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    Blood pressure is the force with which blood from the inside presses against the walls of blood vessels. Mankind discovered a way to measure it relatively recently, at the end of the nineteenth century. More specifically, we owe this discovery to the Italian scientist Riva Rocci. The device that he invented was huge, and now it has long been replaced by new generation devices. After the discovery of Rocci, at the beginning of the twentieth century, his device was significantly modernized by the Russian scientist N.S. Korotkov. It was he who introduced the method of measuring blood pressure through the brachial artery, which, by the way, is often found in our time.

    Norms and types

    The pressure in our body is not only arterial, since the vessels in our body are not limited to arteries alone. So there are other kinds of this constant, such as:

    • Capillary - internal pressure in the capillaries.
    • Venous - as the name implies, pressure in the veins.

    Measurements of the types described above are by no means as simple a process as in the case of blood pressure. But if necessary, specialists carry out the necessary procedures.

    The norm of blood pressure is considered to be an indicator of 120/80 the level of the mercury column, but these figures in the realities of the world can hardly ever remain static, because the body is constantly undergoing processes of adaptation to certain conditions.

    You will learn more about blood pressure and other types of pressure in this section.

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