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    Vertical, horizontal and other types of electrical position of the heart

    General definition, indicators of the normal position and causes of deviations of the electrical axis of the heart, the main methods of diagnosis, treatment and possible consequences of EOS displacement in children and adults.

    Names of pills that can be taken for angina attacks

    Treatment of angina pectoris - drugs and doses are set by a cardiologist. This is a dangerous disease that leads to the death of a person. How to treat angina pectoris, by what means? What dose does the patient need to get rid of the attack?

    Indications for RFA in ventricular extrasystoles

    What are extrasystoles and their classification. Causes of extrasystole. What is radiofrequency ablation (RFA). Extrasystoles after RFA

    Indications for coronary artery bypass surgery and patient reviews

    Cardiac bypass surgery - what is it, what is the procedure for and how does it proceed? The indications for surgery are considered, the risks and benefits are assessed, and the features of the recovery period are analyzed.

    Symptoms and treatment of extrasystole disease in the heart

    Extrasystole of the heart: what is it, causes of the violation, symptoms and complications, diagnosis and treatment, prevention, prognosis.

    Medicinal properties of red clover and contraindications for use in atherosclerosis

    How effective can be the treatment of atherosclerosis with meadow clover. Healing procedures and beneficial properties of this plant. Effective recipes of folk origin.

    How to relieve an attack of extrasystole with the help of folk remedies

    Extrasystole treatment at home: extrasystole (signs, causes of occurrence and development, course of the disease, stages of the disease), prevention, traditional treatment, home treatment, folk recipes.

    Treatment of hypertension complicated by gout

    What is dangerous combination of hypertension and gout? What are the symptoms of each disease? How to reduce pressure without exacerbating gouty arthritis with the help of pharmacy and folk remedies?

    What is the difference between the methods of treating heart palpitations in pregnant women in the early and late stages

    What causes tachycardia during pregnancy and which doctor should I contact? Is this disease dangerous for mom and baby? Symptoms and signs of pathology, diagnosis and main methods of treatment.

    Cough dry with blood and other signs of cough indicative of heart failure

    Can there be a cough with heart failure, symptoms and therapy differ from a cold cough? What are the causes, approaches to treatment and prevention? Diagnostic nuances.