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    Sinus tachycardia in children

    Sinus tachycardia in a child rarely requires treatment. Most of the time it goes away on its own. In some cases, it can signal the development of complex pathologies.

    Sinus tachycardia in children is manifested by a significant increase in heart rate: from 90 to more than 160 beats per minute. At the same time, the natural sinus tempo is maintained. Most often, the cause of this condition is the mental or physical overstrain of the child. As a rule, tachycardia passes by itself and does not require the use of any additional funds.

    Causes of sinus tachyarrhythmia

    Sinus tachycardia in children can be either physiological or pathological.

    In the first case, an abnormal heartbeat can be caused by:

    • greater physical activity of the child (games, running, other outdoor activities);
    • psycho-emotional load (stress, fear, worries, and so on);
    • high temperature outside, stuffiness;
    • overfeeding.

    The pathological type of tachycardia may appear as a result of:

    • poisoning;
    • anemia;
    • high body temperature;
    • diseases of internal organs;
    • as a consequence of drug use.

    Causes of sinus pathology largely depend on age.

    So, the factors provoking arrhythmia in newborns and adolescents differ in many ways. In infants, the automatism of the sinus node is increased. It plays a major role in increasing the heart rate.

    In young children, sinus tachyarrhythmia can be observed due to:

    • overheating;
    • pain;
    • anxiety;
    • swaddling;
    • fright;
    • diseases such as hypoglycemia, myocarditis, CNS damage.

    In adolescence, such supraventricular tachyarrhythmia is primarily associated with hormonal changes in the body and emotional instability. In addition, such a state can be caused by overvoltage of any kind, stress, anxiety, diseases of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

    Symptoms and treatment

    Sinus tachycardia has pronounced manifestations. It is impossible not to notice her. But it is not always a reason for panic.

    Most often, after the cause of its manifestation is eliminated, it disappears within 3-5 minutes.

    In addition to palpitations, tachycardia may be accompanied by:

    • dyspnea;
    • chest pain;
    • dizziness;
    • fainting.

    The presence of such additional symptoms cannot be ignored. This may indicate the development of serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system, the central nervous system. Therefore, it is very important to contact the clinic on time.

    To make a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes an ECG. This allows you to find out the frequency and rhythm of contractions of the heart muscles.

    It may also be recommended:

    • echocardiogram (detection of sinus pathology);
    • electrophysiological studies (clarification of the mechanism of the disease, detection of cardiac conduction disorders);
    • blood analysis;
    • EEG of the brain (allows to exclude pathologies of the central nervous system).

    All therapeutic measures are carried out strictly individually.

    And they depend on the reasons that served the development of the pathology, and on the age of the child.:

    1. If the sinus tachyarrhythmia is due to anemia, the doctor prescribes drugs containing iron.
    2. When heart rate occurs against a background of high body temperature, the causes of inflammatory processes are eliminated, antipyretic drugs are prescribed.
    3. If the cause of sinus supraventricular tachyarrhythmia is an emotional state, sedatives, herbal infusions with a calming effect are prescribed.

    In addition, parents are advised to monitor the weight and emotional state of the child.

    Although sinus tachycardia is not considered a serious ailment, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations, since in the future it can cause heart failure.

    First aid and prevention

    Very often, with an attack of sinus tachyarrhythmia, parents simply “get lost” and do not know what to do. Symptoms frighten them, adults begin to get nervous.

    Therefore, doctors recommend, first of all, to calm down adults.

    Children feel the state of the mother or father and also begin to get nervous, which leads to aggravation of manifestations.

    If the baby has an attack, you must:

    1. Provide access to fresh air.
    2. Place a damp cloth on your forehead.
    3. Take deep breaths with your child.

    Such procedures are quite enough to improve the condition of a small person. If this does not happen, you should immediately call an ambulance.

    Sinus tachycardia is not considered a complex disease. But still, caring parents try to avoid such manifestations. To prevent the occurrence of seizures, you should carefully consider the life of the child. He should rest well and eat well.

    An important factor in the prevention of the disease is the protection of the baby from stress. It is necessary to minimize disturbances that can cause heart rate.

    You should also take daily walks in the fresh air, make sure that the child has a properly organized daily routine.

    Article author: Ekaterina Filatova
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    Sinus tachycardia in children