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    Causes of swelling of the legs and face with hypertension

    Edema and high blood pressure: hypertension and its manifestations, symptoms, causes; prerequisites for the formation of edema; swelling in pregnant women; medical and folk methods of dealing with the disease; basics of clinical nutrition.

    Can an electric defibrillator start a stopped heart?

    What is fibrillation and defibrillation of the heart, what are the varieties of this procedure and how is it carried out, what are the indications for its implementation and are there any contraindications.

    Osteogenic sarcoma of the jaw symptoms

    Osteogenic sarcoma of the jaw: symptoms and diagnosis, causes, types of the disease, methods of treatment and prognosis.

    What is primary and secondary congenital heart disease ASD

    Atrial septal defect, classification, causes of congenital heart disease, hemodynamic features, clinical manifestations of the disease, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis.

    How to give first aid if the heart stops suddenly

    Cardiac arrest: attack mechanism; cardiac, extracardiac, medical and indirect causes of cardiac arrest; symptoms of an attack and first aid; consequences of cardiac arrest.

    Symptoms and causes of orthostatic hypotension

    Orthostatic hypotension, classification, causes and risk factors, disease symptoms, diagnostic methods, preparation for examination, treatment and prevention, main complications.

    Can different parts of the body go numb with vegetovascular dystonia

    Hand numbness in VVD: causes of symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the disease, other pathologies that cause a decrease in the sensitivity of the body.

    What to do if there is a lot of pressure in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart

    Why does pressing pain appear in the region of the heart? Symptoms of pain, cardiac and non-cardiac causes of pain, methods for diagnosing possible diseases, treatment of pressing chest pain, prevention.

    4 recipes for a decoction based on oats for hypertension

    Reasons for the development of arterial hypertension. Degrees of development and symptomatic picture of hypertension during progression. What is the main danger of pathology. How to use oats for hypertension recipes.

    Why pressure jumps during the day and how to choose the right course of treatment

    Jumps in blood pressure: pressure jumps from high to low, what to do, the danger of changes in blood pressure, possible causes, clinical picture, how to treat high and low blood pressure, prevention of complications.