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    Does cranberries lower or increase blood pressure in hypertension?

    Does Cranberry Lower or Raise Blood Pressure? The effect of cranberries on blood pressure. Features of the composition of cranberries. Useful properties of the plant for hypertension. Folk recipes based on cranberries for hypertension

    Increased intracranial pressure in children: symptoms and treatment

    Intracranial pressure, symptoms and treatment in children. What is intracranial pressure? Symptoms of pressure in a child. Features of diagnostics. Basic treatment measures

    Lingonberries and sea buckthorn increase or decrease blood pressure?

    It will be interesting to know if lingonberries increase or decrease blood pressure. Many people try to solve the problem of hypertension without the help of drugs. For this, various berries are used.

    What is biliary hypertension?

    Biliary hypertension as a symptomatic sign of more serious pathological foci in the liver requires timely diagnosis and reasonable treatment.

    Can you take aspirin if you have high or low blood pressure?

    Does aspirin raise or lower blood pressure? Features of the drug. The mechanism of action of the agent. When you should not take the drug. Rules for taking the drug to reduce pressure

    Can you run with hypertension?

    Running for hypertension: If you have high blood pressure, you can run and engage in other sports activities. Physical activity relieves symptoms of hypertension

    Prevention of high blood pressure

    Prevention of high blood pressure involves lifestyle changes. Treatment may not be required at all with timely access to a doctor.

    Types of tonometers for measuring pressure

    How to choose the right device for measuring blood pressure (mechanical or automatic blood pressure monitor), and lists recommendations for its use

    Why is the upper pressure high and the lower low, what to take?

    What to do if the upper pressure is high, the lower one is low, what to take with isolated systolic hypertension? Drug treatment: the most effective drugs. Will folk remedies help normalize blood pressure?

    How to lower and bring down heart pressure

    How to bring down heart pressure at home, and in what case it should be done. What folk recipes and drugs are effective in this case