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    Medicine for tachycardia

    What medicines for tachycardia exist and how to take them, every patient should know, because no one is immune from the manifestation of such a pathology.

    A characteristic manifestation of tachycardia is a feeling of some pulsation, a feeling of strong shocks in the chest. Patients experience headaches, dizziness, and possibly nausea. In this condition, fainting is possible. Naturally, such manifestations must be eliminated, and this can be done with the help of medications.

    General recommendations for tachycardia

    The term "tachycardia" means an increase in the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle above 100 beats in 60 seconds. With such an arrhythmia, the excitatory source can be localized in the sinus node or shifted to the atrium / ventricle. Tachycardia can manifest itself as a symptom of various pathologies of the heart or be physiological, which implies its manifestation during excessive physical or emotional stress, such as stress. Drinking coffee and alcoholic beverages can provoke an increase in the heartbeat.

    It is almost impossible to choose a truly effective remedy on your own: this is due to the fact that treatment depends on the causes that provoke pathology. The selection of medicines should be done by a doctor.

    Treatment is prescribed based on the results of examinations:

    1. If the tachycardia is physiological, then any treatment without eliminating the causes will be ineffective.
    2. If an increase in heart rate is manifested as a symptom of heart disease, therapy should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.

    To enhance the effect of drugs, you need:

    • give up bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol and coffee;
    • provide yourself with emotional peace;
    • in case of manifestation of anemia, you need to use iron supplements;
    • provide the body with a sufficient amount of fluid;
    • use vitamin complexes.

    Treatment of tachycardia with medicines

    If cardiac tachycardia occurs as an independent pathology, drugs of the following groups are used:

    • Reducing the excitatory action of hormones provide beta-blockers. They are recommended for use in patients with a diagnosis of sinus tachycardia. With reduced pressure, it is not recommended to use them, because after taking the pressure tends to increase. Among the known means of this group, Concor, Egilok, Atenolol are distinguished.
    • Among the well-known drugs of the group of cardiac glycosides, Digoxin is distinguished. It is prescribed for heart failure.
    • Sedatives are prescribed to patients suffering from excessive excitability with a sharp sinus tachycardia.
    • With extrasystoles, sodium channel blockers are used.
    • With the diagnosis of atrial fibrillation, potassium channel blockers are prescribed. Known drugs of this group are Kordaron and Sotahexal.
    • With tachycardia, the intake of antioxidants is also recommended, they act as an additional tool to the main therapy.

    The form of release of drugs can be different. A medicine for tachycardia with high blood pressure can be selected by a cardiologist who is familiar with the characteristics of the course of hypertension in a particular patient.

    It should be remembered that only a doctor can give an accurate answer to the question of what to take with tachycardia. Self-medication often causes serious consequences.

    Groups of drugs to eliminate tachycardia

    A sudden attack of tachycardia can occur in a person who has not previously encountered heart pathologies. Stress and chronic fatigue can provoke such a manifestation. If the blood pressure remains low, then sedatives known to everyone will help.

    Sedative drugs are prescribed for VVD, if a person has disturbances in the work of the heart, the frequency of strokes can reach 150 beats per minute.

    Herbal preparations help to reduce the pulse at normal pressure, the most famous of them are:

    • Persen;
    • valerian extract;
    • motherwort tincture (you need to take it carefully, there are serious contraindications to the use of alcohol tinctures).

    Means such as Persen and valerian extract have a high safety factor, so drinking them is useful for prevention. At the same time, it is important to observe the dosages.

    Among the drugs that affect the central nervous system, there are also:

    • Relium;
    • Ethacizin;
    • Ritmilen.

    Cardiac glycosides are prescribed to a patient diagnosed with sinus tachycardia. It can be triggered by anemia, cardiomyopathy, congenital heart disease and vascular disease. Medicines of this kind act on the myocardium, reduce the frequency of its contractions. In this case, Digitoxin or Strofantin will help to lower the pulse at home.

    Popular antiarrhythmic drugs:

    1. The drug "Ritmilen" in the form of tablets and capsules is recommended for use by patients with heart rhythm disturbances, if these disorders are of ventricular or atrial origin.
    2. Etacin is available in tablet form and is often prescribed for the treatment of ventricular tachycardia.
    3. With supraventricular tachycardia, it is recommended to take Verapamil tablets.
    4. Anaprilin is used if it is necessary to reduce pressure and bring the heart rate back to normal.
    Patients with heart problems should be aware that it is dangerous to use any medication without a doctor's prescription. Negligent attitude to one's own health can cause bad consequences, even death.

    Article author: Kristina Borisova
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    Medicine for tachycardia