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    Reasons for the appearance of subfebrile temperature in vegetovascular dystonia

    Despite the fact that vegetovascular dystonia is a disease that is not dangerous for human life, it can bring a lot of discomfort to the patient. Temperature with VVD is one of the most common symptoms. Almost all people who suffer from this disease pay attention to it. To deal with the unpleasant consequences of such a deviation, you need to familiarize yourself with its main features and methods of treatment.

    The concept of VSD

    Vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) is a disease that affects the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The main functional task of the ANS is to regulate the work of blood vessels and internal organs. This system is responsible for the full functioning of the heart muscle, digestive tract, and endocrine glands.

    In ANS, it is customary to distinguish two departments that are endowed with opposite functionality.
    • sympathetic nervous system (increases blood pressure (blood pressure) by narrowing the lumen of the vessels; promotes the active work of the glands; increases the level of sugar in the body);
    • parasympathetic nervous system (reduces blood pressure by expanding the lumen of blood vessels; inhibits metabolic processes and the activity of organ systems).

    With coordinated work, these two components can compensate and complement each other, thereby allowing the body to maintain a harmonious state. It is the violation of this balance that leads to the appearance of VSD.

    Even minimal disruptions in nervous regulation negatively affect the performance of many organ systems. Initially, the blood vessels are affected. This can cause a sharp increase in blood pressure, as a result of which a person quickly gets tired and periodically falls into a state of apathy.

    Vegetovascular dystonia does not have dangerous health consequences. However, the symptoms caused by VVD significantly affect a person's life. The disease can be chronic and last for several decades, bringing discomfort and anxiety to the patient's life, reducing normal living standards.

    It is rather difficult to determine the presence of VVD, since the deviation cannot lead to structural disorders of the organs. Even the positive results of many medical studies do not guarantee that a person does not have vegetovascular dystonia.

    A distinctive feature of VVD is the patient's frequent complaints about well-being, while tests indicate the absence of problems in the body.

    The human vegetative system is able to influence almost all organ systems, so the disorders that have arisen can manifest themselves through different symptoms.

    The main signs of the disease include:
    • constant feeling of fatigue (it seems to the patient that he is “like a squeezed lemon” all the time);
    • headache;
    • a sharp increase in blood pressure;
    • malfunctions in the functioning of the digestive system;
    • temperature failures (more often - an increase in temperature, less often - a decrease).

    Signs of VSD can be very diverse. If a complete examination did not reveal visible abnormalities, but the state of health is poor, the doctor should take into account the possibility of the presence of the above abnormalities.

    Temperature at VSD

    People who have experienced vascular dystonia are well aware that such a disease is usually accompanied by changes in body temperature.

    It can be less than normal (which happens less often) or higher (which is observed in most cases).

    The patient is thrown into a fever. This symptom can periodically be replaced by a slight chill (as with a cold or flu).

    Heat can also be a symbol of the inflammatory process that occurs in the body. It can be caused by serious illnesses, stressful situations, PMS, or the process of bearing a child. To make a correct diagnosis, these reasons must also be taken into account.

    It is important to note that temperature changes are insignificant. A temperature of 37 ° with VVD occurs in almost every patient. Despite the fact that the increase is insignificant, it is accompanied by constant discomfort. It is difficult for a person to concentrate on a certain work, he quickly gets tired and does not want to do anything, he does not leave a feeling of lethargy. Sometimes the patient is accompanied by more serious symptoms (headache, problems with pressure and digestion).

    subfebrile temperature

    Subfebrile experts call the temperature "37 ° C. It can persist for a long time, and sometimes even for life. It depends on the complexity of failures in the VNS.

    Very often, people do not pay attention to such temperature indicators, based on the fact that this is the norm for their body. The absence of other symptoms does not guarantee the absence of vegetovascular dystonia. In 30% of all cases, subfebrile temperature is the only visible sign of VVD. In the presence of any alarming deviations, you should immediately consult a doctor. Trying to bring down the temperature yourself is impossible.

    Subfebrile temperature with VSD in the evening may decrease. This is argued by the fact that in the evening a person prefers to relax after a working day, which helps to normalize temperature indicators. In people who suffer from vegetovascular dystonia, the temperature will rise even with insignificant physical exertion. In the daytime, it is almost impossible for a working person to avoid the load. It is realistic to bring the indicators back to normal only after resting in a supine position.

    Causes of temperature changes in the body with VVD

    The human ANS is also responsible for thermoregulation of the body. If the functionality of the autonomic nervous system is disturbed, then the processes of temperature regulation are also amenable to negative influence.

    In addition, the disease adversely affects the vessels. It affects changes in their tone, which, in turn, leads to disruptions in the blood supply to the body. This is the main cause of unpleasant changes in the body.

