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    Tricuspid valve

    The tricuspid valve is one of three valves in the heart muscle. The purpose of the mitral valve is to pass blood from the atrium to the cardiac ventricle on the left side. The location of the aortic valve is the area between the aorta and the ventricle on the left side. The tricuspid valve, which in medical terminology is called the tricuspid valve, is located between the right ventricle and the atrium. Its opening is carried out during diastole, which ensures the flow of venous blood from the right atrium into the ventricle.

    What is a tricuspid valve

    The body consists of the following elements:

    • fibrous ring;
    • chords;
    • sashes;
    • certain muscle groups;
    • some departments of the cardiac ventricle, atria, which are located on the right side.

    The main function of the tricuspid valve is to participate in the contraction of the heart. Therefore, any pathology of this organ affects the work of the cardiovascular system.

    In the usual scenario, the organ includes sashes in the amount of three pieces. There are septal, posterior, anterior valves and commissures with the corresponding names. The annulus fibrosus, which forms the heart valve, is made up of fibers. The part adjacent to the septum continues the membranous septal region. Next to it are the heart pathways. The other part is somewhat looser and has muscles in its composition. The width of the annulus fibrosus is greater in the place of its adjoining to the triangle on the right side. The outside of the ring tends to change shape and size within 20-40%.

    The flaps that form the valve are divided into two zones:

    • body;
    • closure zone.

    The valvular leaflets support tendons and papillary muscles.

    Together with the moderator cord and the wall of the cardiac ventricle on the right side, the anterior part acts as a separator of the ventricular cavity into two sections:

    • day off;
    • inlet.

    The papillary muscles located behind are somewhat smaller in size.

    The chords of the septum of the tricuspid valve originate from the heads of the papillary muscles. From the side of the commissure, the chords support the valves.

    The purpose of the chords differs among themselves, since they are attached to different departments.

    Heart valve insufficiency

    Given the anatomical features of the tricuspid valve, it can only be considered in conjunction with the ventricles and atria. The same can be said about the mitral valve: if there are violations in the cardiac departments, then they do not slow down to affect the valvular apparatus.

    Failures in the functions of the valve are most often caused by a violation of the activity of the heart muscle, which is expressed in the development of stenosis or heart failure.

    The first violation is nothing more than a malfunction of the tricuspid valve, which is designed to provide blood flow to the right atrium from the right ventricle. As a result, not all of the blood reaches the lung tissue. The blood that was returned increases the pressure in the atrium on the right side.

    The main cause of valvular insufficiency is resistance to blood flow from the right ventricle.

    This is provoked by pulmonary diseases or stem stenosis. An increase in the right ventricle at the same time allows better pumping of blood, resulting in stretching of the opening of the tricuspid valve. This insufficiency is called functional.

    As for organic valvular insufficiency, it occurs due to damage to the valve leaflets. For example, with valvular prolapse, due to the bulging of the valves into the atrium on the right side. Most often, this anomaly is congenital and is caused by a weakening of the connective tissue throughout the body. Tricuspid valve prolapse in some cases does not manifest itself in any way, and in other cases it may be an anatomical feature of the human body.

    The main causes of valvular insufficiency are:

    • rheumatism of the heart;
    • endocarditis with infectious etiology;
    • muscle and chord breaks;
    • carcinoid syndrome.

    Under-closure of the tricuspid valve in its insufficiency leads to the fact that part of the blood from the ventricle on the right side during systole enters the corresponding atrium. This process is called tricuspid valve regurgitation. Hypertrophy of the right atrium can be explained by attempts to overcome the increased load.

    During diastole, more blood is delivered from the atrium to the ventricle on the right side, which is fraught with the development of ventricular hypertrophy. The fact is that it ceases to fully pump out blood, which leads to stagnation.

    The development of this pathology leads to:

    • to the appearance of puffiness;
    • to stretching of the veins in the neck;
    • to liver enlargement.

    One of the characteristic signs of tricuspid valve insufficiency is a pronounced pulsation of the vein in the neck. Sometimes hepatic pulsation can also be felt.

    The opening of the valve occurs during diastole, which is accompanied by the flow of venous blood from the right atrium into the ventricle from the corresponding side, followed by the transition to the pulmonary artery.

    Diagnosis of valvular insufficiency

    Like any other cardiac pathology, tricuspid valve insufficiency requires high-quality diagnostics:

    • The medical opinion is based on a detailed interview and examination of the patient.

    • In addition, the examination involves listening to the heart rhythm, identifying systolic murmur, which increases on inspiration and is of a non-permanent nature.
    • With the help of an electrocardiogram, it is possible to track an increase in the right atrium and, accordingly, the ventricle.
    • And by means of echocardiography of the heart, possible seals on the valve leaflets are revealed, a return blood outflow is also ascertained and the degree of regurgitation is determined.
    Diagnostic measures allow you to determine the degree of pathology of the tricuspid valve.

    It is very important to conduct a high-quality diagnosis of the disease in a timely manner, since the correctness of medical prescriptions and the method of treatment depend on this. According to medical statistics, surgery is indicated for the second and fourth degrees of valvular insufficiency. Whereas at the first treatment may not be carried out due to the absence of disturbances in hemodynamics.

    As for drug treatment, it is carried out with the manifestation of right ventricular failure and involves the use of glycosides, inhibitors and diuretics.

    Article author: Kristina Borisova
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    Tricuspid valve