How to permanently get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia at home
Vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) is a condition familiar to many people, regardless of gender and age. VSD occurs in men, women, and children—usually during adolescence, but sometimes a young child can also experience these symptoms. It is far from always caused by pathological changes in the body - a disorder of this type can be explained by natural physiological causes that affect the hormonal level and the state of the autonomic nervous system. In this case, along with medications, VVD treatment with folk remedies is used.
Characteristics and causes of VVD
Some experts consider vegetovascular dystonia to be one of the most common pathologies that need systematic treatment, while others consider it not an independent disease, and not even a disease as such, but only a complex of a large number of symptoms indicating changes in the body that may have both pathological as well as physiological reasons.
Nevertheless, it has its own code in ICD-10, the tenth version of the International Classification of Diseases, in which each pathology known to physicians is indicated by an alphanumeric code, which is done for the convenience of systematization and simplification of record keeping when making diagnoses.
Since VVD does not have a specific location in the body, in this list it is assigned to the section called "Other diseases of the nervous system" and is designated as G90.8.
Vegetovascular dystonia is so named because among its signs there is instability in vascular tone, leading to changes in blood pressure caused by disturbances in the work of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). This independent department is responsible for the regulation of the functions of internal organs, glands of internal and external secretion, blood vessels.
The cause of the disorder in the work of the ANS can be:
- Hormonal failure - occurs both as a sign of a disease, and as a result of a restructuring that occurs due to natural physiological reasons: pregnancy in women, puberty in adolescents.
- Chronic fatigue, stress, physical and mental strain.
- The resulting violation of normal biological rhythms - lack of sleep, insomnia.
- Physical inactivity is a sedentary lifestyle that leads to a decrease in the overall tone of the body.
- Endocrine pathologies - diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism)
- Seasonal infectious diseases - influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections.
- Cardiovascular pathologies - angina pectoris, arrhythmia, ischemia, heart attack.
- Brain injury.
- Nervous disorders.
- Chronic diseases of the digestive organs of an inflammatory nature (gastritis, pancreatitis) and the respiratory system (bronchial asthma).
- Hereditary and congenital predisposition (fetal hypoxia during pregnancy, birth trauma, diseases suffered in infancy).
- Overdose or uncontrolled intake of medications.
- Bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse.
- Excess weight, much higher than the norm for certain parameters of growth and physique.
Types and symptoms of VVD
When classifying VVD, physicians use various criteria, but usually the state of the vessels and the heart acts as a “reference point”.
Depending on these indicators, VVD is divided into:- hypertensive - the main symptom of this type of disorder is high blood pressure, tinnitus, irritability, anxiety, restless sleep;
- hypotonic - it is characterized by such signs as reduced vascular tone, loss of strength, lack of appetite, lethargy, drowsiness, fatigue;
- cardiac - in addition to pressure drops, the symptoms of this type include heart rhythm disturbances (tachycardia, which is characterized by a rapid pulse, and bradycardia - slow, compared to normal, pulsation), as well as shortness of breath and pain in the heart area;
- vegetovascular dystonia of a mixed type, in which symptoms of all of the above varieties may be present.
In addition, attacks of vegetovascular dystonia may be accompanied by changes in the mental state: depression, panic, nervousness or apathy. Physiological manifestations of VVD include headache, dizziness, indigestion, numbness of the extremities or a decrease in their normal temperature, excessive sweating, hot flashes or chills.
A connection between exacerbations of the VSD and changes in weather conditions was noted. With sharp natural anomalies that cause significant changes in atmospheric pressure, humidity and air temperature, the likelihood of pathological symptoms in people prone to VVD increases.
In young people, children and adolescents of adolescence, the manifestations of VVD are most often caused by the instability and unformedness of all body systems in the puberty period. With age, the situation stabilizes, negative symptoms disappear. In adults, it may be associated with diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.
Diagnostic methods for vegetovascular dystonia include a general and biochemical blood test, as well as instrumental examinations. This includes an electrocardiogram of the heart (ECG), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) of the brain and abdominal organs.
Since a fairly wide range of diseases has a clinical picture similar to VVD, a person who has consulted a doctor with this problem must undergo a full examination in order to exclude them from the “circle of suspects”. Only after making sure that the VVD is not a symptom of a serious pathology, but a manifestation of the "imbalance" of the body, you can begin to treat it.
