What is the difference between the methods of treating heart palpitations in pregnant women in the early and late stages
The body of a pregnant woman works at a double pace and experiences an increased load on all internal organs and systems. Approximately 40% of expectant mothers experience such a phenomenon as tachycardia during pregnancy. Doctors assure that an increase in heart rate due to increased load is not considered a deviation from the norm.
Only the condition when the sinus tachycardia goes beyond the norm is considered dangerous for the woman and the fetus, since the disease can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth. Many women are interested in how this disease manifests itself, because of what it occurs and how to get rid of it.
Characteristics and varieties of the disease
Tachycardia refers to an accelerated rate of heart contractions. Doctors diagnose it in cases where the heart muscle contracts at a rate of more than 80 beats per minute, but the person is at rest. Experts assure that tachycardia is not a separate disease, but manifests itself as a concomitant symptom of another, more dangerous pathology. In women in position, its occurrence in 85% is associated with an increased load on the body. An increase in the frequency of contractions is associated with an increase in the volume of circulating blood, due to which the baby receives nutrients and the necessary amount of oxygen required for full growth and development.
In international medicine, there are 3 forms of pathology:Those cases are not considered a deviation from the norm when, at rest, the heart of a pregnant woman contracts at a standard rate, and it increases only during physical exertion (no more than 15 contractions).
- sinus. With it, the heart rhythm does not change, but the number of contractions exceeds 100 beats per minute;
- atrial (supraventricular). The number of strokes can reach up to 140, the primary source of pathology is localized in the atria;
- paroxysmal. The rhythm frequency varies within 140-250 contractions, the focus of the pathology is in the ventricle.
- pathological. Occurs due to dysfunction of the sinus node;
- physiological. Appears due to the restructuring of the body.
Doctors assure that if a rapid heartbeat during pregnancy does not cause a woman any discomfort and she does not notice it, then there is nothing to worry about.
The main causes of the disease
An accelerated heartbeat during childbearing can occur due to the negative impact of a variety of factors, but in most cases the violation occurs for the following reasons:
- the cardiovascular system may not be able to withstand and cope with a double load. The risk of the disease increases if a woman has experienced heart disease before pregnancy;
- acceleration of metabolism;
- increased stress on the nervous system;
- as the fetus grows, it may begin to compress the diaphragm and abdominal organs, which will also lead to a change in the position of the myocardium and a failure of the pulse;
- the work of the internal organs of a woman can change under the influence of hormones. An increase in estrogen production almost always leads to malfunctioning of the myocardium.
- being overweight;
- an allergic reaction to vitamin complexes and other prescribed medications;
- thyroid dysfunction;
- anemia;
- abuse of strong tea and coffee;
- premature detachment of the placenta;
- constant stress and emotional instability;
- severe toxicosis, accompanied by dehydration and physical exhaustion;
- abuse of bad habits during pregnancy (nicotine addiction is especially dangerous).
As practice shows, most of the fair sex ignore the signs of the disease and do not seek professional help, because they do not consider this condition dangerous. Doctors confirm that if attacks of palpitations are almost imperceptible and do not cause inconvenience to the expectant mother, you should not worry. But if the condition becomes permanent, and the increased pulse is very noticeable, it is necessary to notify the attending physician about this.
Seek medical attention if you experience the following symptoms:- frequent dizziness, lasting for several minutes. It is especially dangerous if the disease is accompanied by a fainting state;
- general weakness of the body and increased fatigue;
- numbness in certain parts of the body;
- nausea and vomiting;
- discomfort in the region of the myocardium and chest;
- a pronounced feeling of anxiety and constant excitement;
- drowsiness;
- irritability;
- violation of the urination regimen.
The occurrence of these signs not only negatively affects the condition of the mother, but can also harm the unborn child, so their presence cannot be ignored. Especially dangerous is the state when the frequency of myocardial contractions exceeds 100 beats per minute.
33 weeks pregnant and tortured by tachycardia? Doctors assure that at this time the condition of the mother and fetus should be given special attention, since any deviations and violations can cause premature birth. If a woman has symptoms characteristic of tachycardia, you should immediately make an appointment with a cardiologist or a leading gynecologist. The physician should conduct a physiological examination of the patient and take an anamnesis.
