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    Why is dizzy with vegetative-vascular dystonia

    Vegetovascular dystonia is a disorder that is based on disruption of the vascular system, thereby worsening the blood supply to the organs of the human body. The disease is accompanied by many symptoms, which include headache, fainting, rapid heart rate, increased sweating. The disease is dangerous because, if left untreated, the patient is likely to develop neurosis. The disease is not considered to be an independent disease, since its appearance depends on a number of other diseases. The disease is quite common and is diagnosed in more than 80% of the population. Most often, the disease manifests itself in adolescence. The average age of patients with disorders is 30 years. According to statistics, the female sex is more prone to violations than the male sex.

    Causes of dizziness with VVD

    The human body is designed in such a way that all organs and systems depend on each other. If there is a failure in the work of one organ, then this entails a disruption in the work of other systems. For example, if a blood vessel is broken, then oxygen starvation begins. Oxygen starvation entails a failure in the nutrition of organs with nutrients and oxygen.

    The most important sign by which VVD is diagnosed is dizziness.

    Also, the disease may be accompanied by:
    • fainting;
    • headaches;
    • a sharp decline in strength.

    This phenomenon occurs due to dystonia of blood vessels in the region of the brain. This is explained by the fact that brain cells do not receive oxygen in the required volume due to a sharp release of adrenaline into the blood. The reason for everything that happens is most often the nervous state of a person and frequent stress.

    With vegetovascular dystonia, the patient has low blood pressure. This leads to temporary fainting. Temporary fainting differs from ordinary fainting in that a person remains conscious, he is only lost in space, feels pressure in his head, it gets dark before his eyes. This condition disappears immediately after the patient assumes a horizontal position. Dizziness can appear for various reasons.

    If a person has any disease of an organic nature, then the cause of this condition can be:
    • plaques in the vessels;
    • tumor;
    • violations in the work of the vestibular apparatus.

    In the latter case, symptoms may appear while a person is moving in transport.

    Organic causes are very rare in patients. Often the malaise is psychogenic in nature. Therefore, the disease does not pose a great danger to human life. For the same reason, special treatment is rarely prescribed to eliminate VVD.

    Other reasons include the psycho-emotional state of the patient.

    In this case, the disease manifests itself during:
    • sudden overvoltage;
    • overwork;
    • dehydration;
    • uneven distribution of blood throughout the body (caused by the work of the heart).
    Also, the cause of dizziness can be prolonged severe stress or a panic attack.
    There are a number of reasons that are the main factors for the development of vegetovascular dystonia:
    • hereditary factor;

    • parallel disease;
    • frequent stress;
    • overweight;
    • bad habits;
    • the nature of the patient.

    If the cause of VVD was a genetic predisposition, then the disease is very difficult. When the disease begins to manifest itself at a younger age, this is a bad sign. During adolescence, the human body is rebuilt, which becomes the cause of VSD.

    There are also symptoms in pregnant women. During the gestation of the fetus, their psycho-emotional state becomes shaky. Women become more emotional to different trifles.

    Oxygen starvation contributes to a sharp decrease in pressure. Because of this, the heart muscle begins to work in a disturbed rhythm. This is what causes dizziness.

    The obvious cause of the onset of the disease can only be found out by a doctor after undergoing certain procedures and tests. It is not recommended to make a diagnosis on your own and self-medicate, because concomitant diseases of the body may be the cause.

    Symptoms of the disease

    The main symptoms of the presence of vegetovascular dystonia include:

    • headache;
    • dizziness;
    • fainting;
    • darkness before the eyes;
    • jumps in blood pressure;
    • convulsions;
    • numbness of the limbs;

    • heaviness in the chest area;
    • frequent state of fatigue;
    • nausea;
    • weakness in the body.

    In the presence of such a disorder, a person suffers from a strong or weak heartbeat, pain in the region of the heart. During movement, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing is noted. In addition to the above symptoms, patients have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. This is accompanied by bloating, pain, heartburn, nausea.

    If the patient has such symptoms, then he needs to contact a neurologist, endocrinologist, psychiatrist or optometrist. Each of the listed specialists can diagnose vegetovascular dystonia.

    When making a diagnosis, doctors prescribe many tests and procedures. Check the level of oxygen supply to the brain. When a specialist diagnoses a disease, it is important to consider the causes of an exacerbation of the disease.

    There are a number of factors that include the cause of the occurrence of VSD:
    • bad ecology;
    • non-compliance with workplace standards;
    • bad sleep;
    • frequent stress.

    When a specialist diagnoses VVD, and the disease is accompanied by dizziness, the doctor prescribes complex treatment to the patient. Usually, treatment is prescribed immediately after the diagnosis of the first symptoms.

    When a patient is diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia, and at the same time his illness is accompanied by dizziness, then after treatment, doctors recommend undergoing an examination and, if necessary, re-treatment every six months. In this case, the patient will get rid of the onset of symptoms.

    The nature of dizziness with VVD may vary. The burning sensation in the head can be prolonged, or it can pass in the form of attacks. With constant dizziness, a person's well-being deteriorates sharply, appetite disappears, noise in the head appears, heaviness in the stomach, nausea, loss of appetite. There may also be a feeling of tension in the head.

    The duration of the attack can last up to 2 hours. After the attack ends, people notice profuse urination.

    How to get rid of symptoms

    If a person has obvious signs of VVD, then the first thing to do is not to panic and calm down. Panic in this case will only play the role of worsening well-being. It is desirable for the patient to take a horizontal position and close his eyes.
    If possible, it is necessary to measure blood pressure and then act depending on the person's pressure indicator:
    1. If the pressure is low, then you should prepare a cup of coffee or tea;
    2. If the pressure is high, then you should take a medicine that lowers the pressure.

