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    What drugs to take to reduce high heart rate

    Tachycardia is a condition in which there is an acceleration of the heart rate above ninety beats. Increased heart rate is considered normal with intense physical activity, emotional overstrain, but an accelerated rhythm in a calm state is a pathology. Tablets from tachycardia are prescribed depending on the causes of the appearance, the severity of the disease.

    Features of the manifestation of pathology

    Tachycardia belongs to the type of antiarrhythmic disorders. A rapid heartbeat appears in healthy individuals with active physical exercise, nervous excitement, lack of oxygen. In a calm state, the acceleration of the rhythm is observed in the presence of pathologies of the cardiovascular, endocrine, and nervous systems.

    There are types:
    1. sinus. This type is characterized by a gradual increase in the heartbeat, is considered a normal reaction to stressful conditions, manifests itself with increased physical exertion, strong emotional experiences, negative and positive, a sharp change in body position. It quickly stops after the cause of the appearance is eliminated. In the chronic form, severe fatigue is observed.
    2. atrial. Occurs when there is a violation of the impulse flow in the atria against the background of shock conditions, excitement, a sense of fear.
    3. Ventricular. Common causes of the development of this type of pathological condition are ischemic heart disease, dystrophy, inflammatory damage to the heart muscle, poisoning with alcoholic beverages, narcotic substances.

    Medications for tachycardia, other methods of treatment are prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the causes of an accelerated rhythm identified during the diagnosis.

    Diagnostic methods for high heart rate include:

    1. Collection of anamnesis.
    2. Blood analysis.
    3. Ultrasound (ultrasound examination). The technique allows to identify pathologies of the heart muscle.
    4. Chest x-ray.
    5. Electrocardiogram. The method contributes to the detection of tachycardia.
    6. Holter monitoring of the heart. The procedure refers to the methods of electrocardiography, allows you to track the electrical heart activity during the day. It is used for suspected atrial fibrillation.
    7. Veloergometry. The technique is used to detect ischemic diseases.

    Based on the results of the studies, appropriate therapy is prescribed, including the use of special drugs, pacing, defibrillation.

    Types of medicines for heart palpitations

    The selection of drugs is determined by the cause that caused the tachycardia, the general state of health, the severity of symptoms, especially in the presence of heart disease. Allocate preparations on a natural basis, synthetic. Both types of drugs have certain side effects, contraindications.

    Natural remedies, as a rule, are prescribed for an accelerated heart rate against the background of nervous overexcitation, anxiety. Synthetic drugs are used to help with acute attacks, the presence of serious diseases that provoke tachycardia.

    Allocate herbal medicines:

    • "Valerian" - has a moderate sedative effect, promotes the expansion of coronary vessels; considered a relatively safe drug; the action begins 30-40 minutes after consumption; with prolonged use may cause hypotension;
    • "Motherwort" - helps to relax the nervous system, helps to normalize high blood pressure, rhythm frequency, eliminates vasospasm; has a cumulative effect; the treatment course can last 2-4 weeks; re-appointed at the discretion of the attending physician;
    • "Corvalol" - has a sedative, antispasmodic, vasodilating effect; possible adverse reactions in the form of dizziness, decreased concentration, allergies; contraindicated in persons under 18 years of age;
    • "Persen" - contains extracts of lemon balm, valerian rhizomes, peppermint, relieves irritability, anxiety, facilitates falling asleep; the drug is contraindicated in hypotension, pregnancy, diseases of the biliary tract;
    • "Digoxin" - obtained from woolly foxglove; helps to reduce the frequency of myocardial contractions; can be prescribed as the main tool for the treatment of heart failure.

    Synthetic drugs to reduce the pulse are divided into several types.

    These include:

    1. Beta-blockers - help reduce heart rate, blood pressure, eliminate headaches, anxiety. The principle of action is to block the action of adrenaline, norepinephrine on adrenoreceptors. These hormones have a stimulating effect, constrict blood vessels. The group includes Atenolol, Carvedilol, Nebivolol, Timolol, Bisopropol, Labetolol, Pentubotolol, Egilok. They have many contraindications.
    2. Calcium antagonists (or calcium channel blockers) - reduces the flow of calcium ions from the blood into cells. In the presence of failures, an increase in the amount of calcium occurs, which provokes an accelerated contraction of the myocardium. Medicines dilate blood vessels, reduce blood pressure, heart rate, the risk of heart attack, stroke. In many cases, with tachycardia, Verapamil, Diltiazem are prescribed. The drugs are potent, so therapy should be carried out under the constant supervision of a physician.
    3. Sodium channel blockers - regulate the speed at which the heart muscle conducts impulses. We can distinguish "Disopyramide", "Quinidine", "Propafenone", "Mexilitin", "Flecainidide".
    4. Potassium blockers - reduce the pulse, have a slow effect, have a significant number of contraindications. These funds include "Kordaron", "Multak", "Sotalol Sandoz" (it is also a beta-blocker).
    5. Anticoagulants - affect blood clotting, prevent the formation of blood clots. This group includes "Warfarin", "Xalerto".
    6. Antiplatelet agents - prevent the formation of blood clots by slowing down platelet aggregation. You can select "Plavix", "Aggrastat", "Dipyridamole".
    An acceleration of the heartbeat is often observed when carrying a child. During this period, the body is under great stress.

