5 main methods for diagnosing vegetative-vascular dystonia by cardiac type
Among most doctors, it is generally accepted that vegetovascular dystonia is not a disease, but presents a number of symptoms. However, until now, VSD officially acts as a disease, which is characterized by a violation of the normal functioning of the autonomic nervous system. With cardiac dystonia, the main disturbances occur in the functioning of the heart, the main symptom is cardioneurosis. It is the pathological processes that affect the functioning of the heart that distinguish cardiac dystonia from other forms of VVD. This type of VVD occurs in 50% of cases in patients of different sex and age with a diagnosis of dystonia.
Reasons for the development of the disease
The autonomic nervous system ceases to function normally due to a violation of the neuroendocrine activity of the brain and homeostasis of the body, as well as pathology in the limbic region. There is a failure in the response process in the form of relaxation and contraction of blood vessels to the influence of pathogens inside or outside. In addition, the process of getting nutrients and oxygen into the internal organs and tissues is hampered. It is generally accepted that this process occurs as a result of severe stress.
Factors provoking the development of dystonia of the cardiac type:
Internal:- primary diseases of the ANS;
- chronic foci of infection;
- damage to the intervertebral discs and tissues of the spine;
- weakening of the muscular activity of the body;
- excessive anxiety;
- heart disease;
- hormonal disorders;
- various pathologies of the endocrine glands;
- heredity.
- constant physical activity;
- intoxication;
- overheating in the sun, hypothermia;
- alcohol, nicotine addiction;
- work in hazardous production;
- traumatic brain injury;
- emotional constraint, inability to show emotions;
- chronic stress.
People with acute allergic reactions are prone to VSD. Often, pathology develops in a person with a weak immune system, who is prone to infectious and viral diseases.
Since the work of the nervous and endocrine systems is disrupted, the body becomes unable to independently maintain functionally important processes. As a result, tissue hormones are activated, metabolic processes are disturbed, the transport of biological substances in the myocardium is disturbed, and cellular structure degeneration occurs. The development of these processes leads to a deterioration in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.
Main symptoms
Only a qualified specialist can diagnose the disease, namely a cardiologist who, looking at the main symptoms, will determine which examination methods will provide accurate information.
It is not always possible to determine exactly what type of IRR has developed in a patient, since all forms of this pathology are characterized by the formation of pathological processes in the work of the heart. Nevertheless, dystonia of the cardiac type is always indicated by painful sensations in the region of the heart - they can have a pressing, stabbing or burning character of the manifestation.
There are a number of other signs that indicate VVD by cardiac type:
- painful sensation of cold;
- weakness in the body;
- intense pain in the head.
Symptoms of dystonia can appear both independently and in combination with each other. In addition, they may indicate the presence of other pathologies in the body.
Sometimes when chest pain occurs, the patient begins to worry that it may be associated with a heart attack. There are significant differences that should be considered for heart problems. Nitroglycerin preparations, which are prescribed for pain in the heart, do not help people with VVD. The lack of the proper effect after taking the drug is due to the fact that nitroglycerin lowers blood pressure on the arteries, which already decreases with dystonia. Taking nitroglycerin preparations will only worsen the patient's well-being, which indicates the development of a cardiac-type IRR, and not a heart attack.
Symptoms of the disease can manifest themselves with varying degrees of severity. The pains do not have a specific location, unpleasant sensations affect, as it were, the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe heart and differ in intensity.
If you suspect the presence of dystonia of the cardiac type, you must make an appointment with a doctor for further examination. First of all, the doctor examines the patient's medical history and finds out if the patient has relatives with a similar diagnosis. Methods for diagnosing VSD of the cardiac type are mainly aimed at studying the heart and the entire cardiovascular system.
Basic diagnostic methods:- Electroencephalography of the brain.
- Electrocardiogram of the heart.
- Ultrasonography.
- Echocardiography.
- Orthostatic, pharmacological tests.
The survey will help to assess the initial state of autonomic tone and indicators of autonomic reactivity.
It is quite difficult to make a correct diagnosis with VVD due to the variety of symptoms and the lack of clear objective parameters. It is required to differentiate the disease with organic pathologies of the heart.
Consultation of a neurologist and an endocrinologist is mandatory during the examination.
