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    Causes of hydropericardium development during pregnancy and in newborns

    Hydropericardium in the fetus: features of the disease, causes of pathology during pregnancy, methods of diagnosis and treatment, pericardiocentesis, development of the disease in newborns, statistics and prognosis.

    Sweating as a manifestation of high blood pressure

    High blood pressure and sweating: description of the pathology, causes, symptoms, excessive sweating with high blood pressure, therapeutic measures, dietary rules, lifestyle, folk methods.

    12 Causes of Secondary Cardiomyopathy

    What is secondary cardiomyopathy? The main causes of the development of the disease, the specifics of the course. Clinical manifestation of pathology in adults and children. The most effective methods of treating the disease.

    What to do with vegetative-vascular dystonia in pregnant women

    What causes VSD during pregnancy? The main causes and symptoms of the development of pathology. Is this disease dangerous for the fetus, and what complications can it provoke? Diagnosis and the most effective methods of treatment.

    How to treat mixed type vegetative-vascular dystonia

    Vegetovascular dystonia: causes and mechanism of development, risk factors, symptoms of VVD of a mixed type, possible complications, how diagnostics and treatment are carried out, methods of preventing pathology.

    5 main methods for diagnosing vegetative-vascular dystonia by cardiac type

    Vegetovascular dystonia by cardiac type, causes of the development of the disease, main symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, proper nutrition in VVD of the cardiac type, prevention.

    What should be the pulse during pregnancy

    The pulse is normal in pregnant women: because of which, women can have a quicker pulse during the bearing of a child. How can it be returned to normal, with the help of what examinations such problems are detected.

    What happens during an attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia

    VVD attack: what is vegetovascular dystonia, VVD attacks: classification, causes and symptoms, how to recognize a vegetative crisis, the course of the disease, stages of the disease, prevention, treatment.

    Is it possible to drink beer with high and low blood pressure

    Properties of the drink, beer for high blood pressure, beer for low blood pressure, drinking beer with medication.

    The need for treatment of arrhythmias and missed heartbeats

    Interruptions in the work of the heart at rest: normal work of the heart, interruptions in the work of the heart or arrhythmia (increase and slowness of the rhythm, skipping beats, pathologies in myocardial contraction), causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment.