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    How to treat mixed type vegetative-vascular dystonia

    When the nervous system is disturbed, a decrease in the regulatory function occurs, which affects the entire body. An unstable psycho-emotional state leads to the appearance of painful sensations. More often there are problems in the work of the cardiovascular system, there are pressure surges, headache.

    The presence of such symptoms, not confirmed by pathological changes in organs, is called vegetovascular dystonia (VVD). There are three types of such deviations. Depending on the signs, hypotonic, hypertensive dystonia and VVD are distinguished according to a mixed type.

    What causes mixed dystonia

    The autonomic nervous system controls the coordinated work of all organs of the human body. In the event of an imbalance, symptoms are observed that indicate a failure of the regulatory function. Neurocirculatory dystonia (the second name of the VVD) is a combination of these signs.

    Dystonia is not classified in international medicine as a separate disease. Some doctors call the violations that have arisen a temporary phenomenon that does not need therapy. Other doctors tend to consider vegetovascular dystonia as a pathology that requires diagnosis and treatment.

    The appearance of signs of mixed dystonia is due to risk factors.
    1. hereditary predisposition.
    2. Pathologies of fetal development and birth trauma in women.
    3. Hormonal changes (puberty, pregnancy, menopause).
    4. Diseases of the endocrine system.
    5. Diseases of the brain, pathology of the spine.
    6. Constant stress.
    7. The presence of allergies.
    8. Reduced immunity.
    9. Unfavorable living conditions.
    10. chronic infections.
    11. constitutional anomalies.
    12. Smoking, alcohol abuse.

    Signs of disorders of nervous regulation are observed in children of school age. They are caused by problems with adaptation in a new team, hormonal changes in the body of adolescents, decreased physical activity and mental stress.

    VSD is often diagnosed in female patients. This is due to periods of hormonal changes in a woman's life - pregnancy, the time after childbirth and the appearance of menopause.

    In addition to these categories, most at risk of having disorders of the vegetovascular regulation, symptoms appear in other people under certain circumstances:
    • a significant increase in physical / mental / mental stress;
    • brain injury;
    • traumatic events;
    • wrong daily routine, lack of sleep;
    • overwork;
    • a sharp change in climate (moving to another area);
    • development of an acute infectious disease;
    • action of toxic drugs.

    The main cause of dystonia is called psychological imbalance. The diagnosis of VVD is made by the doctor after examination and diagnosis, in the absence of other pathologies.

    Symptoms of violations

    It is difficult to establish the presence of vegetovascular dystonia of a mixed type. Patients have symptoms related to the work of different body systems. In addition, the symptoms do not appear regularly, their frequency varies from patient to patient.

    A distinctive symptom is jumps in blood pressure (blood pressure). It can increase, threatening a hypertensive attack, and decrease - until the patient loses consciousness.

    Doctors, according to people's reviews, identify more than 100 characteristic signs that indicate a mixed type of VVD, if the diagnosis determines the absence of pathologies in the organs.

    Patients may complain constantly about the same manifestations of discomfort, or the symptoms are different each time.
    1. Asthenia. Manifested by problems with falling asleep, increased fatigue, physical weakening of the body. In the morning, the patient has a breakdown and lack of energy.
    2. Painful sensations in the chest. They appear more often after emotional breakdowns. There may be a short-term stabbing pain or aching and prolonged.
    3. Pressure drops. The mixed type of IRR is characterized by low morning blood pressure and high evening blood pressure. During the day, there may be additional jumps caused by physical activity or stress. If blood pressure rises sharply to high levels, there is a risk of developing a hypertensive crisis. It causes a stroke or heart attack.
    4. Headache. They are joined by tinnitus, indicating vasoconstriction.
    5. Heart rhythm disturbances. The pulse rate may increase or decrease. There are different types of arrhythmia (tachycardia, extrasystole, bradycardia).
    6. Pre-fainting state. The patient's eyes darken, flies appear, dizziness.
    7. Sudden changes in emotional state. The mood often changes, nervousness or excitability, apathy quickly manifests itself.
    8. Unfounded fears. Panic attacks are manifested by increased anxiety. The patient invents problems, looks for non-existent diseases in himself.
    9. Disorders in the digestive system. Patients complain of lack of appetite, indigestion, abdominal pain.
    10. Decreased sex drive.
    11. Pain when urinating.
    12. Failure of the body's thermoregulation. Body temperature may rise, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) is manifested.
    13. Expansion/constriction of blood vessels. Pathology causes a sharp pallor of the skin, or vice versa - redness, while the temperature in the room is optimal.
    14. Weather sensitivity. High air temperatures exacerbate other symptoms of VVD.
    15. Dyspnea. It is difficult for the patient to breathe, especially in stuffy rooms. Sensation of constriction in the sternum, the inability to take a deep breath.
    16. Puffiness. The face and legs turn red, there may be cyanosis of the skin.
    17. Tremor.
    Especially strong emotional experiences can cause a vegetative crisis. In this case, a person can briefly lose sight and hearing, cramps of the limbs appear, speech impairment, coordination of movements is lost.

    These symptoms require immediate medical attention. Delay is dangerous for the development of complications with a fatal outcome.

    Possible Complications

    Neurocirculatory dystonia, in the absence of the necessary treatment, causes complications in the form of diseases of various body systems.