Treatment of VVD of the cardiac type should be started only after examination by a doctor and receiving his recommendations.
Most doctors agree that dystonia cannot be cured, but the manifestation of autonomic attacks can be slightly reduced with the help of medications and other methods, so there are two ways to eliminate the signs of VVD:- medication;
- non-drug.
Treatment with one approach does not mean that the patient cannot use the second method.
With drug treatment, the doctor prescribes to the patient tablets, syrups and other drugs that have an effect on certain symptoms of VVD of the cardiac type.
Medicines are prescribed depending on the data of the medical history, ECG and other laboratory tests.
As a rule, the patient is prescribed the following drugs:- Tranquilizers (Phenazepam, Relanium) - are used for low blood pressure, normalize the work of the central nervous system. The dose of the drug is prescribed by the doctor.
- Sedatives (Valerian, Motherwort) - reduce anxiety and the patient's predisposition to stress, improve mood.
- Nootropic drugs (Piracetam, Nootropil) - contribute to the endurance of the brain during oxygen starvation.
- Antidepressants - eliminate anxiety, cheer up. Antidepressants should only be taken as directed by a doctor.
- Cerebroprotective drugs (Cavinton) - improve blood circulation in the brain.
- Beta-blockers - normalize the functioning of the nervous system and heart.
- Cholinomimetics (Atropine) - normalize the rhythm of the heartbeat, eliminate the vegetative type of dystonia.
Sometimes it is useful for the patient to attend psychotherapy sessions and physiotherapy. The latter type of treatment is considered an effective method of relieving the symptoms of dystonia.
The main physiotherapeutic procedures for VVD of the cardiac type:
- Electrophoresis - with pronounced symptoms with acute pain, the procedure can be carried out with the use of novocaine.
- "Pearl baths" - are used for severe stress.
- Massage.
- Charcot's shower - improves the patient's mood, normalizes blood pressure and the work of the vegetative-vascular system.
- Acupuncture.
- Impact on reflexogenic points.
- Physiotherapy.
- Climatotherapy - depending on the characteristics of the patient's body, the doctor selects the necessary climatic type of resort for him.
In addition, it is important to normalize the regimes of work and rest. Physical activity on the body should be moderate. Aerobic exercise has proven itself well in dystonia. If the IRR of the cardiac type has developed due to harmful working conditions, the patient should change his profession. Evening walks and sleep during the daytime are beneficial for the body. This will help reduce the risk of recurrence of signs of dystonia.
Vegetovascular dystonia worsens a person's well-being and reduces the quality of his life. In the absence of prevention and treatment, the condition of the patient with dystonia worsens, the symptoms begin to disturb more often. Indifference to one's own health can cause disability and shorten life expectancy.
In addition to the main methods of treatment for VVD, it is important to properly compose a diet. Since the main problems in dystonia are related to the heart, the patient should eat more foods high in potassium (honey, dried apricots, raisins, bananas and grapes). The benefit of potassium is that it favorably affects the functioning of the heart and improves the conduction of nerve impulses.
You should also give preference to those foods that are rich in magnesium. Magnesium deficiency in the body adversely affects the functioning of the heart and nervous system. Among the products with a high content of this element, experts name cereals, wholemeal flour and legumes, especially lentils.
In addition, it is desirable for the patient to include the following foods in the diet:- seaweed;
- spinach;
- almond;
- watermelons;
- products containing cocoa;
- hazelnuts.
This is not the only natural source of iodine, dairy products, fruits and vegetables are rich in it. Cereals, vegetables and fruits are also rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, which the body needs.
To restore a normal state of health, it is required to exclude spices, rich broths, smoked and fried foods from the diet. Their use adversely affects the healing process.
Disease prevention
A healthy lifestyle helps prevent the development of VVD, even despite the high risks of pathology.
Prevention methods:- elimination of bad habits;
- proper organization of the daily routine;
- moderate physical activity;
- avoidance of stressful situations;
- healthy eating;
- hardening of the body;
- taking vitamins and immunomodulators to strengthen immunity;
- increase in physical activity;
- reduction of anxiety, apathy;
- depression treatment.
Following the basic recommendations for prevention, the patient will be able to save himself from the VSD of the cardiac type. Since this disease is not always curable, it is easier to prevent its development.