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    What can be done before the ambulance arrives to relieve an attack of a strong heartbeat

    Tachycardia is a rapid heart rate during rest. An accelerated heartbeat is considered disturbed when it begins to beat more than 100 beats per minute, given that at this time the person is absolutely calm. At a time when the normal heart rate is 60-80 beats per minute. Heart palpitations happen to everyone in life. A rapid heartbeat is characteristic of strong excitement, overwork of the body or stress. But when a person’s pulse begins to increase greatly for no reason, this already indicates the development of the disease. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in older patients than in young ones. The disease can pass both independently and after the treatment. The presence of a heart rhythm arrhythmia does not always mean that it arose due to problems with the cardiovascular system. Such a pathology may occur due to disorders in the central nervous system.

    Causes of a tachycardia attack

    An abnormal heart rhythm leads to insufficient blood circulation in the body.

    Tachycardia is divided into:
    • sinus;
    • paroxysmal.

    Sinus tachycardia occurs due to increased stress, heavy workload, excitement, and it does not mean that there is a pathology of the heart muscle. This type of arrhythmia does not require hospitalization and special treatment.

    Paroxysmal tachycardia is caused by an increase in the heart rate to 220 beats. The attack occurs suddenly, can last from a few seconds and last up to several days, and also stop abruptly. Often, people with cardiac arrhythmias do not have pathologies of the heart muscle. The cause of such a disease may be a disease of the thyroid gland or nervous system. If tachycardia occurs due to improper functioning of the heart, then circulatory disorders in the cardiovascular system are possible. Such an arrhythmia is tolerated by patients quite hard and requires urgent hospitalization and medical intervention.

    It is important to be able to distinguish arrhythmia from the usual increase in heart rate caused by stress on the body.

    There are a number of pathologies due to which tachycardia occurs, these include:
    • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    • cold;
    • flu;
    • chronic high blood pressure;
    • heart disease;
    • allergy;
    • tumor;
    • menopause;
    • vegetative dystonia.

    There is also a group of factors contributing to the development of arrhythmia:

    • constant stress;
    • bad sleep;
    • mental disorder;
    • taking certain medications;
    • age;
    • overweight;
    • bad habits;
    • taking drugs.

    An attack of tachycardia is considered a sharp increase in heart beats per minute. The indicator can vary from 100 to 180 strokes.

    A rapid heart rate is considered pathological and neglected when it occurs in a state of physical and emotional rest. This is facilitated by a number of diseases: problems with the thyroid gland, infection, heart attack.

    Classification of tachycardia

    There are 4 classes of tachycardia:

    1. Sinus tachycardia. This pathology appears due to improper operation of the sinus node. He begins to produce nerve impulses with disturbances and control over the rhythm of the heart is lost.
    2. atrial tachycardia. The rarest pathology, in which the heart rate reaches up to 140. This type of arrhythmia is accompanied by frequent dizziness and fainting.
    3. Atrioventricular tachycardia. Tachycardia is difficult to treat and consists in a violation of the impulse conduction.
    4. Ventricular tachycardia. Heart palpitations are caused by serious heart conditions.

    An attack of tachycardia makes itself felt with pain in the chest area, as well as strong and clear sensations of heart beats.

    Arrhythmia is accompanied by severe pain in the presence of heart disease. May be sudden (paroxysmal). It can also be recurrent.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Determine the beginning of the attack is not difficult. Most often, patients complain of a feeling as if the heart is about to jump out. There is a strong pulse in the neck. The attack begins unexpectedly, makes the person and others afraid to be afraid. A sign that is inherent in tachycardia is a sharp end to all symptoms.

    Arrhythmia is accompanied by the following symptoms:
    • dizziness;
    • headache;
    • increase in heart rate;
    • increased sweating;
    • shortness of breath;
    • pain in the region of the heart;
    • nausea;
    • increase in body temperature;
    • trembling in the limbs;
    • darkness in the eyes;
    • pallor of the skin;
    • dry mouth;
    • fainting.

    In addition, a person feels well the beats of the pulse, according to which tachycardia is easy to determine by ambulance workers. The patient's behavior may be supplemented by a panic attack. Since the attack can last for several days, the patient is in a restless state, which aggravates the situation. If the attack ends on its own, then often the patient begins to urinate profusely.

    Sometimes the symptoms of tachycardia can be relieved at home by resorting to medication. But if the symptoms are pronounced, you must immediately call an ambulance or take the patient to the nearest hospital.

    If the arrhythmia was caused by external factors, then it will easily pass on its own for some time. And if the increased pulse was caused by a disease and the symptoms described earlier do not go away for a long time, you need to call a team of doctors so as not to lead to serious complications. In the case when a person has noticed an increased pulse for several days, and feels a breakdown, drowsiness, fainting, he must be immediately hospitalized.

