Can different parts of the body go numb with vegetovascular dystonia
Hand numbness in VVD is one of the standard signs of a disease of the nervous system. Other serious diseases are also accompanied by loss of sensation in the limbs. Therefore, it is important to contact a medical institution in time to establish the true cause of numbness. Properly selected treatment and strict adherence to the recommendations of the doctor will help to avoid complications when symptoms of pathology appear.
Relationship between VVD and numbness
Vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) is a disease of the present century. Typical symptoms of the disease in the form of pressure surges, headaches, emotional instability arise from overwork, changes in weather conditions, and stress. Sometimes the traditional signs of VVD are accompanied by sensations of cold extremities, tingling in the fingers.
Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) leads to vasoconstriction, loss of muscle tone. Due to the resulting spasms, the metabolic process in the human body is disrupted. The tissues receive insufficient nutrients and oxygen, resulting in a feeling of numbness, coldness and chills in the legs or arms.
Reviews of people suffering from numbness of the limbs (paresthesia) include various descriptions of sensations, since the localization of the pathology is differentiated.
Most often, fingers or hands go numb, but the sensitivity of the skin also decreases to:
- legs;
- nose
- face;
- back
- back of the head;
- language.
Paresthesias are often accompanied by a feeling of "crawling" or heaviness in the legs. If the regulation of the outflow of venous blood is disturbed, stagnation and heaviness in the lower extremities occur.
Decreased sensitivity can constantly disturb the patient or be a temporary phenomenon. The occurrence of numbness in VSD manifests the development of pathological processes that negatively affect the health of a sick person. To prevent complications, you need to do therapy in time.
With numbness of the hand, face or tongue, violations occur in the human body, which, if not properly attended to and treated, can lead to problems. If there is a compression of the nerve endings and a decrease in sensitivity due to this, severe pain may appear over time. Gradual tissue necrosis will begin with impaired blood circulation.
In addition to changes in health on the physical side, numbness of the face with VVD or tongue makes the patient nervous because of this condition, which worsens the emotional background.
Sources of numbness in VVD
The following factors underlie the decrease in sensitivity in terms of IRR:
- Functional disorders of the connection of organs and tissues with the help of nerves with the central nervous system. There is a failure in the normal flow of impulses of both departments of the ANS, causing signs of numbness.
- Microcirculation disorder. The progression of VVD leads to impaired blood supply to superficial tissues. The functioning of blood vessels decreases, the cells receive an insufficient amount of nutrients, as a result of which the sensitivity of the skin decreases.
- Hyperoxia. Oxygen poisoning is observed with panic attacks, deep and frequent breathing. Then there is a loss of skin sensitivity.
A general imbalance in the functioning of the ANS also causes symptoms associated with numbness of parts of the human body.
Many people who suffer from VSD symptoms tend to exaggerate. They carefully monitor their health, but when faced with the problem of numbness, they do not understand the causes of this symptom.
Having succumbed to panic, patients come up with non-existent severe pathologies and signs of other anomalies:- cancerous tumors;
- accession of infections;
- too rapid spread of the disease;
- transformation of VVD into another serious disease.
Against the backdrop of negative thoughts, the disease only progresses, additional signs of the disease are observed: pain in the heart, dizziness, sleep disorders, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.
Other causes of numbness
Not only VVD can cause unpleasant physical sensations in the human body.
A clinical picture with a change in the sensitivity of skin cells (pain, temperature or tactile form) is also observed in other diseases:- Depression, nervous tension.
- Bad habits.
- Osteochondrosis.
- Radiculitis.
- carpal tunnel syndrome.
- Herniation or protrusion of the intervertebral disc.
- Pinched nerve in the vertebrae.
- Raynaud's disease.
- Ischemic stroke.
- Lack of vitamin B 12.
- Neuropathy of any kind.
- Obliterating endarteritis.
Treatment of the disease
Before choosing a treatment, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of the decrease in the sensitivity of the limbs. As part of the diagnosis, when the patient complains of numbness of the hands, fingers and other parts, the body is palpated during a medical examination. Then general blood and urine tests are prescribed, and if necessary, magnetic resonance imaging.
In the treatment of reduced sensitivity of a body part, control of feelings and emotions is important. Local elimination of numbness of the tongue or head is not possible. To eliminate the symptom, it is necessary to treat the disease itself after consulting a neurologist or psychotherapist.
Often, after examining and making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes sedatives to a sick person. At the initial stage of the development of VVD, over-the-counter drugs are prescribed. Such as tincture of common valerian. The sedative properties of such drugs eliminate panic attacks and restore balance in the patient's nervous system.
If it is diagnosed that the cause of numbness is an imbalance of the nervous system, then the following are also applied:- means to improve metabolism;
- stimulant drugs (for hypotension);
- medicines for vasodilatation;
- vitamin B complexes.
However, drugs do not completely solve the problem. If the patient's left hand goes numb, complex therapy is necessary, including physical activity, dieting, and giving up bad habits.
Other ways to influence the ANS and improve well-being:- Relaxation. A patient with symptoms of numbness in VVD is advised to learn relaxation techniques. A professional massage or sauna will help to distract from problems. Also a great way to relax is a hobby. Some will prefer a walk with friends, their favorite music, a trip to nature, others - to spend the evening reading a book. Yoga classes are very useful for finding mental and psychological balance.
- Personalized physical activity. A dosed set of exercises increases blood circulation, which helps to get rid of pathology. Swimming, rowing, walking, cycling, running, therapeutic exercises are useful.
To train the vessels with symptoms of VVD, a contrast shower with alternate regulation of the water temperature is useful.
Correction of nutrition in case of numbness of the skin associated with VVD is important in the treatment of the disease. For the proper functioning of the nervous system, indicators of the norm of vitamin C and potassium are important. The diet should consist of fresh vegetables and fruits (potatoes, apples, lettuce leaves, peppers), dairy products, dietary meat and cereals. You need a lot of useful liquid: compotes, fruit drinks, still water. Useful teas from chamomile, lemon balm, linden.
For the duration of treatment, the patient is recommended to isolate himself from people who cause hostility, and places where a person is uncomfortable. Therapy of vegetovascular dystonia is a rather lengthy process, but the result will be positive if you internally tune in seriously to the desire to get rid of the disease.