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    Aortic dilation

    An enlarged aorta is a very severe pathology. It is characterized by characteristic symptoms and requires immediate treatment.

    In recent years, cardiologists are increasingly making the patient a very serious diagnosis of "expansion of the aorta of the heart." The appearance of such a condition is usually associated with a weakened vessel wall. Quite often, this disease causes increased pressure, in which there is a gradual expansion of the walls of the aorta.

    If the expansion of the aortic root is not treated, the vessel may rupture at its weakest point. There will be severe bleeding, which is very difficult to stop, which will lead to death.

    The main causes of aortic dilation

    heart aneurysm

    This medical condition is called a heart aneurysm.

    Most often, the cause of the appearance of diseases related to the department of the heart muscle and aneurysms are atherosclerotic processes.

    A syphilitic origin is also possible.

    Today, the main cause of heart disease and the appearance of enlargement of the aorta is called atherosclerosis. This is due to the emergence of new drugs and the complete cure of syphilis. It is he who causes the expansion of the thoracic aorta. Atherosclerosis becomes the root cause of the appearance of an ascending abdominal aneurysm.

    Additional causes of heart disease and aneurysm include:heart aneurysm

    • medionecrosis;
    • aortoarteritis.

    Occasionally, traumatic aneurysms also occur. For example, a trauma to the abdomen leads to pathology. False expansion may be associated with the postoperative period in one of the parts of the heart. Medical articles also talk about the appearance of an aneurysm, which is of fungal origin.

    Quite often, a dissecting form of aortic enlargement is diagnosed. The cause is arterial hypertension, which develops with atherosclerosis. The walls of the aorta have minor defects.

    Symptoms of pathology

    When the aorta expands, a person begins to feel discomfort when breathing.

    He appears:Chest pain

    • pain in the thoracic region of the heart;
    • severe back pain;
    • dyspnea;
    • cough;
    • strong snore.

    Symptoms of an aneurysm of the abdominal region are quite pronounced. Severe diffuse pain occurs in the abdomen. It can be permanent or stop for a while.

    The main symptoms of an ascending abdominal aneurysm are:Lower back pain

    • chest pain;
    • severe back pain;
    • sometimes there is pain in the legs and buttocks.

    Typically, these pains are throbbing in nature. Pain can last all day, sometimes disappear after three or four hours. During movement, the nature of the pain may change. In a certain position, it may disappear altogether.

    When an inflammatory process of aortic expansion appears, characteristic symptoms appear:blue fingers

    • blue fingers;
    • cold feet;
    • fever;
    • weight loss.

    I must say that people under the age of 50 often experience the described symptoms.

    Expansion in the abdominal region is rarely seen in older people.

    How is an aortic aneurysm diagnosed and treated?

    Very often, the extension is discovered by chance when the patient undergoes another examination. It is possible to diagnose this disease during a special screening.

    It is carried out to detect this particular disease:man smoking

    1. Doctors recommend this way to examine men whose age exceeds 65 years, especially if they smoke or have smoked.
    2. It is also necessary to examine people under the age of 60 if their closest relatives (father, sister, brother) have been diagnosed with an ascending aneurysm.

    Before prescribing treatment, doctors study the rate of aneurysm enlargement and its size.

    If it has reached large dimensions and is rapidly increasing, an urgent operation is necessary. The surgeon replaces the damaged section of the aorta with an artificial graft.

    If surgery has been performed, patients should have ongoing ultrasound scans to monitor aneurysm enlargement.

    Small aneurysms rarely rupture. Therefore, drugs that reduce high blood pressure are used to treat it. Medications are also prescribed to help reduce stress on the walls of the aorta.

    Fresh vegetablesEven if the aneurysm does not grow and there is no possibility of its rupture, the occurrence of heart disease in the patient cannot be completely excluded.

    To exclude the occurrence of heart disease, a person is prescribed:

    • diet;
    • physiotherapy.
    • healthy food.
    Very important! Smoking with an aneurysm is strictly prohibited.

    With a large amount of cholesterol in the blood, doctors prescribe special medications that reduce its level.

    Only a professional can make a correct diagnosis. When the first symptoms of this dangerous disease appear, it is urgent to consult a vascular surgeon and a cardiologist.

    Article author: Ekaterina Filatova
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    Aortic dilation
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