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    Causes and treatment of palpitations

    Heart palpitations are not always an alarming symptom. Often this manifestation is observed with significant physical and emotional stress.

    When a frequent heartbeat appears, seemingly for no reason, at rest, such a sign may be a signal of a developing functional disease of the cardiovascular system. How to lower the heartbeat in this case, only a doctor can say.

    Causes of palpitations

    The pulse of a healthy person is about 80 beats per minute. If this indicator in a calm state is increased, this indicates a rapid heartbeat. This symptom can be caused by various factors.

    But all the reasons can be divided into two groups:

    • physiological;
    • pathological.

    In the first variant, the heart rate increases temporarily. This manifestation passes on its own, does not require pharmacological assistance. When the increase in heart rate is caused by pathological factors, you should consult a doctor, undergo an examination of the cardiovascular system and other organs. If a diagnosis of "palpitations" is made, then the causes and treatment are the "care" of a professional: only a specialist should prescribe therapy.

    Physiological factors of palpitations

    Such reasons include the following:

    1. Great physical activity. A fast heartbeat can be caused by brisk walking, running, swimming, and other physically demanding activities. What to do in this case, everyone knows. You just need to rest.
    2. Psycho-emotional stress. This category includes stress, severe fear, rage, anger, excessive joy, panic, prolonged mental work.
    3. Pregnancy. In a woman who is in position, the volume of blood in the body increases, there is an additional load on the heart. As a result, an increase in heart rate is observed.

    The nature of palpitations depends on the individual properties of the body. For example, some patients describe heart rate as a slight discomfort in the chest, while others feel very strong, sudden tremors with “fading”, “fluttering”, “jumps”, “turning over”. With a pulse of about 120 beats per minute, the frequent beating of the organ may resemble flutter.

    Pathological factors of palpitations

    Among these reasons are the following:

    • VSD. As a result of dysregulation of arterial tone, heart rate increases.
    • Violation of the functions of the sinus node. Characterized by sinus arrhythmia.
    • Significant and abrupt changes in blood pressure can increase heart rate.
    • Myocardial infarction. An accelerated rhythm is observed in an acute form of pathology or is an “echo” of a heart attack transferred some time ago.
    • Hypertension. Increased heart rate can be observed at very high levels of the tonometer.
    • Vice. A similar symptom manifests itself in both congenital and acquired heart defects.
    • Cardiosclerosis. Frequent heartbeat can occur due to the formation of scar material in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart muscle.

    • Cardiomyopathy. The reason for the rapid pulse is an increase in the myocardial muscle or thinning of the tissue, expansion of the cavities of the organ.
    • Diseases of the thyroid gland. A rapid pulse can provoke pathologies of the gland, accompanied by hyperthyroidism.
    • Diseases of the gastrointestinal system. Abnormal contraction of the heart can cause gastritis, ulcers, diaphragmatic hernia.
    • Pathology of the bronchopulmonary system. Often, heart rate appears with asthma, chronic bronchitis.
    • Drinking a large number of drinks containing caffeine, alcohol.
    • The use of psychotropic pharmacological drugs can cause a rapid pulse.
    • And also there may be a relationship between heart palpitations and the treatment of any ailments with medications.

    Such conditions may be accompanied by tachycardia (the organ contracts often and correctly) or atrial fibrillation, other types of tachyarrhythmias, in which the heart beats often and irregularly. A strong heartbeat is mostly paroxysmal in nature.

    Manifestations of a physiological nature pass as the cause that gave rise to such a symptom passes. If the heart rate was caused by a pathological factor, in order to get rid of it, the use of pharmacological drugs may be required.

    Heart palpitations in pregnant women and in the fetus

    A similar manifestation can be diagnosed using ultrasound already in the first trimester of pregnancy.


    • at 6-8 weeks, the fetal pulse is about 135 beats per minute;
    • at week 9 - close to 190;
    • by 33 - within 160.

    If there are significant deviations from such indicators upwards, this means that intrauterine fetal hypoxia occurs.

    Such problems mainly arise when the expectant mother has iron deficiency anemia or when a woman spends a lot of time in an unventilated room.

    In this case, a rapid heartbeat in an unborn baby manifests itself when a woman in a position is actively moving.

    A similar manifestation in women in position is not considered alarming. The frequent heartbeat in a pregnant woman is due to the fact that the organ provides normal blood flow to the uterus. During such a period, contractions of the heart muscles can exceed one hundred beats per minute.

    At the same time, the expectant mother is able to feel:

    • dizziness;
    • chest pain;
    • shortness of breath

    With such symptoms, a woman should sit or lie down, relax, in order to reduce her heart rate. In addition, it is recommended to avoid any unrest, drink more water and rest more often.

    Rapid heart rate in children

    A rapid heartbeat in young children may be the result of fright, fear, great joy, weather changes, but this may also indicate the development of a pathology of the cardiovascular system.

    In addition, in infants, the pulse is slightly higher than in older children. Therefore, parents should not panic if they notice that the baby's heart beats faster than that of an older child.

    When a rapid pulse in children is the result of emotional stress, the condition normalizes on its own.

    If there were no visible reasons for such a manifestation, or a frequent heartbeat lasts a long time, is accompanied by chest pains, nausea, the child has convulsions, cold sweat, you should immediately call an ambulance, and try to calm the baby before her arrival.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    There are many factors that can cause a strong heartbeat. If a person cannot independently find out and eliminate the cause of such unpleasant manifestations, and even more so when such symptoms are permanent, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will draw up an order of examinations and, based on the results of the tests, prescribe treatment for heart palpitations.

