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    Causes and treatment of low and high diastolic pressure

    Low diastolic pressure causes and treatment. If the second digit of your pressure is much lower than the norm, then urgent action must be taken.

    High blood pressure, what to do at home?

    High blood pressure, what to do at home? Causes and signs of high blood pressure. Basic measures to lower blood pressure at home

    Normalization of pressure with effective folk remedies

    Normalization of pressure by folk remedies. What is hypertension. Treatment of hypotension with folk methods. Treatment of increased intracranial pressure

    The pressure is normal and the pulse is high, what should I do?

    Increased heart rate at normal pressure, what to do? People often go to the doctor because of an increased heart rate, but at the same time, blood pressure indicators remain normal.

    A sharp increase in blood pressure, the causes of jumps in hypertension?

    A sharp increase in blood pressure, causes. The state when the pressure has dropped sharply is no less dangerous than jumps in blood pressure and its constant high level. Symptoms of pathologies are clearly expressed and require treatment

    What to do with high lower blood pressure?

    Why high lower blood pressure? What to do with high diastolic pressure? Why is the pressure rising? Danger of high blood pressure

    Does garlic increase or decrease blood pressure?

    Does garlic increase or decrease blood pressure? High blood pressure is one of the causes of heart attack and stroke. Therefore, doctors recommend eating garlic, but do not forget to take medicine.

    Does wine increase or decrease blood pressure?

    Does red wine raise or lower blood pressure? Features of the wine drink. What kind of wine affects blood pressure? Is it possible to drink wine with hypertension and hypertension?

    How to measure blood pressure with a manual sphygmomanometer?

    It is very important to know how to measure pressure with a manual sphygmomanometer. This will help control your blood pressure. thereby preventing pathological complications.

    Treatment of hypertension according to Dr. Myasnikov

    Dr. Myasnikov about hypertension: how to treat? Leading Medical Specialist Offers Advice on Hypertension Treatment and Prevention in 'About the Most Important' TV Show