How to treat VVD folk remedies
If the examination proves the absence of pathological changes in the internal organs, then it is not necessary to use medications in the treatment of VVD.
Treatment of VVD at home can be carried out with the help of inexpensive and affordable drugs - various plants containing components that positively affect the state of the ANS.
According to patient reviews, they are quite effective in combating the negative symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia. What folk remedies for VVD should be used depends on the type of VVD.
For hypertensive type, the following recipes are recommended:- Prepare a mixture of equal parts of horsetail, sweet clover, mint and valerian root - you can use both freshly harvested and dried raw materials. Taking 6 g (1 teaspoon without top) of the mixture, pour boiling water over it (200 g) and put in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Infuse for about an hour and drink during the day - 50 ml at a time.
- Mix equally lemon balm (lemon mint), lingonberry leaves and hawthorn flower petals. Having measured 1 tsp. collection, pour 1/3 cup boiling water. Insist and drink 5 times a day for 2 tbsp. l.
- Taking the same proportions of dried rowan berries, rose petals and hawthorn flowers and mixing all the ingredients, brew 8 g of the mixture with 0.3 liters of boiling water. Wrap, insist 2 hours and drain. Drink 50 ml three times a day before meals.
- Combine equal parts of hop cones, valerian root, yarrow and young shoots of viburnum and raspberry together and grind in a coffee grinder. Pour 1 teaspoon of the mixture with 300 g of filtered cold water. Let it brew for three hours, then put on fire and boil for 3 minutes. Again insist one hour. Drink throughout the day in small portions.
- Taking one part of the lure (root), wild rose and hawthorn (berries) and two parts of St. John's wort and chamomile, mix all the ingredients. Pour 10 g of the mixture with 200 g of cold water, insist 4 hours, then put the infusion in a water bath and heat for a quarter of an hour, then insist again for 1 hour. Strain and drink the infusion throughout the day.
- Make a mixture of immortelle inflorescences, cold mint leaves - 2 parts each, angelica root, lemongrass seeds - 1 part each. Grind all components, measure a teaspoon of raw materials on top, pour 0.3 liters of filtered cold water and leave for 6 hours. Then boil the infusion for 5 minutes and drain. Drink a quarter cup twice a day before meals.
- Grind two parts of valerian root and one part of mint and sweet clover leaves in a coffee grinder or mash with a pestle. Pour a teaspoon of the mixture with 300 g of boiling water and heat in a water bath for half an hour. Then pour the infusion into a thermos and soak in it for two hours. Take a third cup three times a day after meals.
- Add hawthorn petals and chamomile flowers to oregano, fireweed and mint - just the same amount. After measuring out 6 g of the herbal mixture, pour it with a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 1 hour and drink the resulting infusion four times a day.
The composition of all these mixtures is absolutely harmless, so they can be taken by adults and children without fear of unpleasant consequences in the form of allergies. However, it is necessary to observe the exact dosage, as well as correctly correlate the use of infusions and decoctions with meals, if there are direct instructions on this in the recipe.
Prevention of VVD
It is known that any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. This truth is also true for vegetovascular dystonia, although it is not a disease, but a symptom of a disorder of the autonomic nervous system.
Among the measures that have preventive value in VVD, physicians include:- A complete healthy diet. People with similar problems should not abuse salty, fatty and fried foods. Also, you do not need to flavor the dishes with spicy seasonings - pepper, mustard. Fresh greens, vegetables, fruits are useful - a rich source of natural vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of all body systems. Be sure to eat all types of dairy products, as well as cereals rich in trace elements. Fish and lean meats are important - rabbit, turkey.
- Getting rid of bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse, an overdose of coffee and other drinks that excessively excite the nervous system.
- Normal mode of work and rest. It is especially harmful to work at night - the night should be given to a healthy and restful sleep.
- Avoiding stressful situations.
- Daily outdoor walks.
- Sports activities at an amateur level, moderate physical activity. Both hypodynamia and excessive exercise should be avoided - both extremes are equally harmful.
If vegetovascular dystonia is not associated with pathological disturbances in the activity of internal organs, but has physiological causes, it does not pose a threat to health and life. But you should not put up with its outbreaks - with the right approach, VSD is quite possible to cure.