    It is possible to alleviate the symptoms in a person during an attack of tachycardia by massaging the carotid artery or by pressing on the eyeballs.

    The manifestation of symptoms can lead the patient to severe discomfort and pain. People who find themselves nearby in such a situation should try to alleviate the symptoms with certain medicines and morally.

    Help during an attack

    The very first aid for tachycardia is to call emergency medical care. Then you need to provide the patient with oxygen by opening the window or going out into the fresh air. The patient needs to take deep breaths, they will help relax the body and eliminate panic.

    When the attack has already begun, it will be useful to massage the carotid artery. Proper massage can be done by a doctor or a person with a medical education. It is better for a beginner to do without amateur performance, so as not to harm the patient.

    Cold water will also help to reduce the heart rate. It helps to reduce the beats of the heart muscle. It is necessary to fill the container with cold water and ask the patient to immerse his face in it for a few seconds.

    During an attack, it is necessary to properly dose and select drugs to relieve symptoms. Improper medication can only harm and worsen the patient's condition.

    Tachycardia, in a sense, prevents the passage of oxygenated blood to all organs, including the brain. The drop in pressure, combined with oxygen starvation, prevents the heart from working normally and can lead to respiratory arrest. Night is the most dangerous time of the day because it is difficult for a person to feel the symptoms in a dream.

    Symptoms can be relieved with various folk remedies. But it is important to remember that they will not get rid of the disease and they are best used with a weakly increasing pulse. When the pulse increases sharply every minute, it is best to see a doctor. Folk remedies are good for disease prevention.

    An action plan has been developed that can be completed before the ambulance arrives. Such measures will help to ease the growing symptoms of the disease. They also help the patient avoid the consequences of the disease.

    You need to do the following 7 steps:
    1. Ask the person to lie down. Position the head so that it is above the level of the body. But you can’t lift your head too much, because in this case the carotid artery will be transmitted and the free passage of blood through the vessel will be difficult.
    2. Provide the patient with fresh air. During a rapid heartbeat, there is a severe lack of oxygen. So you need to open windows.
    3. Put a bandage soaked in cold water on your forehead. It will slightly lower the rising temperature and help reduce the frequency of heart beats.
    4. Free your neck from clothes or other unnecessary items. This will help the person breathe freely.
    5. Give the patient a few drops of valerian-based tincture diluted in water.
    6. On closed eyes, gently press the patient on the eyeballs and hold your fingers for about 5-10 seconds. Repeat this procedure several times, but without fanaticism.
    7. Ask the person to hold their breath and push while opening their mouth. Then you need to cough hard.

    So that a person does not faint during an attack, you can massage a certain point. It is located on the palm in the area of ​​​​the angle between the thumb and forefinger. Massaging this point will help the patient remain conscious. In combination with a cold drink, this method is considered quite effective.

    Some experts recommend inducing coughing or vomiting before help arrives.

    The most important thing is not to panic when helping a person with symptoms of a tachycardia attack. The patient is in a stressful and shock state, so as not to frighten him even more, you need to control yourself, quickly and effectively provide first aid before the arrival of doctors.

    It may be that carrying out these manipulations will help stop tachycardia. But, the arriving doctors are still required to diagnose the patient in order to prevent the recurrence of symptoms. Emergency workers will take an electrocardiogram, which will need to visit a cardiologist and get the necessary treatment or recommendations.

    Treatment of the disease

    As with most diseases, there are 3 ways to get rid of the disease.

    These include:
    1. Medical treatment.
    2. Surgical intervention.
    3. Treatment with folk remedies.

    Medical treatment includes taking certain medications to help calm a person during an emergency. These drugs include sedatives. They help to quickly calm down and reduce the frequency of heart beats. There are a number of drugs that the doctor prescribes, taking into account the individual indicators of each patient.

    You can not take drugs on your own initiative, because in some cases they can have a negative effect on the body during an attack.

    Operations are carried out in extreme cases. These include thyroid disease. In this case, the tumor is removed, which contributes to the release of hormones. Also, operations are performed for heart defects. The operation allows you to establish normal blood circulation.

    When tachycardia occurs due to other diseases, surgeons eliminate the cause of the disease. This usually helps to get rid of tachycardia forever.

    Despite the harmlessness of herbal tinctures and decoctions, you should treat them with caution. In the best case, you need to consult a specialist. Means that help prevent tachycardia include dry motherwort herb, a decoction of adonis, eleutherococcus extract, calendula inflorescences. Basically, herbs are brewed, infused for the required amount of time and taken orally several times a day, depending on the recipe.

    In order not to go to extremes, especially people prone to diseases of the cardiovascular system, you need to deal with the prevention of the disease. It usually includes proper nutrition, spending time outdoors, giving up bad habits, and moderate exercise.

    Article author: galchonok_-07
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    What can be done before the ambulance arrives to relieve an attack of a strong heartbeat