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    What does it mean if the heart beats strongly during excitement and what can be done about it

    Tachycardia is an arrhythmia of the heart, which is characterized by frequent heartbeats over 90 beats per minute. Tachycardia is considered the norm when a person's physical or emotional stress increases, with excitement, the heart beats strongly. A disease that needs to be treated by specialists occurs in people at rest, when the heart suddenly begins to beat up to 200 beats per minute. Medications will help relieve the symptoms, if they do not give any results, then you need to urgently go to the hospital for an examination. Such a disease is accompanied by a number of symptoms, which include fever, feeling unwell, dizziness, dilated pupils, and weakness.

    Types of tachycardia and causes of the disease

    The heart is one of the most important human organs, on the correct functioning of which a comfortable and eventful life depends. Many people notice that when they are excited, the heart beats often. The cause of this condition can be heart disease, panic attack, excitement or neurosis. During normal operation of the heart muscle, the number of its contractions is from 60 to 80 beats per minute. More often such violations occur in women. Especially hot-tempered, active women with frequent mood swings face such symptoms. A rapid heartbeat in some cases may indicate a problem with the thyroid gland. This disease is very dangerous, so when symptoms appear, you should visit a doctor regularly.

    At the slightest failure in the work of the leading organs of a person, disturbances in the work of the whole organism can occur. It is very important to turn to specialists in time and find out the causes of certain violations.

    With rare events of tachycardia caused by insomnia, overwork, stress, treatment is not required. Such tachycardia is called episodic.

    Tachycardia, which must be treated, is divided into three types:
    • sinus tachycardia;
    • paroxysmal tachycardia;
    • ventricular fibrillation.

    The first type implies a form of supragastric tachycardia. It is manifested by an accelerated rhythm of the sinus node. The heart rate in adults exceeds 100 beats per minute. Such a rapid heartbeat caused by physical exertion is the norm, but if tachycardia is accompanied by a feeling of lack of air, dizziness, dilated pupils, then heart disease can already be noted. This type of heart failure has two varieties. The first, pharmacological tachycardia, may be a side effect of drugs. Toxic tachycardia - detected after the use of chemicals that contain nicotine, caffeine, and so on.

    The main symptoms of such an ailment can be a feeling of sharp pain and heaviness in the chest area.

    Paroxysmal tachycardia is determined by a violation in the work of a separate part of the heart. It is subdivided into atrial tachycardia and ventricular tachycardia. They differ in the place in which a failure in the work of the heart muscle is recorded.

    In the case when, in addition to palpitations, there are symptoms such as shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness, then we can safely conclude that this is atrial tachycardia. During these symptoms, the heart rhythm is usually normal. Failures occur due to lack of oxygen in the heart. Massage of the eyeballs will help relieve the symptoms. With its help, the tone of the vagus nerve increases.

    It is not always possible to see this type of violation on the diagram. Therefore, sometimes a daily examination is carried out. An apparatus is attached to the patient, which must be worn for a day. It fixes the rapid heartbeat in a state of calm and when there is a malfunction of the organ.

    Ventricular tachycardia occurs with frequent impulses in the interventricular septum. The cause of such an ailment may be heart disease or coronary heart disease. This type of tachycardia should be taken extremely seriously, because this form can easily turn into a complex disease. This can result in cardiac death. During ventricular tachycardia, random contraction of individual heart muscles occurs. Circulatory disorders begin to occur, which leads to many severe symptoms and diagnoses.

    Ventricular fibrillation occurs with an extensive heart attack, with poisoning by poisonous plants or berries, with a state of shock.

    The appearance of disturbances in the work of the heart in the form of a heart rhythm disturbance only indicate the presence of any diseases, and are not a disease.

    Heart failure from emotional outbursts

    Tachycardia and a panic attack are quite different concepts, but sudden panic can cause a rapid heartbeat.

    Panic includes things like:
    • cardiac ischemia;
    • myocardial infarction;
    • pregnancy;
    • taking medications.

    During the first panic attack, a person may even lose consciousness.

    Symptoms of a panic attack include:
    • increased sweating;
    • cardiopalmus;
    • migraine;
    • increase in body temperature;
    • limb numbness.

    To calm down during a panic attack, you need to pull yourself together and not let the panic seize you. It can last from 15 minutes to an hour. The main thing is to think about good things. It is important that a person who has undergone a panic understand that this is just a malfunction in the body. When panicking, it is important to control yourself and try to do breathing exercises. Also, with a panic attack, an infusion of valerian, previously diluted with water, will help.

    A panic attack can be triggered by extreme emotional stress, lung or heart disease, or a social event.

    Tachycardia during excitement is not a pathology and occurs in every person. Many people sooner or later face various stressful situations and excitement cannot be avoided here. To protect yourself from such symptoms, you should try to avoid exciting situations and take sedative herbs. If the heart palpitations have already begun, then you need to calm down and take a few deep breaths while holding your breath. This will allow you to improve the work of the heart and help to calm down in a stressful situation.

