.

    If there is no pronounced discomfort, then there is no need to do anything either. But if the patient complains about the heart and certain manifestations associated with the presence of an oval window, then vitamin therapy and drugs to strengthen the heart muscle may be indicated.

    Well-established drugs such as:

    • Ubiquinone;
    • Panangin;
    • Elkar;
    • Magne B

    Among other things, patients are advised to avoid increased physical exertion.

    When the main symptoms are more pronounced, that is, there is a risk of blood clots and blood clots, and blood transfer between the atria is diagnosed, the patient is recommended to register with a cardiologist. If necessary, anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents can be prescribed, which will exclude the possibility of thrombosis. In some cases, it is advisable to carry out endovascular treatment by introducing a catheter into the femoral artery and then advancing it into the atrium on the right side.

    The prognosis for a normal life of a patient with a similar diagnosis is favorable. There are only some restrictions in the choice of activities (excessive stress on the cardiovascular system, for example, extreme sports, or a number of professions - a pilot, a diver, is contraindicated).

    Article author: Kristina Borisova
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    Open oval window in the heart in an adult and a child
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