    The following procedures can be prescribed in the clinic:

    • General blood test. It is necessary to determine the level of hemoglobin, possible inflammatory processes.
    • Biochemical study of blood. It is carried out to determine the condition of the kidneys and liver.
    • Examinations for infectious pathologies (hepatitis, HIV), thyroid hormones, adrenal glands.
    • Analysis of urine. It is necessary to rule out kidney disease.
    • Finding out the level of hormones (in pregnant women).
    • Examination of glucose tolerance (if diabetes is suspected).

    • ECG. It is necessary to clarify the activities of the body.
    • ultrasound. It is carried out to detect defects, the state of the myocardial muscle and other heart diseases.
    • Coronary angiography. Needed if there is an assumption that increased heart rate is a consequence of coronary disease.
    • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, internal organs, when there is a suspicion of the presence of certain pathologies.
    • Fibrogastroscopy. It is carried out in case of the assumption of the presence of an ulcer, a hernia of the diaphragm.
    • MRI of the brain. It is carried out with suspicion of a violation of brain activity due to stroke, oncology and other pathologies.

    Increased heart rate caused by pathological factors is rarely an independent symptom. As a rule, such attacks are accompanied by other signs. Depending on them, the doctor prescribes the required number of studies. If there are no serious violations, the doctor can only recommend rest, proper nutrition and adherence to the daily routine.

    Types of palpitations

    After contacting a doctor, the type of tachycardia is found out:

    • paroxysmal;
    • chronic.

    In the first case, manifestations are observed regularly, at approximately the same time intervals. In the second option, seizures occur rarely and unexpectedly.

    The paroxysmal form of the disease can be:

    • sinus (eliminated by removing the factors that led to its appearance - stress, emotions, alcohol);
    • paroxysmal (the focus of excitation is located in any part of the heart).

    Depending on the area of ​​formation of the focus, paroxysmal pathology can be:

    • atrial;
    • ventricular.

    With an atrial type of pathology, oxygen starvation of the heart muscles is observed, the functions of the endocrine system are disrupted, the condition of the atrioventricular node worsens, the electrolyte composition of the biological fluid changes, the ECG shows an increase in the number of electronic impulses. The patient feels a strong heartbeat, shortness of breath, heaviness in the chest. This can lead to a significant increase in blood pressure.

    Paroxysmal tachycardia of the ventricular type is most often the result of ischemia, defects, inflammatory processes occurring in the tissues of the organ. Such a manifestation is quite dangerous, as it can provoke ventricular fibrillation. With this type of pathology, there is a frequent, non-rhythmic contraction of only some fibers of the heart muscle. There is no distinction between diastolic and systolic periods, there is a violation of hemodynamics.

    Treatment and first aid

    Therapy for palpitations is carried out depending on the disease that caused it. How to treat such a manifestation, only a doctor can tell.

    Do not use drugs that reduce heart rate on your own. Uncontrolled use of pharmacological agents is fraught with negative consequences.

    With tachycardia, pharmacological agents of the following groups can be prescribed:

    1. Beta blockers. Needed to reduce the activity of hormones that cause stress.
    2. cardiac glycosides. They are prescribed for the treatment of heart rate if the cause is heart failure.
    3. Sedative drugs. Attributed to emotionally unstable patients or with frequent stress.

    Treatment with folk remedies consists in the use of decoctions and infusions that have a sedative effect.

    A rapid pulse for no reason may indicate the presence of a complex pathology. If a person has an attack for the first time and is accompanied by any additional symptoms, first aid should be given to him.

    In case of heart palpitations, it is necessary:

    • Reassure the person and seat him in a chair.
    • Unbutton the collar, open the window.

    • Call a doctor.
    • Measure blood pressure.

    With high tonometer readings and a rapid pulse, be sure to call an ambulance. And before her arrival, you can try to help yourself.

    There are several methods to help normalize heart rate:

    1. You should sit comfortably, relax, breathe slowly and deeply. Such an exercise helps if physiological factors have become the cause of unpleasant manifestations.
    2. Vasiliev method. It consists in restoring a normal heart rhythm by increasing blood pressure. To do this, sit down, close your mouth and nose with your hand and try to exhale.
    3. Cold water. If you drink an icy liquid, then it, passing through the esophagus, will put pressure on the heart, which normalizes its work.
    4. When the heart rate increased as a result of stress or emotional manifestation, you should sit comfortably, close your eyes, relax, completely abandon pressing problems.
    5. Strong attacks of tachycardia helps to eliminate Corvalol, Validol, motherwort tincture.

    Heart palpitations can be caused not only by high blood pressure, but also by low blood pressure. Most often, this manifestation is observed with significant blood loss. If small readings of the tonometer are accompanied by a frequent pulse, dizziness, pale skin, this can also indicate VVD.

    Prevention of rapid heart rate

    Preventive measures are based on the prevention of tachycardia.

    To do this, first of all, you should get rid of bad habits:

    • smoking;
    • overeating;
    • drinking alcohol.

    It is also recommended to dose physical and emotional stress, have a good rest, not be nervous, adjust the daily routine, sleep at least 8 hours. It is very important to eat right and exercise.

    To keep the heart in good condition, it is recommended to use dairy products, apricots, raspberries, pears, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, plums, peaches, persimmons, currants, rosehips, dates, cabbage, beets, turnips, potatoes, corn, parsley, citrus fruits, nuts, sea fish.

    Heart palpitations are a problem that can occur at any age. There are several ways to remove such manifestations. Some are based on the use of pharmacological drugs that reduce symptoms, others are based on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing stress.

    Article author: Kristina Borisova
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    Causes and treatment of palpitations