    Among the most common pathologies, doctors call:
    • ischemic disease;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • hypertension;
    • heart failure;
    • neurological diseases;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • depressive disorders;
    • bronchial asthma.

    The treatment of these diseases requires a longer therapy, it is not always possible to completely eliminate the pathology. Therefore, it is more expedient to start the fight against dystonia in time, to prevent the development of complications.

    How to diagnose VSD

    Doctors make a diagnosis of vegetovascular dystonia only after they exclude all possible diseases that have similar symptoms.

    Symptoms may be caused by:
    • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
    • endocrine diseases;
    • hormonal disorders;
    • problems with the stomach and intestines;
    • infectious diseases;
    • disorders of the nervous system;
    • somatic pathologies.
    Therefore, a comprehensive examination is carried out with the participation of specialized specialists. Depending on the possible violations of which body system the symptoms indicate, the patient needs to be examined by a cardiologist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, gynecologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist or psychiatrist.

    Doctors use different diagnostic methods.

    1. Clinical and biochemical analysis of blood.
    2. Ultrasound examination of the heart.
    3. Ultrasound of organs disturbing the patient.
    4. X-ray diagnostics.
    5. Electrocardiography.
    6. Rheovasography (monitoring the state of the body's blood supply).
    7. Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (probe insertion into the esophagus).
    8. Magnetic resonance imaging.
    9. Dopplerography of the state of the arteries.

    Examinations show the general clinical picture of the disease. If a pathology of the functionality of a certain organ is detected, it is imperative to start treating this disease.

    Medical therapy

    Treatment of VVD of a mixed type depends on the characteristics of the course of the pathology in the patient, the number of signs indicating disorders, and the general condition of the body.

    The presence of a mild form of dystonia involves the choice of non-drug methods of therapy:
    • bringing the regime back to normal (alternating work with a period of rest);
    • decreased response to irritants;
    • revision of the daily diet in the direction of increasing the number of healthy foods;
    • smoking cessation, alcohol abuse;
    • application of methods to stabilize the psycho-emotional state (consultation of a psychologist);
    • normalization of the number of physical and intellectual loads,
    • reduction of hypodynamia;
    • methods of physiotherapy (electrophoresis, acupuncture);
    • therapeutic massage, physical education.

    If such methods of therapy do not give positive results, or if the condition of the patient with VVD is too severe, it is necessary to start using medications.

    The doctor may prescribe different drugs, depending on the patient's complaints.

    1. Antidepressants and tranquilizers - for a sedative effect, normalization of sleep (Phenazepam, Grandaxin).
    2. Nootropics - if there is increased fatigue (Piracetam).
    3. Sedative drugs - to normalize the heart rhythm (Corvalol, St. John's wort).
    4. Tablets for hypertension and hypotension (Captopril, Caffeine).
    5. Vitamin complexes - to strengthen the immune system, improve the condition of blood vessels (Magne B6, Taurine).
    6. Drugs that improve blood supply to the brain (Cavinton).
    7. Diuretics (Furosemide, Pyramidine).
    8. Physiotherapy.
    9. Phytotherapy (infusion of hawthorn, eleutherococcus extract).

    Medicines reduce pain but do not eliminate the cause. Neurocirculatory dystonia is not completely cured. Therapy helps to reduce the frequency of symptoms and prevent the development of complications.

    It is important to know what to do in case of a vegetative crisis. It is necessary to act immediately to avoid serious consequences.
    For this you need:
    • open the window, unbutton the collar;
    • lie on the sofa, bed;
    • drink a sedative, diuretic;
    • breathe deeply to normalize the heartbeat and calm down;
    • if the condition has not improved, take antihistamines (Suprastin, Diphenhydramine).

    Treatment of vegetovascular dystonia should occur as prescribed by a doctor and under his control. Self-administration of drugs can aggravate the situation.

    In addition to the methods of therapy (drug and non-drug), it is important to create an atmosphere conducive to a good psychological state. This patient can help relatives and friends.

    Preventive actions

    To avoid the manifestations of VVD of a mixed type, it is necessary to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle from childhood.

    1. Move more. Do exercises, sign up for sports sections, run. During the working day, get up from your chair every hour to take a walk.
    2. Walk outdoors every day for at least an hour. Weekends to spend outside the city, in the park, in the forest. At least once a year to relax in the mountains or by the sea.
    3. Temper. A contrast shower, sleeping with an open window, a minimum amount of clothing - from childhood it is necessary to strengthen the body.
    4. Learn to cope with stress with the help of a favorite thing that calms and distracts from experiences (dancing, music, embroidery).
    5. Keep a balance between work and rest. You need to sleep at least 8 hours.
    6. Eat a balanced diet.
    7. When infectious diseases appear, immediately begin their treatment.
    8. Get rid of bad habits.

    The main rule for those who want to avoid neurocirculatory dystonia and other diseases is to see the positive under any circumstances. An optimistic attitude, a healthy lifestyle and the ability to avoid stress are effective methods of preventing pathology.

    Mixed-type vegetovascular dystonia is not a sentence, although the disease significantly worsens the patient's quality of life. Signs of VVD respond well to treatment if you pay attention to them in time and start therapy. Prevention prevents the development of pathology and reduces the risk of complications.

    Article author: lemon
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    How to treat mixed type vegetative-vascular dystonia