    A contrast shower with a slight difference in temperature will help ease the symptoms. If possible, provide the patient with fresh air, open a window or take it outside. If dizziness is accompanied by a severe panic attack, then you need to take pills that normalize the work of the heart muscle. It will be helpful to take a sedative. When stress is the cause of the symptoms, the doctor prescribes antidepressants to the patient.

    In advanced cases, the doctor prescribes complex drug treatment. In addition to everything, a visit to specialists is appointed, who improve the nervous state of the patient.

    Folk remedies will help reduce the manifestation of dizziness. These include calendula, motherwort, hawthorn, valerian, chamomile. They will help to improve the functioning of the body and restore nerve cells.

    A good treatment for VVD is considered to be rest in a sanatorium-resort area. There, the patient will be able to improve his mental state, improve his health with the help of procedures, medicines and proper nutrition.

    People with pressure problems should take better care of their health and take a vitamin complex that will help maintain immunity. In order for the vessels to be strong, special exercises must be done.

    Will help strengthen the immune system constant walks in the next air. They help oxygenate the brain. Swimming will also help keep your body in good shape. Proper nutrition is a prerequisite for improving the quality of health. This is especially true for overweight people. Control over nutrition will help to lose weight, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Stressful situations at work often become the culprits of a burning sensation in the head with VVD. In this case, it is advisable for a person to avoid such situations or to agree on a transfer to a calmer position. Or frequent breaks in work will help so that negative emotions and fatigue do not accumulate.

    Sometimes the noise in the head appears in stuffy and crowded places. In this case, fresh air will help.

    The disease remains practically harmless if a person suffers an attack in a conscious state. When during an attack the patient loses consciousness, then, with no help, the consequences may not be predictable.

    To help a person during an attack, you need to leave everything and take a sitting position, focus your eyes or close your eyes. Relax your body and don't panic. If the dizziness is not severe, a walk in the fresh air will help.

    When a person feels the approach of an attack, it is immediately necessary to take a sedative. If this does not help, then you should consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

    First of all, in the treatment of vegetovascular dystonia, the patient is referred to a psychotherapist. Such a disease cannot be cured completely, but it is possible to help the patient restrain himself in difficult situations in the future. Own control will help to avoid stress and panic attacks.

    Of the drugs, they usually prescribe the intake of vitamins, drugs that will increase vascular tone. With low blood pressure, in addition to drugs, you can exercise. They will help maintain the pressure in a normal indicator. With increased pressure, drugs are prescribed that lower the rate of blood pressure.

    There are also quite common folk remedies to eliminate symptoms and reduce the occurrence of seizures.

    When the state of health improves after an attack, it is recommended not to delay visiting a doctor. Only he will be able to prescribe the necessary tests and procedures, make the correct diagnosis, prescribe the necessary medications and eliminate the cause of the disease. If the patient's condition worsens, then it is likely that in order to alleviate well-being, it will be necessary to go to the hospital. In the hospital, the patient will be able to physically relax, he will be under the constant supervision of doctors and will perform all the necessary procedures and doctor's orders.

    Disease prevention

    Despite the weak course of the disease and subtle symptoms, the disease is becoming very popular among adolescents and young adults. Statistics show that school-age children most often suffer from an unclear head with VVD. Elderly people are also at risk. The disease is especially prone to older people who have moved from their usual climate and housing.

    Prevention is an excellent means of ridding yourself of ailments of a different nature. Having such a disease, a person needs to improve his sleep, try not to be in places where a large crowd of people is noticed, try to avoid rooms in which it is stuffy and there is no air ventilation.

    There are a number of products that will become a prophylaxis for dizziness with vegetovascular dystonia:
    • tea;
    • coffee;
    • chocolate;
    • herbal tinctures.
    In addition, doctors recommend the following list of measures to help get rid of symptoms:

    • frequent walks in the fresh air;
    • morning run;
    • gymnastics;
    • maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
    • moderate physical activity;
    • swimming procedures;
    • cold and hot shower;
    • visiting mass procedures;
    • aromatherapy.

    Before following the above measures, you need to strengthen your immunity. This will help the use of fruits and vegetables enriched with vitamins, taking herbal medicines, drinking fresh juices, and giving up bad habits.

    Most importantly, with the appearance of even the mildest symptoms, you need to consult a specialist for advice. The doctor will help to make the correct list of measures to prevent the development of the disease and help to correctly diagnose the cause of the symptoms.

    Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will protect a person from the development of many diseases. But do not neglect preventive trips to the medical center. Some diseases in the initial stages may be asymptomatic.

    If an attack has already happened, then the patient needs to follow the doctor’s instructions: start eating right, improve sleep, avoid overload at work, start playing sports, harden the body, do aromatherapy, get rid of bad habits, try not to fall into stressful situations, conduct a massage session, although would be once a year.

    To prevent dizziness from returning, you need to find the reason that provokes a person to resort to stress and take measures to eliminate such situations. Doctors usually recommend splitting the time into hours for sleep, hours for physical activity, and hours for mental activity. Use practical measures to control the psycho-emotional state. Always carry sedatives, medications aimed at stabilizing the functioning of the vestibular apparatus. Breathing exercises are considered very useful.

    If a person has doubts about taking certain drugs or funds, it is better to call an ambulance or consult a doctor.

    Article author: Kristina Borisova
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    Why is dizzy with vegetative-vascular dystonia