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    Regurgitation of the tricuspid valve 1 and 2 degrees

    Having heard about grade 1 tricuspid valve regurgitation, many will not even understand what such a diagnosis means, unless they determine that it is a heart pathology. The name sounds intriguing and makes you fear for your health, assuming the worst.

    The first degree of tricuspid valve regurgitation is a harmless pathology, but if left unattended, it can develop into a more serious ailment.

    But what is regurgitation and what happens when it occurs?

    A bit of anatomy

    Probably, even from a school biology course, many people remember that the heart consists of two atria and two ventricles, which alternately contract: atrial contractions push the blood in them into the ventricles and relax, and then the ventricles, by their contraction, provide blood flow through the arteries and further through the vessels .

    But at the moment of ventricular contractions, the atria relax, if the hole between them is not closed, then a reverse reflux of blood (regurgitation) is possible.

    To prevent backflow between the atria and ventricles, there are valves:

    • mitral (bivalve);
    • tricuspid (tricuspid).

    The first is located in the left side of the heart, and the second - in the right. Normally, at the moment of contraction of the ventricles, the valves fit snugly against the cardiac stack and open only to let a new portion of blood into the ventricular chambers. But under the influence of such unfavorable factors, the valve may not fit snugly against the heart wall, and at the time of ventricular contraction, blood flow returns to the atrial chambers.

    It can be said that the diagnosis of "tricuspid valve regurgitation" means the return of blood into the atrium with the contraction of the right ventricle.

    But what does 1 degree mean?

    What is the degree of regurgitation

    The degree of valvular insufficiency depends on how much blood is thrown back into the atrium.

    There are 4 degrees:

    • First. Throwing blood with a closed tricuspid valve is minimal, patients do not complain, some people have swelling of the jugular veins. This is detected only on the ECG, if there are no serious cardiac pathologies, then cardiologists consider the first degree to be a variant of the norm.
    • Second. The return of blood flow to the atria is up to 2 cm when the tricuspid valve closes. Such people begin to have severe breathing problems during physical exertion, swelling of the legs and pain in the heart can be diagnosed.

    • Third. Reverse blood flow reaches more than 2 cm from the tricuspid valve. Swelling and breathing problems increase.
    • Fourth. It has a severe course, the return of blood can be up to 50%. The condition of such patients deteriorates sharply, only surgical treatment can stop the development of severe symptoms.

    So, regurgitation of the 1st degree is not quite dangerous and is considered the norm? It is considered, but not in all cases, sometimes it can be a sign of a serious illness.

    pathology or normal

    All patients with identified tricuspid valvular insufficiency are examined by a cardiologist in order to identify causes that share:

    • on congenital;
    • for those purchased.


    These pathological changes occur during fetal development and are diagnosed at the time of birth or in the first 2-3 months of life.

    These include:

    • Ebstein anomaly. The leaflets of the tricuspid valve are weakly fixed, it sags into the right ventricular cavity.

    • Marfan syndrome. In this case, the disease is observed not only valvular changes, but also anomalies in the structure of bones, as well as many vital organs. A mild degree of tricuspid insufficiency is rare, usually pathologies are severe and pronounced.
    • Heart defects. In this case, tricuspid insufficiency is combined with a valvular anomaly in the aorta or left atrioventricular orifice.

    A mild anomaly in early childhood does not require treatment and often resolves on its own as the child grows.

    But such children are shown long-term observation by a pediatric cardiologist.


    Regurgitation of the 1st degree can be caused by the following diseases:

    • rheumatic heart disease;
    • endocarditis of infectious etiology;

    • myocarditis (infectious and non-infectious);
    • mitral defect, when the overload of the left heart departments increases the load on the right ones;
    • cardiomyodystrophy;
    • malignant arterial hypertension;
    • infarction of the right cardiac sections, affecting the area of ​​​​the papillary muscles;
    • chronic cor pulmonale.
    If the factors provoking valvular changes are not eliminated in a timely manner, then gradually the insufficiency will progress, leading to a serious health disorder.

    How is the treatment carried out

    With mild tricuspid valve insufficiency, specific treatment is not carried out, and only diseases that contribute to the development of valvular anomalies (hypertension, rheumatic heart disease, and others) are treated.

    Such patients should be constantly monitored by a cardiologist as being at risk and follow the following medical recommendations:

    • stabilize weight if there is obesity;

    • stop smoking;
    • drink less alcohol;
    • eat right, including in your menu the products recommended by your doctor;
    • observe the regime of work and rest;
    • avoid stressful situations as much as possible;
    • provide regular moderate physical activity;
    • spend more time outdoors.

    By following these recommendations, you can significantly reduce the risk of progression of valvular anomalies.

    Tricuspid valve regurgitation of the 1st degree is not completely dangerous to health, but is at risk: you should not ignore it, especially if the regurgitation occurs as a complication of heart disease. Only a regular examination by a cardiologist and compliance with medical recommendations will help reduce the likelihood of further progression of valvular insufficiency.

    Article author: Kristina Borisova
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    Regurgitation of the tricuspid valve 1 and 2 degrees