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    False chorda of the left ventricle

    What is left ventricular accessory chord? How does an abnormally located chord in the cavity of the left ventricle affect the body? How to treat an additional chord of the left ventricle?

    Heart neurosis

    What is cardiac neurosis? Symptoms and treatment of cardioneurosis. How to treat heart neurosis with folk remedies? Measures of prevention in neurosis of the heart.

    Sinus arrhythmia in a child

    What is sinus arrhythmia in a child? Why does sinus arrhythmia occur in children? How do sinus rhythm disorders manifest themselves? How to treat sinus arrhythmia in children?

    A device for measuring pressure

    How to choose a device for measuring human pressure? What are the main types of blood pressure monitors? What are the pros and cons of devices for measuring human pressure?

    What is an intraventricular conduction disorder?

    Violation of intraventricular conduction of the heart: what is it? Why does conduction failure occur inside the ventricles? How do violations manifest themselves? Diagnosis and treatment of pathology.

    Symptoms and treatment of tachycardia at home

    What is tachycardia? Treatment at home: basic principles of therapy. How to treat tachycardia at home? Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of tachycardia.

    Folk remedies for heart failure

    What are the symptoms of heart failure? How to eliminate the symptoms: treatment with folk remedies and medications. Recipes of traditional medicine. Diet for heart failure.

    Child's heart murmur

    Why are heart murmurs dangerous in a child? What are the types of heart murmurs in a child? How to diagnose and treat cardiovascular pathology in children?

    What is acute coronary insufficiency?

    What is acute coronary insufficiency? What contributes to the development of pathology? What symptoms are typical for each form of AIO? What is the treatment for acute coronary insufficiency?

    Ischemia of the heart

    What is ischemic heart disease? What are the symptoms of pathology? What forms of coronary heart disease exist? What is the diagnosis and treatment of IHD?