    Instability in thermoregulation in most cases entails two symptoms that patients with VVD also experience.
    1. Increased sweating. Sometimes you can observe how a person begins to sweat, even if the environmental conditions are normal. There are no physical activities.
    2. A person can freeze in warm weather. A feeling of slight chills accompanies even in the summer. Warm clothing does not help in this case. The extremities are almost always cold.
    The secondary reasons for the appearance of subfebrile temperature include:
    • a weak immune system that is unable to fight viruses;
    • passive lifestyle, lack of optimal physical exercise;
    • the use of artificial means to strengthen the body;
    • frequent exposure to stressful situations;
    • having bad habits.
    Temperature during VVD can not only be the cause of poor health, but also an indicator that it is worth changing your lifestyle. Natural strengthening of the body will help to resist the symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    You can try to pre-diagnose VVD yourself. As you know, the normal body temperature of a person should be no higher than 37 ° C. With vegetovascular dystonia, it slightly exceeds this indicator. But it is important to consider that the reason for such a temperature may be different. If at the same time the patient treats a cold or flu, then these diseases, and not VVD, will be the main source of influence. Treatment measures will be appropriate.

    If the temperature significantly exceeds 37 ° C, then this will not be a symptom of VVD. This pathology does not cause strong changes. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor, as a high temperature indicates a possible inflammatory process.

    With VVD, the temperature rises for no apparent reason. Additionally, there is fever and / or chills.

    There are also some patterns:
    • the main symptoms appear after physical or mental stress;
    • during the daytime, the temperature rises, and in the evening it decreases.

    It is useless to fight the signs of vegetovascular dystonia in the ways familiar to other diseases. Conventional antipyretics can only harm the body, while getting rid of the symptom will not work.

    To improve well-being, doctors advise lying in a horizontal position and resting for 15-20 minutes. Such a pause will help normalize activities. Additionally, you can take a sedative.

    Sedatives are a set of drugs that are of plant or synthetic origin. The main function is sedative (reducing emotional stress). An additional feature is the absence of a hypnotic effect.

    This approach helps to reduce the manifestation of symptoms. To deal with the main cause of the appearance of vegetovascular dystonia, it is required to follow a comprehensive treatment for a long time.

    Complex therapy takes place under the close supervision of a doctor. Any drug treatment should be prescribed by a specialist only after all the necessary studies have been carried out.

    A full examination involves the delivery of a number of tests, among which it is worth highlighting:
    • blood and urine tests;
    • checking thyroid hormones;
    • blood test for hepatitis, HIV, RW;
    • collection of sputum to detect tuberculosis;
    • cancer screening.

    Additionally, the attending health worker may prescribe an x-ray or ultrasound. As a rule, each case is considered on an individual basis, therefore, diagnosis and treatment will be prescribed strictly individually.

    If a person decides to seriously engage in the treatment of VVD, then the course of the disease is necessarily controlled by a specialist from the first examinations to the end of all therapy procedures.


    Preventive activity in VVD is aimed not only at eliminating elevated temperature. It can help eliminate all manifestations of the disease.

    Doctors have developed a list of basic recommendations that will help keep the body in good shape.

    1. Add outdoor activities to your list of good habits. Ideally, you should include this type of activity in your daily routine. In extreme cases, you can limit yourself to one walk in 2-3 days.
    2. Do not forget about moderate physical activity. Sports exercises will help keep the body in good shape, make it more resilient and resistant to disease.
    3. A balanced diet is an essential element of any preventive activity. It is important to remember the individual approach. To choose the best nutritional option, experts recommend contacting nutritionists.
    4. Hardening will help strengthen immunity. Wellness procedures increase a person's adaptation to the environment. Popular types of hardening include: aerotherapy, heliotherapy, water treatments, walking barefoot.
    5. Avoid strong feelings. In a stressful state, the human body weakens and becomes unarmed in the face of various negative natural factors. The more a person worries, the greater the opportunity to get another health problem.
    6. Include in preventive measures trips to physiotherapy and therapeutic massage.

    Reviews of many people who suffer from VVD indicate that preventive measures help to eliminate almost all the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. Separately, items about a walk in the fresh air and physiotherapy were highlighted. According to the majority of respondents, these measures were the most effective.

    The temperature can jump from normal to high (low) and vice versa, even when the patient adheres to preventive tasks. To avoid this, you need to constantly train the vegetovascular system. Do not forget about periodic medical examinations and consultations with specialists. Only a set of actions will help to fully monitor the state of health.

    Article author: lemon
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    Reasons for the appearance of subfebrile temperature in vegetovascular dystonia