For a good supply of internal organs with blood, a factor such as regular, rhythmic contractions of the heart is necessary. Bradycardia is one of the types of such a pathology as arrhythmia , the essence of which is a significant slowdown in heart rate, if more specifically, the frequency is released beyond the bar of 60 beats per minute, this disease occurs, in most cases, in adult men. The frequency of contractions depends on the speed and frequency of conducting electrical impulses through the heart muscle, more often impulses, our motor beats more often, and vice versa. Bradycardia often occurs against the background of various cardiac diseases, and sometimes in the case of non-cardiac diseases.
The main danger of this pathology is its severe form, characterized by a slowing of the rhythm of less than 40 beats per minute. In this case, the blood supply to the brain and internal organs is significantly disrupted. And unfortunately, there is a possibility of death.
Bradycardia is divided into three main types:
- Mild (50-60 bpm)
- Moderately pronounced (40-50 bpm)
- Pronounced (30-40 bpm)
You will learn more about this pathology, its causes, symptoms, and methods of treatment from this section.
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