    Due to hormonal changes, a woman can be nervous. Long bouts of rapid contractions pose a danger to the unborn child. Patients can be prescribed herbal sedatives, synthetic pills for high heart rate, which do not have many side effects, contraindications, drugs that strengthen the heart muscle.

    Taking medications for different blood pressure parameters

    The combination of rapid heart rate and high blood pressure poses a serious threat to health. The condition can lead to life-threatening complications. What to take with high blood pressure and tachycardia?

    In this case, the main goals of drug treatment are:
    • normalization of the pulse;
    • restoration of vascular tone, blood circulation;
    • reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

    "Corvalol" is considered an effective drug for restoring vascular tone, normal pulse. It is important to note that the drug is used in the initial stages of the development of hypertension, when there are no advanced forms of arrhythmic disorders.

    "Verapamil" has a beneficial effect on vascular tone, normalizes the rhythm, but can cause heart block, excessively lower the heartbeat.

    A high pulse with normal pressure, the absence of cardiac pathologies often manifests itself with intense sports, excessive anxiety, and emotional upheavals. The rhythm normalizes soon after the cessation of physical exertion, emotional experiences. If the pulse increases in a calm state, then possible causes may be a malfunction of the thyroid gland, anemia, or another disease. It is necessary to take measures to treat the pathology that caused the increase in rhythm. In hyperthyroidism, Mercazolil is used, the action of which is aimed at normalizing the hormonal background.

    The occurrence of an accelerated pulse against the background of reduced pressure can be triggered by profuse blood loss, dehydration. In many cases, heart palpitations pills lower blood pressure, which greatly limits the choice of medications.
    May be assigned:
    1. "Phenazepam" - has a sedative-hypnotic, anticonvulsant effect.
    2. "Grandaxin" - produces a sedative effect.

    It is important to take medicines in the doses prescribed by the attending physician, since many medicines are potent, uncontrolled use can cause serious side effects.

    Vitamin complexes

    Supplementation of the main therapy with the use of vitamins, microelements contributes to the improvement of the general state of health, the maintenance of the cardiovascular system.

    1. C (ascorbic acid) - improves metabolic processes, accelerates tissue repair, strengthens vascular walls.
    2. E (tocopherol) - reduces the likelihood of blood clots, helps in lowering blood pressure.
    3. B6 (pyridoxine) - prevents the development of anemia, the formation of cholesterol deposits, reduces the excitability of the central nervous system.
    4. B1 (thiamine) - takes part in the regulation of myocardial function.
    5. Vitamins of group F - reduces the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis.
    6. Coenzyme Q10 - reduces the risk of thrombosis, helps strengthen the myocardium, normalize blood pressure.
    7. Magnesium - stimulates metabolic processes, takes part in the formation of an impulse flow, helps to thin the blood, restore the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.
    There are monopreparations, vitamin complexes for use in complex treatment, prophylactic purposes.

    These include:

    • "Centrum cardio" - contains vitamins, minerals, phytosterols that protect against ischemic diseases, heart attack;
    • "Magne B6" - includes vitamin B6, magnesium;
    • "Biovital" - has a calming, firming effect, the complex is intended for therapy, prevention of pathologies of the nervous, cardiovascular systems;
    • "Kudesan" - contains coenzyme Q10, is used for therapeutic, prophylactic purposes in chronic insufficiency, heart attacks, the development of arrhythmic disorders, arterial hypertension;
    • "Ascorutin" - includes vitamins C, P;
    • "Direct" - a vitamin complex aimed at improving the functioning of the myocardium, blood circulation, and the prevention of heart attacks;
    • "Vitabiotics" - contains a wide range of vitamins for the prevention of various cardiovascular pathologies;
    • "Doppelherz active L - carnitine + magnesium" - recommended for normalizing the functioning of the heart muscle, a source of magnesium;
    • "Doppelgerz active magnesium + B vitamins" - allows you to maintain the cardiovascular system during increased physical activity, nervous tension.

    Thus, medications are selected after diagnosing the cause of palpitations. There are synthetic and natural tablets. Both types have side effects, a number of contraindications.

    It is important to take strong medicines as prescribed by your doctor. Vitamin supplements are used in complex therapy as an additional element. Vitamins, trace elements have a beneficial effect on overall well-being, have a supporting, strengthening effect.

    Article author: lemon
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    What drugs to take to reduce high heart rate