To identify the general clinical condition and determine the primary source of pathology, such instrumental examinations are also prescribed:- electrocardiogram and dopplerography. Appointed to accurately detect heart rhythm and determine tachyarrhythmia;
- Ultrasound (ultrasound) of the myocardium. Allows you to assess how well the cardiovascular system and valves are functioning. Also, with the help of this examination, pathological abnormalities can be detected;
- electrocardiography. The technique allows you to determine the work of the heart and blood vessels.
Doctors assure that it is possible to choose a competent treatment regimen only after a comprehensive diagnosis.
Treatment Methods
To select therapy, the doctor will need to take into account not only the duration of pregnancy and the age of the woman, but also the presence of concomitant diseases. Only in this case it is possible to eliminate heart rate without harm to health.
In most cases, the treatment goes like this:- In the first trimester, a woman needs to protect herself from stress and worries. To provide the necessary rest, specialists often prescribe herbal sedatives such as Valerian or Motherwort. Rosehip-based decoction will help alleviate and normalize the condition, as it will positively affect the functioning of the myocardium and strengthen the immune system.
- If an increased heartbeat manifests itself in the 2nd trimester, the treatment of the pathology will be similar.
- In the 3rd trimester, tachycardia is considered more dangerous, so most often women are prescribed more effective and active medications. As an aid, a course of multivitamins can be attributed.
It must be remembered that the dosage of drugs should be selected only by the attending physician, since exceeding the dose can lead to complications.
How to eliminate a tachycardia attack
As medical practice shows, in some women tachycardia attacks occur quite suddenly, without any prerequisites. Experts warn that during an exacerbation one should not give in to panic.
To alleviate the condition and bring the heart rate back to normal, you need to calm down and perform the following actions:- you need to open the window for fresh air;
- take a comfortable position (you can lie down), close your eyes and try to relax;
- breathe slowly and deeply;
- face can be washed with cold water, this will help in the shortest possible time to alleviate the condition.
Medical treatment
To take medicines or not, only a woman should decide. In this case, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons, since even the use of the most harmless medicines can adversely affect the condition of the fetus. To minimize the risk of possible complications, it is necessary to select medications for tachycardia together with the attending physician, who will take into account the patient's condition and the course of pregnancy.
The safest and most effective for pregnant women are the following:- Magnelis or Magne B6. At its core, the remedy is a multivitamin complex that regulates the activity of the central nervous system.
- Hawthorn forte. The drug, which contains only natural ingredients.
- Novo-Passit.
- Persen.
If sedative medications do not bring the desired result, and tachycardia attacks continue, they will have to be eliminated with the help of antiarrhythmic drugs.
The greatest number of positive reviews have such drugs:- Verapamil.
- Flecanil.
It must be remembered that it is impossible to prescribe such funds on your own, the reception must be approved by the attending physician.
Preventive measures
To reduce the burden on the body during childbearing, the expectant mother from the first days of pregnancy should reconsider her lifestyle and change her habits. Only in this case, you can count on the fact that the pregnancy will be as comfortable as possible.
Gynecologists advise following these recommendations:- A woman needs to change her diet, it should now be based only on healthy foods. The best option is if the menu now consists of fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, lean meat and various cereals. But fast food, sweets, fatty and smoked foods will have to be abandoned, as they disrupt blood flow and contribute to weight gain.
- It is forbidden to abuse coffee and strong tea. It is better to replace such drinks with freshly squeezed juices, compotes and fruit drinks.
- It is necessary to avoid stressful situations and emotional experiences. Excitement and tension lead to the fact that the body begins to increase the production of hormones, which can adversely affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
- In the mornings, you need to do gymnastics and take long walks a couple of times a week. This will prevent weight gain.
- It is necessary to give up bad habits as soon as possible.
Why tachycardia occurs during pregnancy in a particular case, only a doctor can say after a comprehensive examination. Doctors assure that if attacks of palpitations occur with a certain frequency, it is impossible to let the situation take its course, since such a reaction of the body may indicate the presence of serious diseases.
To preserve the health of the baby, it is necessary to immediately notify the leading gynecologist about this, especially if the attacks are accompanied by dizziness and vomiting.