What will help to survive the heat with VVD
One of the frequent complaints of patients diagnosed with vascular dystonia is greater or lesser intolerance to heat: from mild malaise to panic attacks and fainting. The cause of the problem may be a violation of the thermal balance, psychogenic shortness of breath (maybe a consequence). Also, how heat affects VSD may be based on a lack of fluid: summer heat is associated with fluid loss through sweating, winter heat indoors is often associated with insufficient humidity.
What is VSD
Imbalance in VVD often includes violations of thermoregulation: increased sweating with minor physical exertion (a person does not freeze even in extreme cold if he moves), low-grade body temperature (slightly above 37 degrees), the need for frequent ventilation of the room. Being in the cold at the same time in some patients can also cause malaise, while in others - a feeling of clarity in the head, improved vision, increased energy.
By itself, the diagnosis of vegetative-vascular (or neurocirculatory) dystonia is made on the basis of complaints, and not objective studies. The symptoms are functional rather than organic in nature and can manifest as neurological, cardiac, endocrine and gastrointestinal problems, which do not have an organic malfunction or damage to any organ. VSD is not a specific disease, but several different symptom complexes, which are based on a discord between the central and autonomic nervous, as well as endocrine and immune systems.
The autonomic nervous system is a kind of conductor of the body, responsible for what works “on its own” in the body – numerous glands, muscle contractions and relaxation, vascular tone. In a person with VSD, it falters, so that the orchestra of internal systems is “out of tune”.
Despite the sometimes not quite serious attitude to "psychosomatics" as subjective complaints, it is vegetative dystonia, since these are functional, nervous and vascular disorders lasting for years.
Can in adulthood pass into chronic diseases:- heart (up to ischemia, hypertension and hypotension);
- gastrointestinal tract (up to the ulcer);
- respiratory system (bronchial asthma);
- psyche (depression, obsessive-compulsive disorders and phobias).
Sometimes vegetovascular dystonia is considered from the point of view of adaptation difficulties, including in relation to temperature, weather and climate change, and any change in the external environment as a stressful situation. The human body with VVD reacts more sensitively and more pronouncedly to any interruptions with a sufficient amount of fresh air, drink and wholesome food, and physical activity. In this regard, non-compliance with these self-hygiene measures in a person with VVD will lead to an aggravation of the reaction to any negative environmental factors. For example: in the office, everyone can exercise equally little and not get enough daily fluid intake, but only in a person with VVD this will lead to headaches and a feeling of “crowding” in the head, “flies” before the eyes, weakness, fainting and other symptoms.
Please note that according to hygiene requirements, the normal temperature in the room is 16-18 degrees during the day and 12 degrees at night. If possible, these rules should be followed in winter: this also contributes to the overall adaptability of the body to any climatic stresses and changes.
VSD and fever: main complaints and symptoms
The main complaints of patients diagnosed with a symptom complex of autonomic dysfunction may be as follows:
- “like jelly”: a feeling of a stuffed head, headaches, discomfort in the body, lethargy and a desire to lie down;
- "nothing to breathe": shortness of breath and respiratory disorders, cough;
- "allergic to heat": fever, runny nose;
- excessive sweating, an unpleasant feeling of overheating;
- fainting and weakness.
In addition, against the background of heat, there may be an increase in the usual symptoms that are characteristic of this patient, including panic attacks or disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
With sympathicotonic dystonia, fever is common with stress, so valerian infusions or involvement in non-stress activities may help. With dystonia of the vagotonic type, intolerance to stuffy rooms and chilliness in the absence of movement are observed.
Although there are mixed types, in general, one can focus on the normal state of the skin of the face: in vagotonics, the face quickly turns red, and in patients with a sympathetic type of VSD, pallor is observed.
How to help yourself
The treatment of discomfort in the heat is for a patient with VVD to reduce the impact of autonomic dysfunction syndrome on the body as a whole. Empirically, a person can go through the main drugs prescribed for this condition, and track the reaction to them. Usually, over-the-counter medications are prescribed in the treatment of dystonia, and by sorting out, a person stops at what suits him individually.
Thus, if the summer stuffiness becomes too hard to endure, you should try to take the following measures:- bring blood flow and blood supply to tissues back to normal: sometimes a regular walk and regular breaks in work for exercise can reduce discomfort. At the same time, summer walks should not be made from 11 am to 4 pm;
- pay attention to blood flow in the face, neck and head: do self-massage, exercise from "osteochondrosis" for the back and neck, wash with cold water, take a cool or contrast shower (useful mainly for vagotonics);
- bring the amount of fluid you drink to the recommended: 2-3 liters;
- if these methods do not help (but not earlier), you should use drugs such as glycine, succinic acid, B vitamins (as part of milgamma), eltacin, vinpocetine, ginkoum;
- in some cases, antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs may be prescribed by a doctor, since they eliminate the psychosomatic manifestations characteristic of VSD in general.
It is widely believed among a significant number of physicians that nootropics are based on the placebo effect, and this is confirmed by some studies. But there are also studies confirming the effectiveness of nootropics. In any case, they continue to be prescribed for VVD and problems with the blood supply to the brain.
Prevention and other causes of heat ailments
Discomfort during heat, even in a person with diagnosed vegetovascular dystonia, can be caused by other reasons. Heat intolerance can be caused by conditions such as hyperthyroidism, sweating disorders and related intoxications, organic heart and respiratory problems, menopause, and the common cold.
How you manage to survive the heat with vegetovascular dystonia depends primarily on following the rules of health hygiene. The body of a patient with VVD is different in that it cannot cope with autonomous functions on its own, so the patient needs to make strong-willed efforts and take part of the burden of maintaining vascular tone "on himself", referring to healthy nutrition and hardening. It is for patients with VVD that these are not general recommendations, but urgent requirements that directly affect well-being.
Therefore, it should be borne in mind that the condition of a patient with VVD - neither an adult, nor a teenager, nor a child - most likely does not normalize without:- Physiotherapy exercises or other "soft" exercises, such as yoga, stretching, etc., improve blood flow and normalize vascular tone.
- Hardening and contrast showers (with vagotonia).
- Ventilation of rooms and regular walks.
- Sufficient liquid.