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    Help with tachycardia at home

    If the heartbeat increases sharply, this is a very dangerous syndrome: the relatives of a person need to know how first aid is provided for tachycardia.

    This condition is most often one of the symptoms of serious heart disease, and therefore it is better to avoid such attacks, which can lead to more serious health problems.

    Tachycardia is called rapid heartbeat, at this moment the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle exceeds one hundred per minute. Moreover, such an attack is caused not by any emotional upheavals, but begins suddenly.

    Types of tachycardia

    There is the following classification of heart palpitations:

    Sinus tachycardia. In this case, physical activity, which is contraindicated for people with a sick heart, or stressful situations, become the cause of a rapid heartbeat. The number of beats per minute is sharply normalized as soon as the cause of sinus tachycardia is eliminated.


    In addition to heart palpitations, the patient experiences other symptoms:

    • dizziness;
    • heaviness in the chest;
    • stitching pains in the region of the heart;
    • general weak condition.

    Also, such attacks cause a state of intense fear - panic.

    The causes of this type of tachycardia are:

    • hypertonic disease;
    • heart disease;
    • thyroid problems.

    With supraventricular tachycardia, the pulse increases to more than 150 beats per minute. And the attack can last from several minutes to half an hour.

    Pathological or ventricular tachycardia. Its main cause is called IHD (ischemia). An attack may result in pulmonary edema in the patient and loss of consciousness.

    Such tachycardia sometimes leads to death if medical assistance was not provided on time.

    Other causes of heart palpitations are also called:

    • they can appear in women during menopause;
    • occur in people leading the wrong way of life, without observing the regime;
    • the cause may be overeating, excessive consumption of fatty and spicy foods;
    • a few extra cups of coffee;
    • smoking in large quantities can cause a sharp acceleration of the heartbeat;
    • Some medications can be the cause of an attack.

    First aid for heart palpitations

    If a person experiencing a sudden attack of tachycardia is known to have any heart disease, qualified medical attention should be sought.

    And the easiest way to help the patient at home can be therapeutic breathing exercises.

    But first you need:

    1. Make the patient comfortable so that he can easily relax. For example, put him on the sofa, lean his head back, stretch his legs and freely put his hands along the body.
    2. A supply of fresh air is required. Open the window in the room, unbutton the patient's buttons on the clothes, under the collar, so that it is convenient to breathe deeply, remove or loosen the tie if the attack caught the person in the office or at a business meeting.
    3. Press on the eyeballs, not too hard, but for a long time. Up to 120 seconds. But this can be done only for adult patients, such a technique is contraindicated for children.
    4. Perform breathing exercises. First you need to take a deep breath and exhale a few times. This simple exercise is repeated up to ten times. Further, it is recommended to hold the air in the lungs, and then exhale sharply. Or, on the contrary, sigh impetuously, as if trying to push air into the lungs. These exercises are repeated five times. Another option is to induce a cough.
    5. If the attack does not go away, you can try to cause an attack of vomiting already. It is better to do this at home, and not at the workplace or business meeting.
    6. Not so drastically, but effectively, to force the patient to lie down several times and rise again. Active actions to change body positions can slow down the heartbeat. It is possible to offer the patient walking at home, at an average, but slow pace, he can cross the room several times, while trying to breathe evenly.
    7. Cold water will help improve the patient's condition. It must be collected in a bowl and lowered face into the water to stimulate a sharp influx of oxygen.

    Medications for tachycardia

    If attacks of palpitations are frequent for a patient, he always keeps at home several drugs that can relieve the syndrome.

    At home, while waiting for the doctors, you can give the patient Valocordin - lozenges that are placed under the tongue, while they do not interfere with breathing exercises. You can take 30 drops of Corvalol.

    Suitable and traditional medicine, which are also sold in a pharmacy.

    This is a tincture of valerian or motherwort.

    Even if any of the described actions helped to relieve an attack, it is worth waiting for the doctors to arrive so that they can examine and, possibly, prescribe a qualified treatment.

    Article author: Ekaterina Filatova
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    Help with tachycardia at home