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    Symptoms and treatment of tachycardia at home

    Pathology, which is based on the acceleration of the frequency of contractions of the heart, is tachycardia. Treatment at home is offered by cardiologists to eliminate the problem of heart rate. This includes traditional and alternative medicine, the implementation of a number of procedures.

    The disease develops as a result of nervous and physical overload, problems with the endocrine, cardiovascular system, infectious diseases. The factors provoking the development of tachycardia also include an unbalanced diet and the use of foods and drinks that excite the nervous system. Therefore, lifestyle modification is necessary.

    Principles of treatment of the disease at home

    The disease has its own symptoms.

    Among them note:

    • lack of a regular rhythm;
    • cold sweat;
    • increased heart rate;
    • the appearance of shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting, painful sensations of varying intensity in the chest area.

    Patients begin to experience:

    • weakness;
    • anxiety;
    • panic states;
    • general deterioration of well-being.

    After passing the examination, confirmation of tachycardia, the treatment regimen is prescribed by a cardiologist.

    Strict adherence to the recommendations of a specialist is the key to a quick elimination of the problem and eliminates the development of complications.

    The first symptoms of pathology that appear signal an immediate visit to a cardiologist, an examination and the start of treatment at home.

    The disease is included in the category of dangerous and does not tolerate neglect.

    Treatment of tachycardia at home is based on certain principles that allow you to get stable positive results and eliminate relapses.

    These include:

    • exclusion of stressful situations and nervous overstrain;
    • organization of a proper diet, consisting of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, as well as a diet, rest, work;
    • ensuring peace and sleep, at least 8 hours a day;
    • high frequency of stays in clean air.

    The organization of a proper balanced diet provides for eating at least 6 times a day in small portions, the inclusion in the menu of stewed vegetables, fruits, fish, cereals from various types of cereals, juices, dried fruit compotes, jelly. Refusal of alcohol, strong coffee, tea, fatty, spicy meat dishes is a prerequisite for achieving positive results in the treatment of tachycardia. This attitude to the diet and regimen can significantly reduce the load on the heart and improve its performance, as well as treat tachycardia, effectively eliminating its symptoms.

    Ways to eliminate signs of pathology at home

    Various methods of treatment at home can relieve attacks of tachycardia.

    These include:

    • drug therapy prescribed by a doctor;
    • traditional medicine recipes, which are allowed to be used only after consultation with a cardiologist;
    • massage of the carotid artery and procedures to relieve an attack of tachycardia, involving breathing according to the yoga system, cold water baths for the face, pressure on the eye sockets, “ice collar”.

    Features of drug therapy

    Tachycardia, home treatment of which has its own principles, is effectively eliminated by taking medications.

    Drug therapy, prescribed by a cardiologist after receiving the results of the study, allows you to remove attacks of heart palpitations, symptoms of the disease and forget about the problem for a long time.

    To alleviate the condition of patients, normalize the pulse, reduce the number of heart contractions, it is recommended to take:

    • beta-blockers - dosage forms containing potassium in their composition;
    • inhibitors of if-channels of the sinus node;
    • sedatives and antiarrhythmic drugs.

    Each of these groups includes a large number of drugs that are selected by a cardiologist in each individual case, taking into account the characteristics and forms of the course of the disease, the patient's comorbidities, contraindications and side effects.

    The scheme of drug therapy is prescribed based on the results obtained after a thorough diagnostic examination.

    Traditional medicine to reduce heart rate

    The use of recipes of traditional healers, proven by many years of experience in use, provides an opportunity to enhance the therapeutic effect of drug therapy, as well as effectively treat tachycardia, relieve attacks of pathology and eliminate its symptoms.

    Alternative medicine provides for the preparation and intake of decoctions, alcohol tinctures based on natural ingredients donated to us by nature, with healing properties, as well as vitamin mixtures.

    The most popular recipes of traditional healers to cure tachycardia include:

    • infusion of 1 tbsp. l. hawthorn and 250 cm³ of boiling water, aged for 20 minutes, recommended for drinking half a glass three times a day for a long period of time until you feel better and a steady decrease in heart rate;
    • tea, which is recommended to be made from ½ tbsp. l. hawthorn, ½ tbsp. l. rosehip, ½ tbsp. l. motherwort herb, ½ tbsp. l. green tea, 250 cm³ of boiling water, use it as a brew for tea drinking;
    • aged for 60 minutes and strained infusion, prepared from a glass of boiling water and 1h. l. flowers of blue cornflowers, which allows you to effectively treat tachycardia after taking half a glass three times a day 30 minutes before eating;
    • tea brewed from lemon balm or yellow sweet clover, supplemented with clover, chamomile and bearberry;
    • a mixture that is recommended to be made from one glass of honey, alcohol tincture of valerian and hawthorn, taken in 10 cm³, chopped 18 almonds, 6 camphor crystals, 16 geranium leaves and 4 peeled lemons, treat heart palpitations by taking a healing composition in one tablespoon spoon on an empty stomach once a day;
    • vitamin complex based on 1 liter of natural honey, crushed 10 lemons with or without peel, 10 medium-sized garlic heads, which must be consumed after 7 days of infusion in a dark place once a day, 20 cm³;
    • a decoction of adonis, which is recommended to be made from one tablespoon of natural raw materials, a glass of boiling water, it allows you to get a positive result when you use it 15 milliliters several times a day;
    • a mixture of calendula, hawthorn, lovage, motherwort, which must be taken one tablespoon each and pour 1 dm³ of boiling water, which provides an opportunity to treat pathology and stop heart rate attacks;
    • motherwort tea with honey, recommended for use before bedtime and effectively solving the problem of heart palpitations;
    • alcohol-containing tinctures based on motherwort, valerian, hawthorn, peony, elecampane root, which can be bought at pharmacies and provide for application rules recommended by the manufacturer;
    • a vitamin mixture of honey, dried apricots, walnuts or other types of nuts, lemons, taken in equal amounts and recommended for use, one tablespoon of the healing composition once a day before meals.

    Such simple recipes of traditional medicine are affordable.

    Making them at home is not difficult.

    Article author: Ekaterina Filatova
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    Symptoms and treatment of tachycardia at home