    Tachycardia with neurosis in most cases occurs in people who cannot control their emotional behavior.

    The causes of the disease may be:
    • hormonal changes in the body;
    • a state of depression;
    • neurosis;
    • the impact of ecology and food and others.

    But it is believed that the main causes of the disease are constant stressful situations that repeat regularly.

    People with diseases of the nervous system are more likely to experience heart disease and heart palpitations. With increased excitability of nerve endings, their appetite disappears and their ability to work decreases. Increased heart rate due to nervousness is easy to distinguish from other types of arrhythmias.

    These features include:
    1. Heart muscle pain. It is felt as pain in the chest area with a return to the neck, back or arm;
    2. Chills and difficulty in breathing. These symptoms are due to the release of adrenaline;
    3. Increased blood pressure;
    4. Dizziness;
    5. Change in skin color.

    Often, these symptoms can be seen in women in adulthood. The body is constantly tired, sleep noticeably worsens. This is a consequence of oxygen deficiency.

    If a person who is nearby has undergone a panic attack, it is imperative to help him cope with the disease. It is important to do breathing exercises together, stretch your neck and fingers, and if possible, brew a soothing herbal tea.

    It is important to respond quickly to the identified symptoms. To make it easier, you need to do the following: open the windows in the room, remove tight clothes, wash yourself with cool water, drink medicine and take a horizontal position.

    Disease prevention

    Many people do not take their health seriously. Very often they do not pay attention to subtle symptoms that indicate a malfunction in the body. To prevent the appearance of such signs, it is recommended to start leading a healthy lifestyle - less stress, quit bad habits, think positively, control blood cholesterol levels.

    An important point associated with heart disease is nutrition. First of all, doctors recommend that patients eat more nuts. The magnesium and potassium contained in them stabilize the work of the heart muscles. It is very healthy to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Firstly, they contain a large amount of minerals, vitamins and nutrients. Secondly, they promote weight loss. Ideally, it is desirable to give up fatty foods containing cholesterol. It negatively affects the work of one of the main organs of the human body, the blood vessels are gradually clogged, which interferes with the free passage of blood. Thrombi are formed.

    You can also resort to methods of non-traditional prevention. These include yoga classes, breathing exercises, acupressure or acupuncture. In addition to this, soothing decoctions of herbs will help well.

    Such as:
    • melissa;
    • mint;
    • motherwort;
    • chamomile;
    • St. John's wort
    • valerian.

    Herbs can be brewed separately or mixed together. To prepare a decoction 1 tbsp. l. herbs are brewed with one glass of boiling water. You need to let the broth cool, strain it and let it brew for 3-4 hours. Take this remedy for 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

    Despite the fact that tachycardia can occur due to physical exertion, people with heart disease benefit from simple exercises, walking, swimming.

    Treatment of the disease

    In order to prescribe the correct treatment, it is necessary to carefully diagnose the patient. Self-medication is very dangerous, as the same symptoms may indicate different causes of heart palpitations.

    Treatment is divided into three components:
    1. Elimination of arrhythmia factors;
    2. Treatment with drugs;
    3. Surgical intervention.

    The first point includes the reasons that the person himself could cause. Rapid palpitations could be caused by products containing caffeine, mental state, vigorous physical activity, medication.

    Medical treatment should be treated very carefully. Take only those drugs prescribed by your doctor. For various symptoms and disorders, a wide range of medicines, intravenous injections, up to hospitalization of the patient, is offered.

    Operations are resorted to in extreme cases. Operations are carried out only in two cases. If the work of the heart is impaired due to hormonal disruptions. And, if the patient has a congenital heart disease, after coronary disease. One type of such operation is the placement of a catheter, which conducts a high-frequency current to the heart, which allows you to adjust the heart rhythm.

    A separate case for consideration are patients with nervous tachycardia. Sometimes you have to send the patient to a psychotherapist. To help the patient in such a situation, the following measures are taken. The doctor, together with the patient, builds a daily routine in such a way that the patient can have more rest and minimize the risks of being exposed to stressful situations. Be sure to discuss the diet of the patient. It is better to get rid of fatty and salty foods, as it provokes an increase in pressure. After all, one of the main causes of nervosa is high blood pressure. After the examination, medications are prescribed. For example, sedatives, antidepressants or sleeping pills.

    Depending on the degree of the disease, tachycardia may be a reason not to join the army. This issue is resolved individually during the passage of the draft board.

    The patient will benefit from rest. It is advisable to go to a sanatorium once a year. This will get rid of constant stress.

    Article author: galchonok_-07
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    What does it mean if the heart beats strongly during excitement and what can be done about it